

单词 gotten



G0206000 (gŏt′n)v.A past participle of get1.


(ˈɡɒtən) vb1. (Phonetics & Phonology) a past participle of get2. have gotten (not usually in the infinitive) a. to have obtained: he had gotten a car for his 21st birthday. b. to have become: I've gotten sick of your constant bickering.



v. got, got got•ten, get•ting, v.t. 1. to receive or come to have possession, use, or enjoyment of: to get a gift; to get a pension. 2. to cause to be in one's possession or be available for one's use or enjoyment; obtain; acquire: to get a good price for a house; to get information. 3. to earn: to get the minimum wage. 4. to go after, take hold of, and bring (something) for oneself or another; fetch: She got the trunk from the attic. 5. to cause or cause to become, to do, to move, etc., as specified: to get one's hair cut; to get a fire to burn. 6. to communicate or establish communication with over a distance; reach: to get someone by telephone. 7. to hear or hear clearly: I didn't get your last name. 8. to acquire a mental grasp of; learn: to get a lesson. 9. to capture; seize: Get him before he escapes! 10. to receive as a punishment or sentence: to get a spanking; to get a year in jail. 11. to prevail on; influence or persuade: We'll get him to go with us. 12. to prepare; make ready: to get dinner. 13. (esp. of animals) to beget. 14. to affect emotionally: Her tears got me. 15. to hit, strike, or wound: The bullet got him in the leg. 16. to kill. 17. to take vengeance on: I'll get you yet! 18. to catch or be afflicted with: to get malaria while in the tropics; to get butterflies before a performance. 19. to receive (one's deserts, esp. punishment) (fol. by his, hers, theirs, or yours): You'll get yours! 20. to puzzle; irritate; annoy: Their silly remarks get me. 21. to understand; comprehend: to get a joke. v.i. 22. to come to a specified place; arrive; reach: to get home late. 23. to succeed, become enabled, or be permitted: You get to meet a lot of interesting people. 24. to become or to cause oneself to become as specified; reach a certain condition: to get ready; to get sick. 25. (used as an auxiliary verb fol. by a past participle to form the passive): to get married; to get hit by a car. 26. to succeed in coming, going, arriving at, visiting, etc. (usu. fol. by away, in, into, out, etc.): I don't get into town very often. 27. to bear, endure, or survive (usu. fol. by through or over): Will he get through another bad winter? 28. to earn money; gain. 29. to leave immediately: He told us to get. 30. to start or enter upon the action of (fol. by a present participle expressing action): to get moving. 31. get about, a. to move around physically from one place to another. b. to become known, as a rumor. c. to engage in social activities. 32. get across, a. to succeed in communicating or explaining: to get a message across. b. to be or become clearly understood: The message finally got across. 33. get ahead, to be successful, as in business or society. 34. get along, a. to go away; leave. b. to get on. 35. get around, a. to circumvent; outwit. b. to ingratiate oneself with (someone) by flattery or cajolery. c. to travel from place to place; circulate: I don't get around much anymore. d. to get about. 36. get at, a. to reach; touch. b. to suggest, hint at, or imply; intimate: What are you getting at? c. to discover; determine: to get at the root of a problem. 37. get away, a. to escape; flee. b. to start out; leave. 38. get away with, to do or steal without consequent punishment. 39. get back, a. to come back; return. b. to recover; regain. c. to be revenged. 40. get by, a. to get beyond; pass. b. to escape the notice of. c. to survive or manage minimally. d. to expend little effort; be merely adequate. 41. get down, a. to bring or come down; descend. b. to concentrate; attend. c. to depress; discourage; fatigue. d. to swallow. e. to relax and enjoy oneself completely. 