Ialoilutepe Culture
Ialoilutepe Culture
an archaeological culture that flourished among the people of Caucasian Albania (Eastern Transcaucasia) from the third to first centuries B.C. The culture is named after the remains found in the vicinity of Ialoilutepe, Kut-kashen Raion, Azerbaijan SSR.
The settlements of the Ialoilutepe culture have not been studied extensively. There are flat-grave and barrow burial grounds, in which burials in jugs or mud-brick coffins were discovered, with the dead placed in a flexed position on their side. The burials contained tools (iron knives and sickles, stone mortars and pestles, millstones), weapons (iron daggers, arrowheads, and spear-points), and ornaments (gold earrings, bronze pendants, fibulae, and numerous beads). Most of the inventory in the burials comprised pottery, including cups, pitchers, footed vessels, and “teapots.” The economy was based on farming, including viticulture.