millions of computers linked together in a network that allows people all over the world to exchange information. The internet is often simply called the Net.
Do you have access to the internet?
Students should be encouraged to use the internet as a resource.
on the internet:
The groupposted the names of the men on the internet.
over the internet:
It’s almost impossible to policematerialsent over the internet.
Synonyms and related words
General words for the internet and world wide web
Web 2.0
Web 3.0
the internet
only before nounrelating to the internet
Internet businesses are booming as never before.
How much are your internet connectioncharges?
We offer a full range of internet services.
Synonyms and related words
General words for the internet and world wide web
Web 2.0
Web 3.0
the internet
See alsothe World Wide Web
win the internet
to post something on social media or a website that many people think is extremely funny, interesting, etc
Our 10-step guide on How to Win the Internet is sure to turn you into an #influencer in no time.
Submitted from: United Kingdom on 24/02/2017
the internet
noun singular
or the Internet
US /ˈɪntərˌnet/
millions of computers linked together in a network that allows people all over the world to exchange information. The internet is often simply called the Net.
Do you have access to the internet?
Students should be encouraged to use the internet as a resource.
on the internet:
The groupposted the names of the men on the internet.
over the internet:
It’s almost impossible to policematerialsent over the internet.
Synonyms and related words
General words for the internet and world wide web
Web 2.0
Web 3.0
the internet
only before nounrelating to the internet
Internet businesses are booming as never before.
How much are your internet connectioncharges?
We offer a full range of internet services.
Synonyms and related words
General words for the internet and world wide web
Web 2.0
Web 3.0
the internet
See alsothe World Wide Web
win the internet
to post something on social media or a website that many people think is extremely funny, interesting, etc
Our 10-step guide on How to Win the Internet is sure to turn you into an #influencer in no time.