释义 |
Tabs | Headwords | 2 | underemployed, underequipped, underexposed, underfed, underfinanced, underfloor, underfoot, underfunded, undergarment, undergird, undergo, undergone, undergraduate, undergrowth, underhang, underlain, underlay, underlie, underline, underling, underlying, undermanned, undermentioned, undermine, underneath, undernourished, underpaid, underpants, underpass, underpay, underperform, underpin, underpinning, underplay, underpopulated, underprice, underprivileged, underproduction, underrate, underrated, underrepresented, underresourced, underscore, undersea, undersecretary, undersexed, undershirt, undershoot, undershorts, underside, undersized, underskirt, undersold, underspecified, underspent, understaffed, understand, understandable, understate, understated, understatement, understeer, understood, undertake, undertaken, undertaker, undertaking, undertone, undertook, undertow, underused, underutilized, undervalue, underwater, underway, underwear, underweight, underwent, underwhelmed, underwhelming, underworld, underwrite, underwriter, underwritten, underwrote, under/in the guise of, undeserved, undetected, undeterred, undeveloped, undid, undies, undignified, undiluted, undiminished, undiplomatic, undiscerning, undisciplined, undisclosed, undiscovered, undiscriminating, undisguised, undismayed, undisputed, undistinguished, undisturbed, undivided, undo, undoing, undone, undoubted, undoubtedly, undp, undreamed-of, undressed, undrinkable, undue, undulate, unduly, undying, unearned, unearned income, unearth, unearthly, unearthly hour, unease, uneasiness, uneasy, uneatable, uneaten, uneconomic, uneconomical, unedifying, uneditable, uneducated, unelected, unembarrassed, unemotional, unemployable, unemployed, unemployment, unemployment benefit, unemployment compensation, unencumbered, unending, unendurable, unenforceable, unenthusiastic, unenviable, unepic, unequal, unequalled, unequivocal, unerring, unesco, unethical, uneven, uneventful, unexceptionable, unexceptional, unexcited, unexciting, unexpected, unexplained, unexploded, unexplored, unexpurgated, unfailing, unfair, unfaithful, unfaltering, unfamiliar, unfashionable, unfasten, unfathomable, unfavorable, unfavourable, unfazed, unfccc, unfeasible, unfeeling, unfeigned, unfettered, unfiltered, unfinished, unfit, unfit to plead, unfitting, unflagging, unflappable, unflattering, unflinching, unfocused, unfold, unfollow, unforced error, unforeseeable, unforeseen, unforgettable, unforgivable, unforgiving, unformatted, unformed, unforthcoming, unfortunately, unfounded, unfreedom, unfrequented, unfriend, unfriendly, unfuckupable, unfulfilled, unfunny, unfurl, unfurnished, ungainly, ungenerous, ungentlemanly, unglamorous, unglued, ungodly, ungodly hour, ungovernable, ungracious, ungrammatical, ungrateful, ungroomed, unguarded, unguent, ungulate, unhampered, unhappen, unhappy, unharmed, unhcr, unhealthy, unheard, unheard-of, unheeded, unhelpful, unheralded, unhesitating, unhinge, unhitch, unholy, unholy alliance, unhook, unhoped-for, unhurried, unhurt, unhygienic, uni, uni-, unibrow, unicef, unicellular, unicode, unicoiner, unicorn, unicorn company, unicorn food, unicycle, unidentifiable, unidentified, unification, unified, unified comms, uniformed, uniformity, unify, unilateral, unilateral contract, unilateralism, unimaginable, unimaginative, unimpaired, unimpeachable, unimpeded, unimportant, unimpressed, unimpressive, unindustrialised, unindustrialized, uninformative, uninformed, uninhabitable, uninhabited, uninhibited, uninitiated, uninspired, uninspiring, uninstall, unintelligent, unintelligible, unintended, unintentional, uninterested, uninteresting, uninterrupted, uninvite, uninvited, uninviting, union, union flag, union jack, union territory, unionize, unionized, uniqueifier, uniquely, uniqueness, uniscooter, unisex, unit, unit cost, unit price, unit set, unit trust, unitarian, unitary, unite, united, united arab emirates, united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland, united states of america, unity, universal basic income, universal credit, universal grammar, universal indicator, universal suffrage, universe, university, unix, unjust, unjust enrichment, unjustifiable, unjustified, unkempt, unkind, unknowable, unknowing, unknowingly, unknown quantity, unknown unknown, unladylike, unlawful, unlawful act manslaughter, unleaded, unlearn, unleash, unleavened, unless, unless i’m mistaken, unlettered, unlicensed, unlife, unlikely, unlimited, unlined, unlisted, unlit, unload, unlooked-for, unloose, unlovable, unloved, unlovely, unlucky, unmade, unman, unmanageable, unmanly, unmanned, unmanned aerial vehicle, unmannerly, unmarked, unmarried, unmask, unmatched, unmemorable, unmentionable, unmet, unmetered, unmissable, unmistakable, unmitigated, unmoved, unnamed, unnatural, unnaturally, unnecessary, unnerve, unnoticed, unnumbered, unobserved, unobtainable, unobtainium, unobtrusive, unoccupied, unofficial, unopened, unopposed, unorganized, unorthodox, unpack, unpaid, unpalatable, unparalleled, unpardonable, unparliamentary, unpatriotic, unpaved, unperson, unperturbed, unpick, unplanned, unplayable, unpleasant, unpleasantness, unpleasantry, unplug, unplugged, unpopular, unpreachy, unprecedented, unpredictability, unpredictable, unprejudiced, unpremeditated, unprepared, unprepossessing, unpretentious, unpreventable, unpriced, unprincipled, unprintable, unproblematic, unprocedural, unproductive, unprofessional, unprofitable, unpromising, unprompted, unpronounceable, unprotected, unproven, unprovoked, unpublish, unpublished, unpunished, unputdownable, unqualified, unquenchable, unquestionable, unquestioned, unquestioning, unquiet, unquote, unrated, unravel, unreadable, unreal, unrealistic, unreality, unrealized, unreasonable, unreasoning, unrecognizable, unrecognized, unreconstructed, unrecorded, unrecoverable error, unrefined, unregenerate, unregulated, unrelated, unrelenting, unreliability, unreliable, unrelieved, unremarkable, unremarked, unremitting, unrepeatable, unrepentant, unrepresentative, unrequited, unreserved, unresisting, unresolved, unresponsive, unresponsive wakefulness, unrest, unrestrained, unrestricted, unretire, unretired, unretirement, unretweet, unreviewable, unrewarded, unrewarding, unripe, unroadworthy, unroll, unruffled, unruly, unsafe, unsaid, unsalted, unsanitary, unsarcastically, unsatisfactory, unsatisfied, unsatisfying, unsaturated, unsayable, unscathed, unscheduled, unschooling, unscientific, unscramble, unscrew, unscripted, unscrupulous, unsealed road, unseasonable, unseasonably, unseat, unsecured, unsee, unseeded, unseeing, unseemly, unselfconscious, unselfish, unselfishness, unsettle, unsettled, unsettling, unshaken, unshaven, unshriven, unsighted, unsightly, unsigned, unskilled, unsmiling, unsociable, unsocial, unsold, unsolicited, unsolvable, unsolved, unsophisticated, unsought, unsound, unsourced, unsparing, unspeakable, unspecified, unspectacular, unspent, unspiritual, unspoiled, unspoken, unsporting, unsportsmanlike, unspun, unstable, unstarriness, unstarry, unstated, unsteadily, unsteady, unstinted, unstinting, unstoppable, unstressed, unstructured, unstrung, unstuck, unstudied, unsub, unsubscribe, unsubstantiated, unsuccessful, unsuitable, unsuited, unsullied, unsung, unsupported, unsupportive, unsure, unsure of yourself, unsurpassed, unsurprising, unsurprisingly, unsuspected, unsuspecting, unsustainable, unswerving, unsympathetic, untainted, untangle, untapped, untenable, unthinkable, unthinking, untidy, untie, until further notice, until/till you are blue in the face, untimely, untiring, untitled, unto, untold, untouched, untoward, untrained, untranslatable, untransmittable, untreated, untried, untrimmed, untrodden, untroubled, untrue, untrustworthy, untruth, untruthful, untutored, untypical, ununderstandable, ununtrium, unusable, unusual, unusually, unutterable, unvaccinatable, unvarnished, unvarying, unveil, unveiling, unvoiced, unwaged, unwanted, unwarranted, unwary, unwashed, unwavering, unwed, unwelcome, unwelcoming, unwell, unwholesome, unwieldy, unwilling, unwind, unwise, unwitting, unwittingly, unwitty, unwonted, unworkable, unworldly, unworried, unworthy, unwound, unwrap, unwritten, unyielding, unzip, up against something, up and about, up and do something, up and down, up for grabs, up for sale, up for something, up front, up in arms, up on something/up with something, up sticks, up the duff, up to a point, up to scratch, up to someone, up to something, up to speed, up to your neck/ears/eyes in something, up to your old/usual tricks, up to/until/till something, up-, up-and-coming, up-country, up-lit, up-tempo, up-to-date, up-to-the-minute, upbeat, upbraid, upbringing, upc, upchuck, upcoming, upcycling, updraft, upend, upfront, upheaval, upheld, uphill, uphold, upholster, upholstered, upholstery, upkeep, upland rice, uplifted, uplifting, uplighter, uplist, upload, upmarket, upon, upper case, upper house, upper school, upperclassman, uppercut, uppermost, uppity, upraised, upright piano, uprising, upriver, uproar, uproarious, uproot, ups, ups-a-daisy, upscale, upsell, upset someone’s stomach, upset yourself, upsetting, upshot, upside down, upskill, upskilling, upskirter, upskirting, upspeak, upstanding, upstate, upstream, upsum, upsurge, upswing, upsy-daisy, uptake, uptalk, upthrust, uptick, uptight, uptime, uptown, uptrend, upturn, upturned, upvc, upvote, upwardly mobile, upwards, upwind, uramaki, uranium, uranus, urban, urban exploration, urban explorer, urban furniture, urban golf, urban myth, urban renewal, urban sprawl, urban warrior, urbane, urbanist, urbanite, urbanization, urbanized, urbex, urbexer, urchin, urdu, urea, ureter, urethra, urge on, urgency, urgent, urgrund, urinal, urinary, urinate, urine, url, url slug, urn, uroborus, urogenital, urology, ursine, uruguay, us, usability, usable, usage, usage-based acquisition, usance, usb, usb device, usb drive, usb port, use up, use your head, use your imagination, use-by date, used, useful, useful idiot, usefully, usefulness, useless, usenet, user, user base, user experience, user group, user