42. get in, a. to enter. b. to arrive at a destination. c. to enter into close association (usu. fol. by with): getting in with the wrong crowd. d. to be or cause to be elected to office or accepted into a group. 43. get off, a. to dismount from or get out of. b. to begin a journey. c. to escape punishment. d. to help (someone) to escape punishment, esp. by providing legal assistance. e. to tell or write: to get off a joke. f. to have the effrontery: Where does he get off telling me what to do? g. to finish, as one's workday: We get off at five o'clock. h. Slang. to have orgasm or an intense experience likened to it. 44. get off on, Slang. to become enthusiastic about or excited by. 45. get on, a. to make progress; proceed; advance. b. to have sufficient means to manage, survive, or fare. c. to be on good terms; agree: She doesn't get on with her roommate. d. to advance in age: He is getting on in years. 46. get out, a. to leave (often fol. by of). b. to become publicly known. c. to withdraw or retire (often fol. by of). d. to produce or complete. 47. get over, a. to recover from: to get over an illness. b. to get across. 48. get through, a. to finish. b. to reach someone, as by telephone. c. to make oneself clearly understood. 49. get to, a. to get in touch or into communication with; contact. b. to make an impression on; affect. c. to begin. 50. get together, a. to accumulate; gather. b. to congregate; meet. c. to come to an accord; agree. 51. get up, a. to sit up or stand; arise. b. to rise from bed. c. to ascend or mount. d. to prepare; arrange; organize: to get up an exhibit. e. to draw upon; marshal; rouse: to get up one's courage. f. (used as a command to a horse to start moving or go faster.) g. to dress up, as in a costume or by adding embellishments. n. 52. an offspring or the total of offspring, esp. of a male animal: the get of a stallion. 53. a return of a ball, as in tennis, that would normally have resulted in a point for the opponent. Idioms: 1. get it, a. to be punished or reprimanded. b. to understand or grasp something. 2. get nowhere, to fail despite much action and effort. 3. get off someone's back or case, Slang. to cease to nag or criticize someone. 4. get somewhere, to have success in life or in reaching a specific goal. 5. get there, to reach one's goal; succeed. [1150–1200; Middle English < Old Norse geta to obtain, beget; c. Old English -gietan (Middle English yeten), Old Saxon -getan, Old High German -gezzan] get′ta•ble, get′a•ble, adj. usage: The use of get rather than of forms of to be in the passive (He won't get accepted with those grades) is found today chiefly in informal speech and writing. In American English gotten, although occasionally criticized, is an alternative standard past participle in most senses, esp. “to receive” and “to acquire”: I have gotten (or got) a dozen replies so far. have or has got meaning “must” has been in use since the early 19th century, often contracted: You've got to carry your passport everywhere. In the sense “to possess” this construction dates to the 15th century and is also often contracted: She's got a master's degree in biology. Occasionally condemned as redundant, these uses are nevertheless standard in all varieties of speech and writing. got without have or has meaning “must” (I got to buy a new suit) is characteristic of highly informal speech. gotta is a pronunciation spelling representing this use. pron: The pronunciation (git) for get has existed since the 16th century. The same change is exhibited in (kin) for can and (yit) for yet. The pronunciation (git) is not regional and occurs in all parts of the country. It is most common as an unstressed syllable: Let's get going! (lets′ git gō′ing). In educated speech the pronunciation (git) in stressed syllables is rare and sometimes criticized. When get is an imperative meaning “leave immediately,” the pronunciation is usu. facetious: Now get! (nou` git′).


