

half as much​/​many again half-assed halfback half-baked half bath
halfbike half birthday half board half-breed half brother
half-caste half-cock half-cocked half-crazed half crown
half-cut half-day half dollar half-hearted half hope​/​hoping (that)
half-hour half-hourly half-inch half-life half-light
half-mast half-measure half-moon half note half past one​/​two etc
half past one​/​two etc. halfpenny half pipe half-price half sibling
half sister half step half term stamp duty stamped addressed envelope
stampede stamping ground stamp of approval stamp on stamp out
stamp your feet stamp your foot stamp your mark on something -stan stan
stance stanch stanchion stand stand about
stand accused of something stand a chance​/​hope (of doing something) stand against stand alone stand-alone
stand apart standard standard-bearer standard deviation standard english
standardise standard-issue standardize standard lamp standard letter
standard of living standard of proof standard & poor standard time stand around
stand aside stand at stand back stand behind stand between
stand by standby stand down standee stand fast​/​firm
stand firm standfirst stand for stand in stand-in
standing standing army standing charge standing joke standing order
standing ovation standing room standing stone stand in line stand in someone’s way​/​path
stand in the way of something stand-off standoff stand-offish standoffish
stand on your dignity stand on your head​/​hands stand on your own (two) feet stand or fall by​/​on something stand out
standout stand out against stand out for stand out in a crowd stand out to somebody
stand over stand pat standpipe standpoint st andrew
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