guide, user-friendly, userid, username, ushanka, usher in, usherette, usp, uss, ussie, ustad, usual, usually, usufruct, usurer, usurp, usury, utang na loob, utc, utd, ute, utensil, uterine, uterus, uti, utilise, utilitarian, utilitarianism, utility, utility program, utility room, utilize, utmost, utopia, utopian, utopianism, utterance, utterly, uttermost, uv, uva, uvb, uvula, uvular, uwu, ux, uxoricide, uxorious, uzbekistan, uzi, v sign, v-card, v-chip, v-cjd, v-e day, v-j day, v-neck, v8, va, vacancy, vacant, vacate, vacationer, vacay, vaccinate, vaccine, vaccine hesitancy, vacillate, vacuity, vacuole, vacuous, vacuum cleaner, vacuum pump, vacuum-packed, vagabond, vagaries, vagina, vaginal seeding, vagitus, vagrancy, vagrant, vague, vague language, vaguebooking, vaguely, vain, vainglorious, vajayjay, vajazzling, valance, vale, valediction, valedictorian, valedictory, valence, valenki, valentine, valentine’s day, valet parking, valetudinarian, valiant, valid, validate, validity, valise, valium, valley, valley girl, valor, valorize, valour, valuable, valuables, valuation, value added, value added tax, value chain, value judgment, valueless, valve, vamoose, vamp, vampire, vampire facelift, vampiristic, van, vanadium, vandal, vandalise, vandalism, vandalization, vandalize, vane, vanguard, vanish, vanishing point, vanishingly, vanity, vanity case, vanity press, vanity url, vanquish, vantage point, vanuatu, vape, vape juice, vapid, vaping, vapor, vaporize, vaporwave, vapour, var, variability, variable cost, variance, variant | 2 | variant cjd, variation, varices, varicose veins, varied, variegated, variety, various, variously, varlet, varroa mite, varsity, varsity jacket, vary, varying, vascular, vase, vasectomy, vaseline, vasoconstriction, vasoconstrictor, vasodilator, vassal, vassal state, vast, vastly, vatican city, vaudeville, vaudeville theater, vaulted, vaunted, vaw, vbt, vc, vcr, vd, vdr, vdsl, vdt, vdu, veal, veblen goods, vector, veda, vedic, veejay, veep, veer, vegan, veganarchism, vegangelical, veganism, veganize, veganuary, vegeburger, vegemite, vegetable, vegetarianism, vegetate, vegetation, vegetative, veggan, veggie burger, vegivore, vehement, vehicle, vehicular, veiled, veiled in secrecy/mystery, vein, velar, velcro, veld, velleity, vellum, velociraptor, velocitization, velocity, velodrome, velour, velum, velvet, velvety, vena cava, venal, vend, vendee, vendetta, vending machine, vendor, vendrification, vendy, veneer, venerable, venerate, venereal disease, venetian blind, venezuela, vengeance, vengeful, venial, venison, venn diagram, venom, venomous, venous, ventilate, ventilation, ventilator, ventlight, ventral, ventricle, ventricular, ventriloquist, venture capital, venturer, venturesome, venue, venus, venus flytrap, veracious, veracity, veranda, verb group, verb phrase, verbal noun, verbalize, verbally, verbatim, verbiage, verbing, verbivore, verbize, verbose, verboten, verdant, verdict, verdigris, verdure, veridical, verifiable, verify, verily, verisimilitude, veritable, verity, verjuice, vermicelli, vermilion, vermin, verminous, vermouth, vernacular, vernal, verruca, versa, versatile, versed, version, versioning, verso, versus, vertebra, vertebral column, vertebrate, vertex, vertical farm, vertical farming, vertical integration, vertical tutoring, vertiginous, vertigo, verve, very, very funny, very much so, vesicle, vespers, vespertine, vessel, vested interest, vestibule, vestige, vestigial, vestment, vestry, vetch, veterinarian, veterinary, veterinary surgeon, vex, vexation, vexatious, vexatious litigant, vexed, vexillology, vexing, vga, vhf, vhs, via, viable, viaduct, viagra, vial, viands, vibe, vibrant, vibraphone, vibrate, vibration, vibrato, vibrator, vicar, vicarage, vicarious, vicarious liability, vice, vice admiral, vice chancellor, vice squad, vice versa, vice-, vice-like, viceroy, vichy republican, vicinity, vicious, vicious circle, vicissitudes, victim, victim blaming, victim impact statement, victimhood, victimise, victimize, victimless, victor, victoria cross, victoriana, victorious, victory, victualler, victuals, vicuna, vid, video adapter, video arcade, video camera, video card, video cassette, video clip, video conference, video game, video jockey, video mapping, video recorder, videobombing, videoconference, videoconferencing, videocracy, videogram, videographer, videographic, videophone, videotext, vie, vietnam, viewdata, viewer, viewership, viewfinder, viewing, viewpoint, viewscreen, vigil, vigilance, vigilant, vigilante, vigilantism, vignette, vigor, vigorous, vigour, vike, viking, viking clap, vile, vilify, villa, village green, village idiot, villager, villain, villainous, villainy, villein, villus, vim, vinaigrette, vindaloo, vindicate, vindictive, vine, vinegar, vinegary, viner, vineyard, vino, vintage car, vintner, vinyl, viol, viola, violate, violation, violence, violent, violently, violin, vip, viper, virago, viral load, viral marketing, virality, virgin islander, virgin islands (british), virginal, virginals, virginia creeper, virginity, virgo, virgo intacta, viridescent, virile, virility, virology, virome, virtual, virtual learning environment, virtual memory, virtual model, virtual reality, virtual session, virtual water, virtualization, virtually, virtue, virtue signalling, virtuosity, virtuoso, virtuous, virtuous circle, virulent, virus, virus checker, vis-à-vis, visa, visage, viscera, visceral, viscerotonia, viscose, viscosity, viscount, viscountess, viscous, vise, vishing, visibility, visibilize, visible, visible to the naked eye, visibly, vision, vision statement, visit on, visitation, visiting card, visiting hours, visiting professor, visitor, visitors’ book, visor, vista, visual aid, visual arts, visual display unit, visual snow, visualise, visualize, visually, vit, vital, vital signs, vital statistics, vitality, vitally, vitals, vitamin, vitamin a, vitamin b, vitamin c, vitamin d, vitiate, viticulture, vitiligo, vitreous, vitrify, vitriol, vitriolic, vitro, vituperate, vituperation, vituperative, viva voce, vivace, vivacious, vivacity, vivarium, vivid, viviparous, vivisection, vivisepulture, vixen, viz., vizier, vj, vlcd, vle, vlei, vlog, vlogger, vlogging, vlogumentary, vocab, vocabulary, vocal cords, vocal fry, vocalic, vocalise, vocalist, vocalize, vocation, vocational, vocative, vociferous, vocoder, vodcasting, vodka, voetsak, voetstoots, vog, vogue, voice actor, voice box, voice lift, voice recognition, voice-activated, voice-over, voiced, voiceless, voicemail, voidability, voidable, voile, voilà, voip, voir dire, vol-au-vent, volapük, volatile, volcanic, volcano, volcanological, volcanologist, volcanology, voldemorting, vole, volenti non fit injuria, volition, volk, volleyball, volt, voltage, volte-face, voltmeter, voluble, volume, volumeless, voluminous, voluntarism, voluntarist, voluntary manslaughter, volunteerism, voluntold, voluntourism, voluptuary, voluptuous, vom, vomitive, voodoo, voodoo economics, vool, voracious, voraphobia, vortex, votary, vote bank, vote down, vote in, vote of censure, vote of confidence, vote of no confidence, vote of thanks, vote off, vote out, vote through, voter, voting booth, voting machine, votive, vouch, voucher, vouchsafe, vowel, vox pop, voyager, voyeur, vp, vpl, vpn, vr, vroom, vsco girl, vuca, vulgar, vulgarity, vulnerable, vulpine, vulture, vulva, vuvuzela, vying, vysume, w3, wa, wabi-sabi, wack, wack job, wackadoo, wacko, wacky, wad, wadding, waddle, waddy, wade, wade in, wade through, wader, wadi, wading bird, wading pool, wafer, wafer-thin, waffogato, waft, wagabee, wage curve, wage differential, wage slave, wage-earner, wage-packet, waggish, waggle, wagon, wagon train, wagtail, wagwan, waif, waifs and strays, wail, wainscot, wainscoting, waist, waist training, waist-deep, waist-high, waistband, waistcoat, waistline, wait and see, wait around, wait for the other shoe to drop, wait on, wait out, wait staff, wait up, wait your turn, waiter, waiting game, waiting in the wings/waiting (for) your chance, waiting list, waiting room, waiting staff, waiting to happen, waitress, waitron, wait/just a minute, waive, waiver, wakame, wake up, wake up to, wake-up call, wakeboarding, wakeful, waken, waking, walao, waldorf salad, wales, walk a tightrope, walk around, walk away, walk away with, walk back, walk for, walk in on, walk into, walk of life, walk off, walk off with, walk on, walk on eggshells/eggs, walk on water, walk out, walk over, walk the dog, walk the walk, walk through, walk-in, walk-on, walk-on girl, walk-up, walk-up shooting, walkability, walkabout, walker, walkie-talkie, walkies, walking encyclopedia, walking on air, walking papers, walking stick, walking tour, walking wounded, walkman, walkout, walkover, walkthrough, walkway, walk/stand tall, wall street, wall-mounted, wall-to-wall, wallaby, wallah, wallbook, walled, walled garden, wallet, wallflower, wallis and futuna islands, wallow, walls have ears, wally, walnut, walrus, walter mitty, waltz off with, wampum, wan, wand, wanderings, wanderlust, wanderoo, wang, wang on, wangle, wank, wanker, wanly, wanna, wannabe, want ad, want for, want in, want no part of something, want nothing more (than), want out, wanted, wanting, wanton, wantrepreneur, wap, wapiti, war, war chest, war crime, war cry, war dance, war effort, war game, war memorial, war of words, war paint, war room, war widow, war zone, war-torn, warble, warbler, warden, warder, wardrobe, wardrobe malfunction, wardrobe mistress, wardrober, wardrobing, wardroom, wardship, ware, warehouse, warehousing, wares, warfare, warfarin, warfighter, warfighting, warg1, wargame, warhead, warhorse, warlike, warlock, warlord, warm front, warm through, warm to, warm up, warm-blooded, warm-down, warm-hearted, warm-up, warmed-over, warmed-up, warmer, warming pan, warmly, warmonger, warmth, warn, warn away, warn off, warning, warp speed, warpath, warped, warrant of control, warrant of execution, warrant officer, warranty, warren, warring, warrior, warship, warsovian, wart, warthog, wartime, warts and all, wary, was, wasabi, wasband, wash away, wash down, wash off, wash out, wash up, wash your hands of, wash-up meeting, washable, washback