Agrochemical Laboratory
Agrochemical Laboratory
(1) A specially equipped installation for analysis or instruction in agrochemical practices.
(2) An institution or independent branch of an institution or enterprise for special agrochemical research. Agrochemical laboratories in the USSR are of three types: educational (attached to agricultural educational institutions), scientific-research (attached to agricultural scientific-research institutes and experiment stations), and production-type, which are either regional laboratories forming part of the agricultural chemistry service or kolkhoz and sovkhoz laboratories set up at outstanding farms.
All work in agricultural chemistry service for kolkhozes and sovkhozes is performed by regional agrochemical laboratories, each of which serves an area of about 1 million ha of agricultural lands—oblast, krai, or republic. These laboratories are set up at agricultural scientific-research institutes and experiment stations. In 1968 there were 195 such laboratories in operation; they enjoyed a complement of standard equipment and instruments for use in line-type analytical work, performing more than 1,000 analyses daily. The staff of the regional agrochemical laboratories consists of agronomists, zootechnicians, cartographers, and other workers. Regional laboratories perform mass chemical analyses of soils, fertilizers, plants and fodders; compile agrochemical cartograms of farm lands based on soil analysis; conduct experimental work with fertilizers on kolkhoz and sovkhoz lands; and, on the basis of cartograms, results of field experiments, and other data, determine the fertilizer requirements of farms. It is the agrochemical laboratories which summarize studies of problems in agricultural chemistry service in their zone of activity and propagandize and introduce into agricultural practice the achievements of science and advanced experience in the chemicalization of agriculture and animal husbandry.
Posobie dlia rabotnikov agrokhimicheskikh laboratorii. Edited by A. V. Peterburgskii. Moscow, 1961.Radov, A. S., I. V. Pustovoi, and A. V. Korol’kov. Praktikum po agrokhimii. Moscow, 1965.
Rukovodstvo po sostavleniiu pochvennykh i agrokhimicheskikh kart. Moscow, 1964.