

asafetida asafoetida (as) a last resort as all get-out as always
as a matter of fact as a matter of routine​/​course as a matter of urgency​/​priority as american as apple pie asana
asap as a person as appropriate as a rule as...as anything
as...as the next person​/​guy​/​man​/​woman etc. as...as the next person​/​man​/​woman etc as...as usual​/​possible​/​necessary​/​expected as a whole asbestos
asbo (as) bold as brass a scale model​/​drawing etc a scale model​/​drawing etc. ascend
ascendancy ascendant ascending ascend the throne ascension
ascent ascertain ascetic ascii ascii art
ascii file as clean as a whistle as clear as mud (as) clear​/​plain as day as cool as a cucumber
ascorbic acid ascot ascribe asd (as) dead as a dodo
(as) deaf as a post as distinct from as dry as a bone (as) dull as dishwater/ditchwater (as) dull as dishwater​/​ditchwater
asean a sea of something as early as (as) easy as falling off a log (as) easy as pie
a seat at the table a sense of humor failure a sense of humour failure a sense of occasion a sense of proportion
aseptic as ever asexual asexuality asexual reproduction
as far as i know​/​can remember​/​can see​/​can tell as (far as) i recall as far as it goes as far as possible as far as someone/something is concerned
as far as someone​/​something is concerned as fast as your legs can carry you as few as as flat as a pancake as follows
as for as fresh as a daisy as good as finished​/​dead etc as good as finished​/​dead etc. as good as new
as good as your word as good a time​/​place etc as any as good a time​/​place etc. as any as guilty​/​ugly​/​miserable as sin ash
a shadow of your former self ashamed as happy as a clam as hard as nails ashcan
as hell ashen ashore a short​/​tight leash a shot in the arm
a shot in the dark a shoulder to cry on ashram ashtray ash wednesday
asia asian asian american asian-american asia-pacific
asiatic aside aside from as if as if by magic
as if you own the place a sight for sore eyes a sight more​/​less a sign of the times a silence​/​hush falls
as i live and breathe asinine as is as is​/​does​/​has etc someone as is​/​does​/​has etc. someone
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