effect, washbasin, washboard, washboard abs, washcloth, washday, washed-out, washed-up, washer, washer-dryer, washer-upper, washerwoman, washing, washing day, washing line, washing machine, washing powder, washing-up, washing-up liquid, washout, washroom, washstand, washup, wasn’t, waspish, wassail, wast, wasta, wastage, waste basket, waste bin, waste collector, waste no time (in) doing something, waste paper, waste pipe, wasted, wasteful, wasteland, wasteman, wastepaper basket, waster, wasting, wastrel, watch for, watch it, watch on, watch out, watch out for, watch over, watch the clock, watch the time, watch this space, watch what you’re doing, watch your back, watch your tongue, watch your weight, watch yourself, watchable, watchcare, watchdog, watchful, watchmaker, watchman, watchtower, watchword, water bird, water buffalo, water cannon, water chestnut, water chute, water closet, water column, water cooler, water down, water fountain, water hazard, water jump, water lily, water main, water meter, water mill, water off a duck’s back, water park, water pipe, water pistol, water polo, water power, water softener, water sports, water supply, water table, water taxi, water tower, water under the bridge, water-resistant, water-scarce, water-skiing, water-soluble, waterbed, waterboard, waterboarding, waterborne, watercourse, watercraft, watercress, watered-down, waterfall, waterfowl, waterfront, watergate, waterhole, watering can, watering hole, waterline, waterlogged, waterloo, waterlow score, watermark, watermelon, watershed, waterside, waterslide, waterspout, watertight, waterway, waterwings, waterworks, watery, watt, wattage, wattle, wattpadder, wave and pay, wave aside, wave file, wave machine, wave off, wave something goodbye/wave goodbye to something, wave through, waveband, waveboard, wavelength, waver, wavy, wax paper, waxen, waxwork, waxy, way back, way of life, way out/around, way station, way to go, way-out, wayback, wayback machine, wayfarer, waylaid, waylay, waypoint, ways and means, ways and means committee, wayside, waystage, wayward, waywardly, waywardness, waze it, wazzock, wb, wc, we, we all make mistakes, weak, weak form, weak sauce, weak-kneed, weak-minded, weak-willed, weaken, weakling, weakly, weakness, weal, wealth, wealth creation, wealthy, wean, wean off, wean on, weapon, weaponisation, weaponise, weaponization, weaponize, weaponry, weapons of mass destruction, wear and tear, wear away, wear down, wear in, wear off, wear on, wear out | 2 | wear thin, wear well, wearable, wearables, wearer, wearing, wearisome, weary of, wearying, weasel, weasel out of, weasel word, weather bomb, weather forecast, weather forecaster, weather permitting, weather station, weather strip, weather vane, weather-beaten, weathercock, weatherproof, weather/ride the storm, weave something into something, weaver, web, web 2.0, web 3.0, web browser, web crawler, web farm, web hosting, web page, web server, web server farm, web traffic, web-based, web-enable, web-footed, webbed, webbing, webcam, webcast, webcasting, webhead, webinar, webisode, weblink, weblog, webmaster, webphone, webquest, webrooming, webshop, website, webtacular, webtool, webzine, wechuge, wed, wed., wedded, wedding, wedding anniversary, wedding band, wedding bells, wedding breakfast, wedding dress, wedding march, wedding planner, wedding ring, wedge issue, wedgie, wedlock, wednesday, wee hours, wee man, wee-wee, weeaboo, weed out, weedhead, weedkiller, weedy, week, week in (and) week out, weekday, weekender, weeklong, weeknight, weeny, weep, weepie, weeping, weeping willow, weevil, weft, weigh, weigh down, weigh in, weigh into, weigh on, weigh out, weigh your words, weigh-in, weight training, weight watchers, weighted, weightless, weightlifter, weightlifting, weighty, weil’s disease, weir, weird out, weirdo, weisure, welch, welcome mat, welcome to/join the club, welcome/receive someone with open arms, welcoming, welder, welfare, welfare state, welfie, well done, well, well, well-adjusted, well-advised, well-appointed, well-balanced, well-behaved, well-being, well-born, well-bred, well-brought-up, well-built, well-chosen, well-connected, well-defined, well-disposed, well-documented, well-done, well-dressed, well-earned, well-educated, well-endowed, well-established, well-fed, well-fitting, well-formed, well-founded, well-funded, well-groomed, well-grounded, well-heeled, well-hung, well-informed, well-intentioned, well-kept, well-known, well-liked, well-mannered, well-meaning, well-meant, well-nigh, well-off, well-oiled, well-paid, well-preserved, well-read, well-reasoned, well-received, well-regarded, well-respected, well-rounded, well-run, well-spoken, well-stocked, well-thought-of, well-thought-out, well-thumbed, well-timed, well-to-do, well-turned, well-versed, well-wisher, well-woman, well-worn, wellderly, wellington, wellness, wellspring, welly, welly throwing, welsh cake, welsh dresser, welsh rarebit, welshman, welshwoman, welt, welter, welterweight, wembley, wench, wend, went, wept, were, weren’t, werewolf, wert, wessi, west point, westbound, westerly, western medicine, westerner, westernize, westernized, westernmost, westminster, westwards, wet blanket, wet dream, wet look, wet market, wet nurse, wet sign, wet wipe, wet your whistle, wet-nurse, wetback, wetiquette, wetlands, wetsuit, wetware, wevs, wexit, we’d, we’ll, we’ll see, we’re, we’ve, wf, wfh, wfp, wh-question, whack-a-mole, whacked, whacked out, whacko, whacky, whale tail, whale watching, whalebone, whaler, whaling, wham-bam, whammy, whanau, wharf, what, what (on earth)/whatever possessed you (to do something), what a mercy, what about...?, what are you waiting for?, what do you call it/him/her/them?, what do you know, what do you mean?, what do you say i/we do something?, what do you want?, what does it matter?/what does someone care?, what does someone want with something?, what for, what gives?, what have you got to say for yourself?, what is it now?, what is someone on about?, what is someone on?, what is someone/something like?, what is the world coming to?, what makes someone tick, what manner of someone, what now?/now what?, what price...?, what someone does (for a living), what someone says goes, what the hell, what was someone thinking of?, what with, what with one thing and another, what would someone say to something?, whataboutery, whatchamacallit, whatever happens, whatever you do, whatever you say/whatever you think (is) best, whateves, whatevs, whatnot, whatsapp, whatsername, whatsisname, what/where/when do you think?, what/who/how the devil, what/who/where does someone think, what/why must...?, what/why/how/who the blazes, what’s (up) with someone?, what’s (up) with something?, what’s doing?, what’s eating someone?, what’s it worth (to you)?, what’s more, what’s not to like?, what’s so funny?, what’s stopping you (from doing something)?, what’s that supposed to mean?, what’s the big idea?, what’s the crack?, what’s the damage?, what’s the good of/what good is (it) (doing) something?, what’s the meaning of this?, what’s the odds?, what’s the rush?, what’s the use?, what’s up?, what’s what, what’s wrong?, what’s your/his/her game?, what’s-his/her-face, wheat, wheatberry, wheatgerm, wheatgrass, whee, wheedle, wheedling, wheel and deal, wheel around, wheel clamp, wheel of fortune, wheel out, wheel-away, wheelbarrow, wheelbase, wheelchair, wheeler-dealer, wheelhouse, wheelie, wheelie bin, wheels up, wheelwright, wheezy, whelk, whelk stall, when, when all is said and done, when someone’s back is turned, when the chips are down, when the going gets tough, the tough get going, when the time comes, when you’re ready, whence, whenever, whensoever, when/whenever/where/wherever possible, when/while the cat’s away (the mice will play), where, where did you get that idea?, where does someone go from here?, where it hurts, where it’s at, where there’s a will, there’s a way, whereas, whereat, whereby, wherefore, wherein, whereof, whereon, wheresoever, whereto, whereupon, wherever, wherever possible/necessary, wherry, whet, whet your appetite (for something), whether, whetstone, whew, whey, which, whichever, whiff, whig, while you’re at it, whilst, whim, whimsical, whimsy, whinge, whinny, whip into, whip smart, whip someone’s ass, whip up, whip-round, whiplash, whipped, whippersnapper, whippet, whipping, whipping boy, whipping cream, whir, whirligig, whirlpool, whirlwind, whirr, whisker, whiskey, whisky, whisky sour, whisperer, whispering campaign, whist, whistle at, whistle-blower, whistle-stop tour, whistling in the dark, whit, whit sunday, white blood cell, white christmas, white coat hypertension, white dwarf, white elephant, white flag, white goods, white hat, white heat, white knight, white label, white lie, white magic, white matter, white meat, white noise, white out, white pages, white paper, white pepper, white russian, white sauce, white saviour, white smoke, white space, white spirit, white supremacy, white trash, white water, white wedding, white whale, white-ball cricket, white-bread, white-collar, white-hot, white-knuckle, white-tie, whitebait, whiteboard, whitecaps, whitehall, whitelash, whitelist, whiten, whitener, whiteness, whiteout, whitesplain, whitewater rafting, whitey, whither, whiting, whitish, whitsun, whittle, whittle away, whittle down, who, who asked you?, who can say?, who cares?, who goes there?, who is someone kidding?, who is someone to do something?, who needs something?, who says?, who shall remain nameless, who wants (to do) something?, who would have thought...?, whoa, whoever, whoever someone is, whole genome sequencing, whole language learning, whole note, whole number, wholefood, wholegrain, wholehearted, wholemeal, wholeness, wholesale price index, wholesaler, wholesome, wholly, whom, whomsoever, whoonga, whoop it up, whoopee cushion, whooping cough, whoops, whopper, whopping, whorehouse, whorl, whose, whose side are you on?, whosoever, whovian, who/what should...?, who’d, who’ll, who’re, who’s, who’s counting?, who’s who, who’s/what’s to say (that)?, who’ve, why me?, why not...?, why should i?, why should someone