In American English, gotten is usually the -ed participle of get. It is used to mean 'obtained', 'received', 'become', or 'caused to be'.

He had gotten his boots out of the closet.He has gotten something in his eye.He had gotten very successful since she last saw him.I had gotten quite a lot of work done that morning.

It is also used in many phrasal verbs and phrases.

He must have gotten up at dawn.We should have gotten rid of him.

Be Careful!
Don't use have gotten to mean 'possess'. For example, don't say 'I have gotten a headache' or 'He has gotten two sisters'.

Be Careful!
In British English, the -ed participle of get is got, not 'gotten'.

p.p. di di to get


  • get (a) bad press
  • get (a) good press
  • get (all) het up
  • get (an amount of money) for (something)
  • get (any) ideas
  • get (one) nowhere
  • get (one) off the hook
  • get (one's) claws into (someone)
  • get (one's) dander up
  • get (one's) ducks in a row
  • get (one's) Dutch up
  • get (one's) end away
  • get (one's) eye
  • get (one's) feet under the table
  • get (one's) fill
  • get (one's) finger out
  • get (one's) hands dirty
  • get (one's) head around (something)
  • get (one's) head together
  • get (one's) hopes up
  • get (one's) knickers in a twist
  • get (one's) marching orders
  • get (one's) mind around (something)
  • get (one's) monkey up
  • get (one's) say
  • get (one's) shirt out
  • get (one's) signals crossed
  • get (one's) start (in something)
  • get (one's) tits in a wringer
  • get (one's)/the facts straight
  • get (oneself) in gear
  • get (some) steam up
  • get (someone or something) under (one's) control
  • get (something) in apple-pie order
  • get (something) in one
  • get (something) in(to) perspective
  • get (something) moving
  • get (something) off pat
  • get (something) off the shelf
  • get (something) on tick
  • get (something) out of perspective
  • get (something) over and done with
  • get (something) straight from the horse's mouth
  • get a can on
  • get a cob on
  • get a fair shake
  • get a fix on (one)
  • get a foothold
  • get a foothold in (something)
  • get a free hand
  • get a free ride
  • get a fresh start
  • get a gift of (something)
  • get a grip
  • get a guernsey
  • get a hammering
  • get a hurry on
  • get a laugh
  • get a load of this
  • get a load on
  • get a look in
  • get a pasting
  • get a quart into a pint pot
  • get a rain check
  • get a raw deal
  • get a roasting
  • get a taste for (something)
  • get a thick ear
  • get a ticket
  • get a toehold
  • get a wriggle on
  • get a/(one's) foot in the door
  • get a/(one's) leg in the door
  • get a/(one's) second breath
  • get aboard
  • get about
  • get along on (something)
  • get along with (someone)
  • get along without
  • get an earful
  • get an even break
  • get an eyeful
  • get an inkling (of something)
  • get an/the itch for (something)
  • get an/the itch to (do something)
  • get anywhere
  • get around to (doing something)
  • get at (someone or something)
  • get at the root of the problem
  • get away
  • get away from it all
  • get away scot-free
  • get away with murder
  • get axed
  • get back on the rails
  • get back to basics
  • get back to nature
  • get behind in (something)
  • get behind on (something)
  • get behind with (something)
  • get bent out of shape
  • get better
  • get beyond a joke
  • get blood from a stone
  • get blood out of a stone
  • get brain
  • get busy
  • get butterflies in (one's) stomach
  • get carried away
  • get cold feet
  • get done for (something)
  • get down to (doing something)
  • get down to brass tacks
  • get down to cases
  • get down to it
  • get down to some serious drinking
  • get down to the facts
  • get down to the nuts and bolts
  • get enough courage up (to do something)
  • get enough guts up (to do something)
  • get enough nerve up (to do something)
  • get enough pluck up (to do something)
  • get enough spunk up (to do something)
  • get euchred out of (something)
  • get even
  • get even with
  • get face
  • get flak
  • get from A to B
  • get goose bumps
  • get goose flesh
  • get goose pimples
  • get heavy
  • get hell
  • get hip to (someone or somebody)
  • get hold of (oneself)
  • get hold of the right end of the stick
  • get hold of the wrong end of the stick
  • get hot
  • get hot under the collar
  • get in (one's) hair
  • get in a bad mood
  • get in arrears
  • get in deeper
  • get in Dutch (with someone)
  • get in good shape
  • get in harm's way
  • get in sync (with someone or something)
  • get in the act
  • get in the groove
  • get in the swing of it/things
  • get in there
  • get in touch with (something)
  • get in tune with the times
  • get in vogue
  • get in(to)
  • get in(to) a flap
  • get in(to) a lather
  • get in(to) a rut
  • get in(to) a tizz(y)
  • get in(to) heat
  • get in(to) shape
  • get in(to) step (with someone or something)
  • get in(to) the mainstream (of something)
  • get in(to) time (with someone or something)
  • get in(to) trouble
  • get infested with (something)
  • get inside
  • get intimate with (someone)
  • get into (a bit of) a jam
  • get into (bit of) a jam
