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DictionarySeeepidemic hemorrhagic feverEncyclopediaSeehantavirushemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome
hem·or·rhag·ic fe·ver with re·nal syn·dromea form of disorder caused by the Hantaan virus. Synonym(s): epidemic hemorrhagic fever, Korean hemorrhagic fever, Manchurian hemorrhagic fever, Songo feverAn Eastern Asia infection caused by Hantavirus, a Bunyavirus isolated in the Hantaan River, acquired via aerosolized rodent feces and urine—Rattus rattus, Apodemus agrarius, Clethrionomys glariolus, Microtus spp; 100,000 cases/year in China, and may be increased Prognosis Mortality rate is determined by the vector itself, Apodemus-associated infections—3–7% mortality is worse than nephropathia epidemica, which has a vole—Clethrionomys vectorhem·or·rhag·ic fe·ver with re·nal syn·drome (hem'ŏr-aj'ik fē'vĕr rē'năl sin'drōm) A condition caused by a Hantavirus, which is transmitted to humans by contact with or inhalation of contaminated rodent body fluids. Compare: epidemic hemorrhagic fever Synonym(s): haemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome. hemorrhagic fever with renal syndromeAn arthropod-borne viral disease caused by the Hantavirus or related viruses. See: hantavirus pulmonary syndromeSee HFRS See HFRS |