do something?, why, oh why...?, whydunnit, wi-fi, wibbly-wobbly, wick, wicker, wickerwork, wicket, wicket gate, wicket keeper, widdrim, wide awake, wide of the mark, wide open, wide-angle lens, wide-eyed, wide-ranging, widely, widen, widescale, widescreen, widespread, widget, widow, widowed, widower, widowhood, widow’s peak, width, widthways, wield, wiener, wife, wife bonus, wife-beater, wifely, wifiless, wig, wiggity wack, wiggle room, wiggly, wigwam, wiiitis (also wii-itis), wik, wiki, wikiality, wild boar, wild camping, wild card, wild cat, wild horses couldn’t..., wild horses couldn’t/wouldn’t drag someone somewhere, wild rice, wild swimming, wild-eyed, wild-goose chase, wildcat strike, wildebeest, wilderness, wilderness area, wildfire, wildfowl, wildlife, wildlife corridor, wildly, wildness, wiles, wilfing, wilful, will do, will have (done something), will o’ the wisp, willful, willie, willing, willingly, willingness, willow, willowy, willpower, willy, willy-nilly, wily, wimbledon, wimpish, wimpy, win back, win hands down, win or lose, win out, win over, win-win, wince, winceyette, wind chill, wind chill factor, wind chimes, wind down, wind farm, wind instrument, wind tunnel, wind turbine, wind-down, windbag, windbreak, windcheater, winded, windfall, windfall tax, winding, winding sheet, windjammer, windlass, windless, windmill, window, window box, window cleaner, window dressing, window frame, window ledge, window of opportunity, window pane, window seat, window-shopping, windowshop, windowsill, windpipe, winds of change, windscreen, windscreen wiper, windshield, windsock, windstorm, windsurfing, windswept, windy, wine bar, wine cooler, wine glass, wine list, wine vinegar, wineologist, winery, wing chair, wing collar, wing commander, wing it, wing mirror, wing nut, wing walking, wing your/its way, wingding, winge, winged, winger, winglet, wingman, wingnut, wingspan, wingsuit, wingsuiter, wingtip, wink at, winkers, winnebago, winner, winning, winning post, winning streak, winningest, winningly, winnings, winnow, winnow down, wino, winsome, winsorize, winter solstice, winter sports, wintern, wintertime, winterval, wintery, wintry, win/carry the day, wip, wipe away, wipe off, wipe out, wipe something from your mind/memory, wipe something off/from the map, wipe the floor with someone, wipe the smile/grin off someone’s face, wiped out, wipeout, wiper, wire cutters, wire into, wire service, wire wool, wire-haired, wired, wireframe, wireless application protocol, wirelessly, wiring, wiry, wisdom, wisdom tooth, wise beyond your years, wise guy, wise to something, wiseacre, wiseass, wisecrack, wish away, wish for, wish list, wish someone well/ill, wishbone, wishcycling, wishful thinking, wishing well, wishy-washy, wisp, wisteria, wistful, wit, witblitz, witch, witch hazel, witch-hunt, witchcraft, witchy, witch’s hat, with, with (all) due respect, with (all/both) guns blazing, with (your) tongue in (your) cheek, with a bang, with a critical eye, with a difference, with a fine-tooth comb, with a vengeance, with a view to (doing) something, with all (due) respect, with all your heart (and soul), with all your might, with any luck, with attitude, with a/the stroke of a pen, with effect from, with flying colors, with it, with justice, with mathematical precision, with one accord, with pleasure, with reference to, with respect to, with some justification, with someone/something in mind, with someone’s compliments, with that, someone does something, with the best of them, with the best will in the world, with the exception of, with time, with time to spare, with your eyes (wide) open, with your eyes shut/closed, with your nose in the air, with your nose to the grindstone, with your tail between your legs, with-it, withal, withdraw, withdrawal, withdrawal symptoms, withdrew, wither, withered, withering, withers, withheld, withhold, withholding tax, within, within an ace of doing something, within easy walking/driving distance, within hearing, within limits, within someone’s reach, within spitting distance (of something), within striking distance (of something), within the hour, within/beyond the capabilities of someone/something, without, without (a) doubt, without a murmur, without a second thought, without blinking an eye/eyelid/eyelash, without ceremony, without distinction (of something), without exception, without fail, without fear of contradiction, without prejudice (to something), without question, without so much as a by your leave, without wishing/wanting to do something, without/beyond number, withstand, withstood, with/without distinction, witless, witness box, witness stand, witness summons, witness to, witticism, wittingly, witty, wives, wizard, wizardry, wizened, wltm, wlw, wmd, woc, wodge, woe, woe betide someone, woe is me, woebegone, woeful, woefully, wog, wok, woken, wokeness, wolf run, wolf whistle, wolfhound, wolfish, wolof, wolverine, wolves, woman, womance, womanhood, womanish, womanizer, womanizing, womankind, womanly, womanpower, womansplain, womanspreading, womantic, womb, wombat, women, womenfolk, womenomics, womenswear, women’s lib, women’s studies, womp womp, womxn, won, wonderful, wonderfully, wonderingly, wonderland, wonderment, wondrous, wonk, wonkish, wonky, wonted, wonton, won’t, won’t take no for an answer, woo, wood, wood pigeon, wood pulp, woodblock, woodcarving, woodchuck, woodcock, woodcraft, woodcut, woodcutter, wooded, wooden, wooden spoon, woodland, woodlouse, woodpecker, woodpile, woodshed, woodsman, woodstock, woodsy, woodwind, woodwork, woodworm, woody, woof, woofer, wool, woolen, woollen, woollyback, wooly, woot, woozy, wop, wop wops, word cloud, word family, word for word, word formation, word gap, word hoard, word of mouth, word order, word pool, word processing, word processor, word salad, word stress, word-perfect, word?, worded, wordiness, wording, wordle, wordless, wordmark, wordoid, wordplay, words fail me, words to that effect, wordsearch, wordsmith, wordwrap, wordy | 2 | wore, work a treat, work around, work around to, work at, work both ways, work ethic, work experience, work for someone, work in, work in progress, work it, work like a charm, work like magic, work of art, work off, work on, work out, work over, work permit, work placement, work the system, work through, work up, work up to, work your butt off, work your magic (on), work your way, work-life balance, work-release, work-to-rule, workable, workaday, workaholic, workaholism, workbench, workbook, workday, worked up, worker, worker bee, worker participation, workfare, workflow, workforce, workhorse, workhouse, workie, working, working capital, working day, working girl, working life, working memory, working order, working paper, working papers, working week, workings, workington man, worklessness, workload, workman, workmanlike, workmanship, workmate, workout, workplace, workroom, works council, worksheet, workshy, workstation, workstream, worktop, workweek, world, world best, world city, world economy, world english, world music, world order, world power, world view, world war, world war i, world war ii, world war iii, world-beater, world-beating, world-class, world-famous, world-weary, worldie, worldly, worldly-wise, worldwide, worm out of, worm your way into/out of something, worm your way out of (doing) something, worm-eaten, wormcast, wormhole, wormwood, wormy, worn out, worried, worried sick, worried well, worriedly, worrier, worrisome, worry beads, worrying, worse off, worsen, worser, worshipful, worst of all, worst-case, worsted, worth your salt, worthless, worthwhile, worthy of note, wot, would, would do well to do something, would like, would not dream of doing something, would rather, would rather die, would that, would you be kind enough to do something, would you be so good as/would you be good enough to do something, would you believe it?, would you care for something, would you care to do something, would you like...?, would you mind, would-be, wouldn’t, wouldn’t’ve, would’ve, wound up, wounded, wounding, wove, wowser, wp, wpi, wpm, wrack, wraith, wrangler, wrap round, wrap up, wrap-up, wraparound care, wrapper, wrapping, wrapping paper, wrath, wrathful, wreak, wreath, wreathe, wreckage, wrecked, wrecker, wren, wrest, wrestle, wrestle someone to the ground/floor, wrestle with, wrestler, wrestling, wretch, wretched, wriggle out of (doing) something, wring, wring someone’s neck, wring something out of/from, wringer, wrinkled, wrist, wrist shot, wrist support, wristband, wristwatch, writ of execution, write, write away, write back, write down, write in, write into, write off, write out, write up, write-down, write-in, write-off, write-up, writer, writer’s block, writer’s cramp, writhe, writing, writing desk, writing paper, written in the stars, wrong-foot, wrong-headed, wrongdoing, wrongful, wrongly, wronskian, wrote, wrought, wrought iron, wrt, wrung, wry, wtaf, wtf, wu, wue, wunderkind, wushu, wuss, wussy, wuther, wuxia, wuz, wuzzup, www, wynn, wysiwyg, wyvern, x has left the building, x-axis, x-certificate, x-chromosome, x-rated, x-ray vision, xai, xanthosis, xbrl, xd, xe, xem, xemself, xennial, xenoglossophobia, xenomania, xenon, xenophile, xenophobia, xenoscepticism, xenotransplant, xerox, xhosa, xir, xl, xmas, xml, xoxo, xun, xy mcxface, xylem, xylophone, y, y-axis, y-chromosome, y-fronts, yaaas, yacht, yachting, yachtsman, yachtswoman, yack, yadda, yadda, yadda, yaeba, yaffler, yahweh, yakuza, yam, yammer, yang, yankee, yapese, yappy, yard, yard sale, yardage, yardbird, yardstick, yarmulke, yarn, yarn bomber, yarn bombing, yarrow, yashmak, yataghan, yaw, yawl, yawnsome, yaws, yay, yaya, ye gods, yeah, yeah, right, yeah-nah, year, year after year, year by year, year-round, yearbook, yearling, yearlong, yearly, yearn, yearning, years of age, yeast, yebo, yeet, yellow card, yellow fever, yellow pages, yellow ribbon, yellow spot, yellow up, yellowface, yellowhammer, yellowish, yellowy, yemen, yen, yeoman, yeomanry, yep, yer, yes and no, yes man, yeshiva, yester, yesterday’s news, yestermonth, yesteryear, yes/no sir, yet, yet again, yeti, yew, yid, yield up, yielding, yikes, yimby, yin, yin