HP TouchPad

HP TouchPad

A webOS-based tablet from HP. Introduced in July 2011, TouchPad features were a 9.7" 1024x768 screen, Webcam, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, cellular GPS (A-GPS) and a display stand that served as a wireless charger. Seven weeks after introduction, the TouchPad was discontinued, and after the price was dramatically reduced, all remaining units flew off the shelves to be retrofitted into Android tablets (see Android ROM). TouchPad apps were downloaded from the Palm App Catalog online app store, which was later removed. See webOS and Palm.

The TouchPad Tablet
Although nicely equipped, HP's TouchPad had a short life in the summer of 2011. The display stand (top left) also served as the charging station. (Images courtesy of Hewlett-Packard Corporation).