  • get into (one's) stride
  • get into a (tight) spot
  • get into a fight
  • get into a fix
  • get into a huddle
  • get into a lather
  • get into a mess
  • get into a vicious circle
  • get into an argument
  • get into bad company
  • get into bed with (someone or something)
  • get into debt
  • get into focus
  • get into it
  • get into power
  • get into print
  • get into the swing of it/things
  • get into the way
  • get into the wrong hands
  • get into trouble
  • get it (all) together
  • get it in the neck
  • get it on
  • get it over with
  • get it together
  • get itchy feet
  • get itchy fingers
  • get kicked to the curb
  • get knocked out cold
  • get laid
  • get lost in translation
  • get lucky
  • get mad
  • get married
  • get mixed up in (something)
  • get naked
  • get nasty
  • get nowhere fast
  • get off (one's) back
  • get off (one's) case
  • get off (one's) high horse
  • get off a few good ones
  • get off at (some place)
  • get off easy
  • get off on (something)
  • get off on the right foot
  • get off on the wrong foot
  • get off the dime
  • get off the ground
  • get off the mark
  • get off to a false start
  • get off to a flying start
  • get off to a fresh start
  • get off to sleep
  • get off-kilter
  • get on (one's) wick
  • get on (someone or something)
  • get on famously
  • get on for (something)
  • get on in the company
  • get on in the world
  • get on in years
  • get on the (phone) extension
  • get on the horn
  • get on the phone
  • get on the stick
  • get on the wrong side of (someone)
  • get on the wrong side of the law
  • get on to (something)
  • get on top of (one)
  • get on top of (something)
  • get on with (someone)
  • get onto
  • get onto the phone
  • get out of a jam
  • get out of a/this/that mess
  • get out of bed on the wrong side
  • get out of control
  • get out of hand
  • get out of hock
  • get out of jail
  • get out of kilter
  • get out of sync (with someone or something)
  • get out of time (with someone or something)
  • get out of town
  • get past (someone or something)
  • get pasted
  • get pinked
  • get pinned for (something
  • get pins and needles
  • get pissed off
  • get played like a fiddle
  • get plugged into (something)
  • get PO'd
  • get religion
  • get right
  • get right on (something)
  • get riled up
  • get scabbed
  • get screwed
  • get serious
  • get smart (with one)
  • get snowed
  • get some rays
  • get some shuteye
  • get something going
  • get something straight
  • get spliced
  • get square with (one)
  • get squiffy
  • get started on (something)
  • get steamed up
  • get straight
  • get straight to the point
  • get stupid drunk
  • get the (dead) needle
  • get the advantage of (something)
  • get the all-clear
  • get the ax(e)
  • get the ball rolling
  • get the best of (someone or something)
  • get the boot
  • get the bullet
  • get the chop
  • get the cold shoulder
  • get the courage up (to do something)
  • get the devil
  • get the drift of (something)
  • get the feeling
  • get the first crack at (something)
  • get the gate
  • get the go-by
  • get the guts up (to do something)
  • get the hook
  • get the hump
  • get the idea
  • get the inside track
  • get the jitters
  • get the kinks ironed out
  • get the kinks out
  • get the lead out
  • get the low-down
  • get the measure of (someone or something)
  • get the munchies
  • get the nerve up (to do something)
  • get the nod
  • get the OK
  • get the pluck up (to do something)
  • get the point
  • get the push
  • get the run of (some place)
  • get the sack
  • get the shivers
  • get the short end
  • get the short end of the stick
  • get the shove
  • get the show on the road
  • get the silent treatment
  • get the sniffles
  • get the snuffles
  • get the spunk up (to do something)
  • get the stick
  • get the W
  • get the weather gage of (someone or something)
  • get the whetstone
  • get the whip hand
  • get the wooden spoon
  • get the word
  • get the worst of (something)
  • get the wrinkles out (of something)
  • get the wrong idea (about someone or something)
  • get thee behind me
  • get thin on top
  • get through
  • get tired of (something)
  • get to first base
  • get to the bottom of (something)
  • get to the point
  • get to the root of (something)
  • get to the root of the problem
  • get to the top (of something)
  • get together
  • get torqued off
  • get tough
  • get turfed
  • get turfed out
  • get under (one's) skin
  • get under (something)
  • get under way
  • get untracked
  • get up
  • get up a (full) head of steam
  • get up a thirst
  • get up an appetite
  • get up off (of) (something)
  • get up on the wrong side of (the) bed
  • get up to (something)
  • get used
  • get vibrations
  • get weaving
  • get well
  • get wet
  • get while the getting is good
  • get while the going is good
  • get wind of (something)
  • get word (from someone or something)
  • give (one) the sack
  • got it bad
  • ill-gotten gains
  • not get (one's) hopes up
  • not get a wink of sleep
  • What's got(ten) into (someone)?




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更新时间:2025/3/27 9:49:31