and yang, yipes, yippee, ymmv, yo-yo, yo-yo dieting, yob, yobbery, yod dropping, yodo, yoga, yogalates, yoghurt, yogi, yogini, yogurt, yoink, yoked, yokel, yolk, yolo, yolt, yom kippur, yonder, yonny, yoo hoo, yore, yorker, yorkie, yorkshire pudding, yorkshire terrier, yoruba, yoruban, yottabyte, you (only) have to do something, you and me both, you bet, you can bet your life/your bottom dollar, you can guess, you can say that again, you can’t be too careful, you can’t go wrong, you can’t take it with you, you can’t take someone anywhere, you can’t teach an old dog new tricks, you can’t win, you can’t win them all/(you) win some, (you) lose some, you could cut the air/atmosphere with a knife, you could do worse, you could have fooled me, you could hear a pin drop, you don’t have to be a genius, you don’t know, you don’t say, you have me there, you have no idea, you have only (got) yourself to blame, you haven’t lived, you know, you live and learn, you may/might well ask, you name it, you never can tell, you never know, you said it, you see, you should have seen/heard, you shouldn’t (have), you want/don’t want to do something, you what?, you win, you wish, you won’t/wouldn’t catch someone doing something, you would not believe, you would think/i’d have thought, young at heart, young gun, young lady, young man, young man/woman/person, young person, younger, youngification, youngify, youngish, youngness, youngster, your, your (good) health, your (own) sweet time, your humble servant, your inner self, your knees knock, your last penny, your normal/usual self, your obedient servant, your old self, your pound of flesh, your skin crawls, your true/real self, your two cents, your wildest dreams, yours faithfully, yours truly, yourself, your/his lordship, your/his/her majesty, yous, youse, youth, youth club, youth court, youth culture, youth hostel, youth worker, youthful, youthquake, youtube, youtuber, you/we get..., you’d, you’d better believe it, you’ll, you’ll be lucky, you’ll catch your death (of cold), you’ll never guess, you’ll see, you’re, you’re joking, you’re on, you’re telling me, you’re too kind/generous, you’re welcome, you’ve, you’ve got a point, you’ve got me (there), you’ve guessed it, yowl, yowza, yp, ytterbium, yttrium, yuan, yucca, yuck, yucky, yuge, yugoslav, yuk, yukata, yuks, yule, yuletide, yum, yumcha, yummilicious, yummy mummy, yup, yuppie, yuppify, yurd, yurt, yuzu, y’all, z, za, zaftig, zaibatsu, zaikai, zambia, zambrano carer, zany, zap, zapotec, zapper, zarma, zazaki, za’atar, ze, zeal, zealot, zealous, zebra, zebra crossing, zed, zee, zeitgeist, zeitgeisty, zek, zenith, zenware, zephyr, zeppelin, zer, zero article, zero base design, zero carbon, zero growth, zero hour, zero in on, zero tolerance, zero-hours contract, zero-rated, zero-sum game, zest, zesty, zettabyte, zeugma, zhoosh up, zika virus, zil lane, zilch, zillennial, zillion, zillionaire, zimbabwe, zinc, zine, zinger, zionism, zip code, zip file, zip it, zip through, zip up, zip-up, zippy, zir, zirconium, zirself, zit, zitface, zither, zizel, zoetrope, zombic, zombie, zombie bank, zombie company, zombie knife, zombielicious, zomboid, zomcom, zomg, zonal, zoned, zoning, zonked, zonkey, zoo, zoo-keeper, zoodles, zoogeographical, zoological, zoological garden, zoologist, zoology, zoom, zoom lens, zoonosis, zoonotic, zoot suit, zootechny, zooted, zopa, zorbing, zord, zori, zoroastrian, zoroastrianism, zucchini, zugzwang, zuism, zuist, zulu, zumba, zygote, zythology, zzz, ©, à la carte, éclair, éclat, élan, émigré, éminence grise, épée, étude, ‘ndrangheta, ’cause, ’em, ’n’, ’tis, ’twas, ’tween, ’un, ’ve | 1 | $10/$20/$100 etc. to the good, $90, 80 cents, etc. a clip, (a) bad/good press, (all) by yourself/itself/himself etc, (all) by yourself/itself/himself etc., (all) hot and bothered, (all) well and good, (as) bold as brass, (as) dull as dishwater/ditchwater, (as) dull as dishwater/ditchwater, (as) easy as falling off a log, (as) easy as pie, (as) keen as mustard, (as) like as not, (as) mad as a hatter/march hare, (as) much as someone loves/likes/dislikes etc, (as) much as someone loves/likes/dislikes etc., (as) per something, (as) plain as the nose on your face, (as) pleased as punch, (as) sick as a parrot, (as) strong as an ox, (do you) wanna/want to bet?, (everything but) the kitchen sink, (fresh fields and) pastures new/greener pastures, (i) must fly, (in) for it, (in) for the high jump, (it’s a) good job, (it’s a) pleasure to meet you, (it’s) goodbye (to) something (and) hello (to) something, (just) for once, (just) that little bit easier/more comfortable etc, (just) that little bit easier/more comfortable etc., (kind/best) regards, (kind/warm/best) regards, (not) be half the person/man/player etc. you used to be, (off) by heart, (on) the right/wrong side of 40/50 etc, (on) the right/wrong side of 40/50 etc., (the) devil take the hindmost, (the) hard stuff, (the) light dawns, (the) more fool you/him/her etc, (the) more fool you/him/her etc., (the) truth will out, (there are) no flies on someone, (there’s) many a true word spoken in jest, (there’s) no rest for the wicked, -centered, -centred, -colored, -coloured, -inspired, -intensive, -ist, -ravaged, -storeyed, -storied, ...or something (like that), ...or something (like that/of the sort), 0845 number, 0870 number, 0900 number, 0900/1300 etc hours, 0900/1300 etc. hours, 1040 form, 112, 18-wheeler, 404, 86, aged2">aged2, bach1">bach1, bach2">bach2, bass2">bass2, bow1">bow1, bow2">bow2, close2">close2, co.1">co.1, co.2">co.2, content2">content2, do1">do1, do2">do2, gill1">gill1, gill2">gill2, grave2">grave2, id1">id1, id2">id2, lower2">lower2, oh1">oh1, oh2">oh2, p.1">p.1, p.2">p.2, peaked1">peaked1, peaked2">peaked2, pension2">pension2, process2">process2, pvt.1">pvt.1, pvt.2">pvt.2, recount2">recount2, recover2">recover2, recreation2">recreation2, relay1">relay1, relay2">relay2, retail2">retail2, sake2">sake2, tear2">tear2, unused1">unused1, unused2">unused2, wind1">wind1, wind2">wind2, a (fair) crack of the whip, a (good) laugh, a (whole) gob of something, a 3-year-old/10-month-old etc, a 3-year-old/10-month-old etc., a bad penny, a bad/nasty/unpleasant taste in your mouth, a bad/poor lookout (for), a bag of bones, a battle of wills, a battle of wits, a bear, a big fish in a small pond, a big smile/kiss/hug etc, a big smile/kiss/hug etc., a bird in the hand (is worth two in the bush), a bit of a geezer, a blind bit of, a blot on the landscape, a breach/disturbance of the peace, a break in the weather, a breath of air/wind, a burst of color, a burst of colour, a change of clothes/socks/underwear etc, a change of clothes/socks/underwear etc., a chapter of accidents, a chink in someone’s armor, a chink in someone’s armour, a chink of light, a clean sheet, a clean slate, a clean slate/sheet, a clip round the ear/earhole, a close call, a close call/shave/thing, a cold fish, a crime against humanity, a crock (of shit), a damn sight greater/smaller etc, a damn sight greater/smaller etc., a dead cert, a deafening silence, a den of iniquity, a den of iniquity/vice, a devil of a, a dog in the manger, a dog’s breakfast/dinner, a done deal, a drop in the bucket/ocean, a drop in the ocean/bucket, a false sense of security, a fast talker, a feast for the eyes/ears, a few bob, a fight to the death, a figure of fun, a first/second/third etc year, a first/second/third etc. year, a fish out of water, a fount of knowledge/wisdom/advice/ideas etc, a fount of knowledge/wisdom/advice/ideas, etc., a fountain of something, a freak of fate/fortune/chance, a full/fuller figure, a gap in the market, a gentleman/lady of leisure, a glutton for punishment, a good friend, a good many, a good runner, a good/bad loser, a good/bad mixer, a good/exciting etc read, a good/exciting etc. read, a good/safe bet, a good/terrible etc kisser, a good/terrible, etc. kisser, a growing boy/girl, a growing lad/boy/girl, a happy bunny, a happy/favorite hunting ground, a happy/favourite hunting ground, a heap of something, a high color, a high colour, a hollow laugh, a hostage to fortune, a hundred times, a hundred/thousand/million etc and one, a hundred/thousand/million etc. and one, a kick up the backside, a kindred spirit/soul, a king’s ransom, a knight in shining armor, a knight in shining armour, a leap in the dark, a leap of faith, a legend in his/her own lifetime, a leopard can’t change its spots, a lethal combination, a licence to do something, a licence to print money, a license to do something, a license to print money, a light in someone’s eyes, a living language, a load of crap/bull/garbage etc., a load of crap/rubbish/garbage etc, a low/high boredom threshold, a mad dash/rush, a man/woman after your own heart, a man/woman of his/her word, a man’s man, a meeting of minds, a memory like a sieve, a misspent youth, a monkey on your back, a month of sundays, a name to conjure with, a nasty piece of work, a near relative/relation, a near thing, a new lease of life, a new lease on life, a next, a nice little earner, a night out, a nip in the air, a nod to/toward something, a nod to/towards something, a parting of the ways, a passing grade/mark, a patina of success/respectability/sophistication etc, a patina of success/respectability/sophistication etc., a piece of ass, a piece of piss, a piece of the puzzle/jigsaw, a piece sliceof the action, a piece/slice of the action, a pig in a poke, a play on words, a pointless exercise, a poor loser, a pot of gold, a pot/crock of gold, a price on someone’s head, a quick one, a quick study, a racing certainty, a rack of lamb/pork, a rack of lamb/ribs, a rap on the knuckles, a rap on/over the knuckles, a raving beauty, a ray of hope/light/comfort, a ray of light/comfort, a ray of sunshine, a risky/serious/tricky etc business, a risky/serious/tricky etc. business, a rod for your own back, a rolling stone, a safe bet, a safe pair of hands, a scale model/drawing etc, a scale model/drawing etc., a sense of humor failure, a sense of humour failure, a slice of the cake, a slip of the pen, a slip of the tongue, a snake in the grass, a snap of the fingers, a sore loser, a spot of bother, a square meal, a square peg in a round hole, a stab in the dark, a stain on someone’s character/reputation etc, a stain on someone’s character/reputation etc., a steady boyfriend/girlfriend, a steady relationship, a step forward(s)/backwards, a step forward/backward, a sting in the tail, a storm in a teacup, a straw in the wind, a stroke/piece of luck, a survival from, a tempest in a teapot, a thin time, a thorn in someone’s side, a thorn in someone’s side/flesh, a tidbit of news/gossip/information, a tight corner/spot/situation, a tight spot/corner/situation, a tissue of lies, a token woman/black/gay etc, a token woman/black/gay etc., a tough/hard row to hoe, a traveling companion, a treat, a trip/walk down memory lane, a voice like a foghorn, a war of words, a way into publishing/medicine/journalism etc, a way into publishing/medicine/journalism etc., a way off, a way(s) off, a wisp of a..., a woman’s right to choose, a-road, a., a. n. other, a.d., a.m., a/one hell of a, a/the ghost of something, a3, a4, a5, abc’s, aberdonian, abh, able seaman, above board, aboveboard, abridge, abseiling, absentee ballot, abta, accept/face the consequences, access course, acclimatise, accommodation centre, accouterments, accoutrements, ach, acharya, acquit yourself well/honorably/admirably etc., acquit yourself well/honourably/admirably etc, across the piece, act your age, act/be your age, action stations, actions speak louder than words, active adult community, activity vacation, actual bodily harm, act/play the goat, add fuel to the fire/flames, adj., adjustable spanner, adjustable wrench, adjuster, adt, aduki bean, adv., advance person, advance poll, adventure holiday, adventure travel, adz, adze, adzuki bean, aerogram, aerogramme, afraid/scared of your own shadow, after-effects, aftereffect, afternoons, afters, aga, aga saga, against a backcloth of something, against the run of play, age pension, aged2, agent orange, aggrandisement, agoraphobe, agree to differ/disagree, agree to disagree/differ, agrochemical, agroindustry, ahead of your/its etc time, ahead of your/its etc. time, ahst, air chief marshal, air commodore, air marshal, air miles, air vice-marshal, aircraftman, aircraftwoman, airer, ak, al, ala., alas., alaska native, albion, alcopop, alexander technique, all day/week/year etc long, all day/week/year etc. long, all hands on deck, all hands to the pump, all in good time, all is not lost, all over bar the shouting, all present and accounted for, all present and correct, all rise, all round, all someone ever does/wants/gets etc, all someone ever does/wants/gets etc., all the go, all the hours (god sends), all the more/better etc, all the more/better etc., all together now, all too easy/few/often etc, all too easy/few/often etc., all-seater, all-singing, all-dancing, all-star game, allen key, allen wrench, along similar/different etc lines, along similar/different etc. lines, aloo, alphabetise, aluminium foil, aluminum foil, amateur dramatics, amber alert, amber fluid, ambridge, amenorrhea, amerasian, american cheese, among others/other things/other people etc, among others/other things/other people etc., amortise, amour propre, amperage, amphitheater, amphitheatre, an ace in the hole, an ace up your sleeve, an albatross (around your neck), an arm and a leg, an awful lot, an early/late riser, an educated guess, an embarrassment of riches, an exercise in futility, an eye for an eye (and a tooth for a tooth), an hourglass figure, an inspired guess, an old friend/ally/enemy etc, an old friend/ally/enemy etc., an old student/girlfriend etc, an old student/girlfriend etc., anaesthetise, analogue, anatomise, ancient monument, and damn the consequences/expense etc, and damn the consequences/expense etc., and so someone/something is, anesthesiologist, anglepoise, annapolis, annual general meeting, annual meeting, anon., another bite at the cherry, another two/ten/hundred etc, another two/ten/hundred etc., answerphone, antenuptial, anti-aircraft, anti-hero, anti-lock braking system, antiaircraft, antihero, antilock braking system, any day/moment etc now, any day/moment etc. now, any more/better/bigger etc, any more/better/bigger etc., anything for a quiet life, anything you say, an’t, aob, aonb, apartment complex, apeshit, apologise, appeals court, appearance money, approved school, approx., apr., apt., aqueous humor, aqueous humour, ar, arabian, arabism, aran (jumper), arbor, arbor day, arbour, arch-enemy, archenemy, area rug, argue the toss, ariz., ark., arlington national cemetery, armalite, armor-plated, armorer, armour-plated, armourer, around the clock, around the corner, around-the-clock, around/round the corner, around/round the clock, arrayed in something, arse-licking, articled, articles of association, articulated, artificial feeding, artsy-craftsy, artsy-fartsy, arty-crafty, arum lily, as all get-out, as american as apple pie, as cool as a cucumber, as dry as a bone, as far as someone/something is concerned, as far as someone/something is concerned, as good a time/place etc as any, as good a time/place etc. as any, as good as finished/dead etc, as good as finished/dead etc., as guilty/ugly/miserable as sin, as happy as a clam, as is/does/has etc someone, as is/does/has etc. someone, as it happens, as nice/big etc as they come, as nice/big etc. as they come, as of, as of/as from, as one man, as per something, as soon/quickly/much etc as possible, as soon/quickly/much etc. as possible, as strong as an ox, as tough as old boots, as...as the next person/guy/man/woman etc., as...as the next person/man/woman etc, as/when one door closes, another one opens, asa, asbo, ascend the throne, ascot, ashcan, asian american, asian-american, ask for/beg/crave etc someone’s indulgence, ask for/beg/crave etc. someone’s indulgence, ass backwards, assault course, assn, assn., assoc., association football, asst, asst., ast, asymmetric warfare, as/when one door closes, another one opens, at a fast/good clip, at a loose end, at a pinch, at a push, at any rate, at full speed/tilt/pelt/throttle, at full speed/tilt/throttle, at full tilt, at his/her majesty’s pleasure, at lunch/dinner/breakfast etc, at lunch/dinner/breakfast etc., at short notice, at someone’s request/suggestion/invitation etc, at someone’s request/suggestion/invitation etc., at someone’s/something’s best, at someone’s/something’s best/worst/strongest etc, at someone’s/something’s best/worst/strongest etc., at someone’s/something’s best, at stumps, at the back of your mind, at the top of the tree, at/in the back of your mind, at/on the double, atf, athletic supporter, atishoo, atomic bomb, atomise, atomiser, attn, attn., at/on short notice, audiotypist, aug., aussie rules, autocue, automated teller machine, ave, ave., avert your eyes/gaze/head etc, avert your eyes/gaze/head etc., avi, award wage, away with you, az, a/one hell of a, a/one hundred per cent, a/one hundred percent, a/the ghost of something, a/the princely sum, b ed, b movie, b-movie, b.a., b.c., b.c.e., b.ed., b.m.o.c., b.o., b.s., ba, baas, babu, baby book, babygro, baccy, bach1, bach2, bachelor flat, bachelorette, bachelorette party, back catalog, back catalogue, back country, back passage, back street/road/alley, back street/road/lane, back three/four/five, back-and-forth, back-channeling, back-channelling, backfield, backgrounder, backpedaled, backpedaling, backroom boys, backup light, backward and forward, backward-compatible, backwards and forwards, backwards-compatible, bad form, bad off, badmash, bad/good press, bad/hard/tough luck, bad/terrible/horrible etc news for, bad/terrible/horrible etc. news for, bafta, bag and baggage, bag up, baggage car, baggage claim, baggage room, bagger, baggies, bagging, bagh, bags under your eyes, bai, bak, bakeshop, baking tray, bakkie, balance beam, balancing act, balancing/juggling act, balky, ball cock, ballcock, balloon mortgage, ballot rigging, balls-up, ballyhooed, balti, banding, bang goes something, bang out, bang up to date, bang/beat the drum, bang/knock/hit (someone’s) heads together, bania, banisters, bank book, banker’s draft, banker’s order, bannock, banqueting hall, bantering, barbour, bargepole, barhop, barium meal, bark cloth, barkcloth, barkeeper, barley water, barnardo’s, barnet, barney, barrage balloon, barricade tape, barrow boy, baseboard, bash away at, bash on, basic english, basketwork, bass2, basti, bat around, bat your eyes/eyelashes, batboy, batf, bathing cap, battleax, battleaxe, battlefield detainee, battle/war of nerves, bbq, bc, bce, be (all) to the good, be (as) clear as a bell, be (at) daggers drawn, be (caught/stuck) between a rock and a hard place, be (like) oil and water, be (released) on licence, be (released) on license, be (strictly) for the birds, be 5 years/10 months etc old, be 5 years/10 months etc. old, be a bit off, be a bugger, be a devil, be a good/bad etc judge of something, be a good/bad etc. judge of something, be a gooseberry, be a hard/tough act to follow, be a hard/tough act to follow, be a law unto yourself, be a sad/appalling/interesting etc commentary on something, be a sad/appalling/interesting etc. commentary on something, be a snap, be all fingers and thumbs, be all sweetness/charm etc, be all sweetness/charm etc., be all that, be all..., be at loose ends, be at someone’s bedside, be at the center of something, be at the centre of something, be at the sharp end of something, be billed to sing/play etc, be billed to sing/play etc., be born with a silver spoon in your mouth, be bred of something, be browned off, be built like a brick shithouse, be called on the carpet, be called to the bar, be carrying a few pounds/a little bit etc., be carrying five stone/a few pounds/a little bit etc, be cast away, be cast down, be caught with your pants down, be caught with your pants/trousers down, be champing at the bit, be chucking it down, be coining it (in), be daft about, be distantly related to someone, be done and dusted, be done with it, be down with something, be drunk and disorderly, be easily led, be economical with the truth, be engraved on your memory/mind/heart, be fixing to do something, be green with envy, be happy for someone, be in a cleft stick, be in a paddy/have a paddy, be in a tearing hurry, be in at the death (of something), be in at the kill, be in bad odour (with someone), be in favor/out of favor, be in for a shock, be in good heart, be in pocket, be in the driver’s seat, be in the driving seat, be in the soup, be in the wars, be in the zone, be in two minds (about something), be in with a chance, be in with a shout, be incumbent on/upon someone to do something, be into someone for something, be joined in marriage/holy matrimony, be just the job, be like a bear with a sore head, be made (for life), be made for each other, be made of money, be miles off, be miles out, be no oil painting, be no tea party, be no use at (doing) something, be not all there, be of sound mind, be of two minds (about something), be on dangerous ground, be on days, be on good/bad/friendly etc terms, be on good/bad/friendly etc. terms, be on shaky ground, be on someone’s tail, be on your best behavior, be on your best behaviour, be on your uppers, be one of the boys/girls/family, be onto a winner, be on/off the danger list, be on/under oath, be otherwise engaged, be out of your element, be outnumbered, be over the hump, be placed first/second etc, be poorly off, be pushing thirty/forty/fifty etc, be pushing thirty/forty/fifty etc., be pushing up (the) daisies, be quick on your feet, be really/quite something, be really/quite something, be rocking, be running around like a chicken with its head cut off, be sickening for something, be slumped in/over etc something, be slumped in/over etc. something, be so bold as to do something, be someone’s age, be supposed to do/be something, be supposed to do/be something, be surplus to requirements, be sweet on someone, be tarred with the same brush, be thankful/grateful for small mercies, be the biz, be the bomb, be the business, be the cat’s pajamas/meow, be the cat’s whiskers, be the limit, be thick on the ground, be thrown/tossed/fed to the lions, be tilting at windmills, be too big for your boots, be too big for your britches, be two years/ten years etc someone’s junior, be two years/ten years etc. someone’s junior, be two/three etc years someone’s senior, be two/three etc. years someone’s senior, be under/on oath, be unfortunate/unlucky/unwise/stupid etc enough to do something, be unfortunate/unlucky/unwise/stupid etc. enough to do something, be up with the lark, be upstanding, be well/conveniently/ideally/strategically etc placed, be well/ideally/uniquely etc placed to do something, be well/conveniently/ideally/strategically etc. placed, be well/ideally/uniquely etc. placed to do something, be your own man/woman, be/feel easy (in your mind), be/feel honour bound to do something, be/get burned, be/get caught (up) in something, be/go round the bend, be/have done with it, be/have something to do with something, be/mean everything (to someone), beam down, beam-ends, beanfeast, beantown, bear left/right, bear the cost/expense etc, bear the cost/expense etc., bear the strain/pressure, bear the strain/pressure, beastly, beat a dead horse, beat around the bush, beat around/about the bush, beat someone at their own game, beat someone to the punch, beat the pants off, beat the system, beat time, beat your brains out, beats me, beat/bash someone’s brains out, beat/flog a dead horse, beat/play someone at their own game, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, beauty mark, beauty parlor, beauty parlour, bed and board, bed out, bedeviled, bedeviling, beds, beef tea, beef tomato, beefsteak tomato, been there, done that, been-to, before the day/week/month/year etc is out, before the day/week/month/year etc. is out, beggar-thy-neighbor, begging letter, begum, behavioralism, behaviorist learning theory, behaviouralism, behaviourist learning theory, behoove, bejeweled, bejewelled, belabor, belabor the point, belabour, belisha beacon, bell pepper, bell push, belt bomber, belt up, ben, bend over backward (to do something), bend over backwards (to do something) | 1 | bend someone’s ear, bend your mind/thoughts to something, benedict arnold, benefit in kind, bent out of shape, berk, best-before date, best-of-breed, best-seller, bestseller, bestselling, better late than never, better still/yet, better the devil you know (than the devil you don’t), better yet/still, better yourself, betting shop, betty crocker, between the devil and the deep blue sea, between you, me, and the gatepost, betwixt and between, beveled, bevelled, beverly hills, bevvied, bevvy, be/become common currency, be/feel called to do something, be/feel easy (in your mind), be/feel hard done by, be/feel/look etc yourself, be/feel/look etc. yourself, be/get burned, be/get caught (up) in something, be/get done, be/get lost in the shuffle, be/get off to a good/bad/slow etc start, be/get off to a good/bad/slow etc. start, be/go on about, be/go on red alert, be/make so bold as to do something, be/mean everything (to someone), be/stay on guard, bhai, bhavan, bhindi, bias tape, bible thumper, bicoastal, bicycle lane, bid someone goodbye/good evening etc, bid someone goodbye/good evening etc., bid up, bidi, biff, big dipper, big tent, bigfoot, bighorn sheep, bike lane, billy bunter, billy club, bird dog, bird table, bird watching, bird-watching, birding, birds of a feather (flock together), biryani, bitch out, bitching, bite me, bite the hand that feeds you, bits and pieces, bits and pieces/bobs, bitter-sweet, bittersweet, black bear, black currant, black lung, black maria, black-eyed pea, black-eyed susan, blackcurrant, blackshirt, bladdered, blag, blank check, blank cheque, blast off, bless his/her heart, blether, blighter, blighty, blinders, blindfolded, blitzed, block booking, block party, block release, blockbusting, blood product, blood products, bloody/bloodied but unbowed, blook, blooming, blooming1, blooming2, blot your copybook, blow (it), blow (someone) a kiss, blow (someone) a raspberry, blow a fuse/gasket, blow a gale, blow dryer, blow hot and cold, blow smoke, blow someone/something out of the water, blow someone/something out of the water, blow someone/something to kingdom come, blow something out of proportion, blow something up out of (all) proportion, blow the gaff, blow the whistle (on someone/something), blow the whistle (on someone/something), blow your (own) trumpet, blow your wad, blow-in, blowgun, blow/sod etc this/that for a lark, blow/sod, etc. this/that for a lark, blow/toot your own horn, blue badge, blue plaque, blue riband, blue-ribbon, blue-rinse, bluestocking, blundering, blush/flush to the roots of your hair, blvd, blvd., bmoc, bo, board certified, board shorts, bobby socks, bobwhite, bodacious, bodge, bodgie, body armor, body armour, body board, body building, body odor, body odour, body of water, body suit, bodyboard, bodybuilding, bog roll, bog standard, bogan, bogart, bogus caller, bogy, bollock, bollocking, bolt-on, bolthole, bomb out of, bombay mix, bon vivant, bonbon, bone idle, boneshaker, book token, book up, bookable offence, boot fair, boot sale, bore/annoy/scare etc the pants off someone, bore/annoy/scare etc. the pants off someone, borrow trouble, borrowing power, borrowing powers, bossy-boots, bostonian, bothy, botox, bottle it, bottle out, bottom drawer, bottomland, bouillon cube, bounce someone into (doing) something, bounder, boutonniere, bow and scrape (to someone), bow bells, bow down to, bow1, bow2, bowdlerise, bowed, bowl out, bowl someone a googly, box canyon, box end wrench, box junction, box score, box someone’s ears, boy racer, boyf, boys’ own, bphil, br, brain box, brain trust, brandy butter, brandy snap, brass knuckles, brass monkeys, braw, breach of covenant, breach of security, breach of the peace, breadbox, break a strike, break a sweat, break camp, break even, break of day, break someone’s concentration, break someone’s fall, break the ... barrier, break the bank, break the mold, break the mould, break your duck, break your journey, breakfast bar, break/strike camp, breathalyse, breathalyser, breathe your last (breath), breathing fire, breed like rabbits, brick-and-mortar, brick-built, bricks and mortar, bricks-and-mortar, bridge loan, bridging loan, bright and breezy, brighten (up) someone’s day/life, bring a bottle, bring a smile to your face/lips, bring and buy sale, bring home a message, bring round, bring someone/something to their knees, bring someone/something to their knees, bring something to the boil, bring/take etc something to market, bring/take, etc. something to market, bring/call/hold someone to account, brinjal, britisher, broad church, broadacre, broaden your mind, broadmoor, broiler chicken, broiling, bronc, bronx cheer, brooder, bros, bros., brown v. board of education, brown-bag, brummie, brutalise, bst, bub, bubble and squeak, buck for, buck house, buck naked, buckaroo, buckboard, buckley’s chance, buck’s fizz, budge up, budget account, buffet/dining/sleeping car, bugaboo, bugger up, build castles in the air, build-up, building permit, buildup, bull session, bull-headed, bullamakanka, bulldog clip, bullheaded, bully off, bulrush, bump off, bumph, bums on seats, bunt, bupa, burg, burgh, burial at sea, burk, burl, burn the candle at both ends, burn the midnight oil, burn your boats/bridges, burn your bridges, burns night, burra, burst/break into song, burton, bury your face/head in something, bury your face/head in something, bushie, bushmeat, business day, business is business, business traveler, business traveller, busk it, buss, busser, bust your ass/butt, busted flush, bustee, busy lizzie, busy signal, butlins, butt up, buttercream, button it, buy-back, buy-in, buyback, buzz in, bvds, by a mile, by fair means or foul, by foot, by god/gum/jove etc, by god/gum/jove etc., by heart, by miles/by a mile, by post, by prescription, by reason of, by road, by the bucketful, by your own account, by-line, by-product, by/in leaps and bounds, byline, byproduct, by/in leaps and bounds, c of c, c-note, c., c.o.d., ca., cabbagetown, cabinet minister, caecum, cafetière, cagoule, cal., calico cat, calif., calipers, calisthenics, call a spade a spade, call center, call centre, call down, call forth, call forwarding, call round, call someone to account (for something), call something into existence/being, call the shots/tune, call the tune/shots, call time, call-out, calla lily, callipers, callisthenics, calor gas, camp up, can you beat that/it?, can you beat that/it?, can-can, canada day, cancan, cancel a check, cancel a cheque, canceled, canceling, candlewick, candy apple, candy bar, candy cane, canker sore, cannae, cannibalise, cannot make head nor/or tail of something, cannot make head(s) nor/or tail(s) of something, canonise, canteen culture, can’t argue with something, can’t be fagged (to do something), can’t begin to imagine/understand/explain etc, can’t begin to imagine/understand/explain etc., can’t stick, can’t/don’t believe it, can’t/don’t believe it, cape cod, capt., car alarm, car guard, car-pool, car-sharing, caramba, caramelised, caravanning, carbonised, card catalog, card catalogue, card index, card shark, care in the community, care package, career break, career structure, careers, carfare, carillon, carol singing, caroling, carpool lane, carriage clock, carry a torch for someone, carry a tune, carry all/everything before you, carry conviction, carry on film, carry something in your head/mind, carry the ball, carry the can, carry-on baggage, carry-over, carrying, carryover, carry/take coals to newcastle, cartloads of something, carve-up, carving fork, case the joint, cash desk, cash on delivery, cash out, cash up, cashier’s check, cast a vote, cast a vote/ballot, cast aside, cast on, cast pearls before swine, cast something from your mind, castor sugar, cast/throw your bread upon the waters, catbird seat, catch someone on the hop, catch someone’s fancy, catch the light, catch/bag some rays, categorise, category a, catherine wheel, catheterise, catseye, cattle guard, cauterise, cautionary tale, cbe, ccj, cdr, cdr., cecum, ceefax, celebrity chef, celiac, celta, center around, center forward, center of excellence, center of gravity, center stage, centerfold, centerpiece, central government, centre around, centre forward, centre of excellence, centre of gravity, centre stage, centrefold, centrepiece, certified, cf., chain lightning, chaise lounge, chalk and cheese, champagne socialist, champers, chance would be a fine thing, chance your arm/luck, change gear/gears, change gear/gears, change the record, channel hopping, channeled, channeling, chanty, chappal, chapter book, charabanc, characterful, charge hand, charge nurse, charge up, chargesheet, charm school, chartered, chase away, chat away, chat-up line, chatterati, chav, cheap and cheerful, cheap and nasty, cheap at half the price, cheat sheet, check stub, check-up, checkbook journalism, checker, checkered flag, checkroom, checkup, cheeky monkey, chef d’oeuvre, chelsea bun, chelsea tractor, chemical peel, cheque card, cheque stub, chequebook journalism, chequered flag, cherry-pick, cherrypick, chica, chickadee, chicken little, chicken-fried steak, chickenshit, chickweed, chief constable, chief inspector, chief of police, chief superintendent, child labor, child labour, childline, chili con carne, chili pepper, chili powder, chilli con carne, chilli powder, chillum, chimaera, chimney stack, chimney-piece, chin-up, chinese checkers, chinese chequers, chinese leaves, chinless wonder, chip pan, chipolata, chipped beef, chiropodist, chiselled, chit-chat, chitchat, chitterlings, chive, chives, choccy, choir loft, choked, choked up, chook, chop off, chota, chowkidar, christmas box, christmas cracker, chuck up, chugger, chunder, chunni, chup, cigarette lighter, cine-camera, cine-film, circularise, cissy, citizens advice, citizens advice bureau, city academy, city editor, city planning, civil defence, civil defense, cl, cl., clangor, clangour, clap hold of, clapperboard, class a/b/c etc, class a/b/c etc., class teacher, classified directory, claw your way out of something/to something/back etc, claw your way out of something/to something/back etc., clawback, clay pigeon, clay pigeon shooting, clean someone’s clock, clean your plate, clean-up, cleanskin, cleanup, clear blue water, clear the way for something, clear the way/ground for something, clear to/across/down etc, clear to/across/down etc., clear your desk, clear your throat, clear-up, clearing house, clearinghouse, clearway, cleave to, click-and-mortar, clicks-and-mortar, climb down, clip someone round the ear/earhole, clip someone’s wings, cllr, close (up) shop, close on/to something, close the stable door after the horse has bolted, close to something, close your ears (to), close-down, close2, closedown, close/shut the barn/stable door after the horse is gone, cloth cap, clothes horse, clothes line, clotheshorse, clothesline, cloture, club foot, clubfoot, clucky, clutch bag, clutch purse, cm., cmdr, cnd, co, co-location, co-pilot, co.1, co.2, coaching, coaching inn, coal bunker, coat-tails, coatroom, coattails, coax someone into/out of (doing) something, coax someone into/out of (doing) something, cobber, cobblers, cobnut, cock and bull story, cock up, cock-and-bull story, cocked hat, cocktail lounge, coconut matting, coeliac, coeliac disease, coffee klatch, coffeehouse, cohousing, coital, col., collect up, collect your thoughts, collection agency, colo., colocation, colonel blimp, colonia, colonise, color in, color line, color scheme, color up, color-blind, color-coded, colorant, colorfast, colorist, colour bar, colour in, colour scheme, colour supplement, colour up, colour-blind, colour-coded, colourant, colourfast, columbus day, comb out, combat pay, come across with, come after, come again?, come down on someone like a ton of bricks, come down the pike, come good/right, come in peace, come naturally/easily/easy (to someone), come out smelling like a rose/of roses, come round, come to a bad end, come to a boil, come to a full stop, come to grips with something, come to nought, come to pass, come to the boil, come to/be for naught, come to/bring something to a screeching halt, come to/meet a sticky end, come true, come undone/untied etc., come undone/untied/unstuck etc, come up smelling of roses, come what may, come within an inch of doing something, comedy of manners, come/go full circle, come/go hat in hand, come/go under the hammer, come/go/turn full circle, come/jerk/skid etc to a stop, come/jerk/skid etc. to a stop, commentate, commercial traveller, commercialise, commit someone/something for trial, commit something to paper/writing, commons, communication cord, community center, community centre, community chest, commutable, comp time, compact disc player, compensation culture, complementation, compliments slip, compose your thoughts, compromise yourself/your position, computer modeling, computer modelling, con game, concentrate on, concertmaster, concession stand, concomitantly, condemned cell, conduct disorder, coney island, confectioner’s sugar, confidence game, confidence trickster, conflict diamonds, confound it/him/her/them, conk out, conniption, conscience clause, conservatoire, conservator, consider your position, construction paper, constructive dismissal, contd, contd., content2, contextualise, continuous assessment, contract in, controlled trial, convenor, conventional wisdom, convolvulus, cook someone’s goose, cook the books, cook-chill, cooked breakfast, cookie sheet, cool your heels, coonskin, cooperative society, cooties, cop a feel, cop a plea, cop an attitude/pose, cop it, cop off, cop to, copilot, copy machine, cor, core values/beliefs, core values/beliefs, corn bread, corn dog, corn dolly, corn pone, corn syrup, corner store, corporate tax, corporate welfare, corrections officer, cortege, cortège, cosignatory, cost a fortune, cost a fortune/the earth/a bomb, cost accounting, costermonger, costume jewellery, costume jewelry, cost/pay the earth, cottage hospital, cottaging, cotton swab, cotton-picking, cottontail, cough sweet, couldn’t be better/worse/nicer etc, couldn’t be better/worse/nicer etc., counseled, counselling, counsellor, count sheep, count the days/hours/minutes etc, count the days/hours/minutes etc., count up, count your blessings, counter-revolution, counter-revolutionary, counterrevolution, counterrevolutionary, country code, country park, country seat, countrymade, country/place of origin, country/place/state of origin, county seat, coupe, coupé, court of appeal, court of appeals, courtesy bus, courtesy car, coventry, cover letter, cover your arse, cover your ass/butt, covering letter, cow town, cowchip, cowpie, cowpoke, cpd, crack a book/the books, crack a safe, crack a smile, crack on, crack onto, crack your knuckles, crack-up, crackerjack, cradle-robber, cradle-snatcher, craic, crap on, crawl space, crawler, credentialed, credit note, credit slip, credit transfer, credit where credit’s due, crenelated, crenellated, cres, crested, crib note, crib sheet, crikey, crim, crimbo, criminal damage, crimplene, crocked, croesus, crop-spraying, cropper, cross a check, cross a cheque, cross someone’s palm with silver, cross the t’s and dot the i’s, cross yourself, cross-channel, cross-fertilise, cross-hatching, crossed cheque, crosshatching, crowned head, cruft’s, cruller, crumbs, crumple zone, cry over spilled milk, cry over spilt milk, crystalize, crystallise, cry/sob your heart out, cry/weep buckets, cs gas, cst, ctc, ctrl, cu., cudgel your brain(s), cup final, cup tie, cupboard love, curbside collection, curling iron, curling tongs, curry favor (with someone), curry favour (with someone), curtain rail, curtain rod, curtained off, curtained-off | 1 | cuspidor, cuss out, cuss word, custodial sentence, customs and excise, cut a (wide) swath through something, cut a (wide) swathe through something, cut a check, cut a dash, cut a fine/ridiculous etc figure, cut a fine/ridiculous etc. figure, cut a tooth, cut and dried, cut it close, cut it fine, cut someone to the bone/heart/quick, cut someone to the quick, cut the cheese, cut the cord, cut the crap, cut the ground from under someone’s feet, cut your coat according to your cloth, cut-and-dried, cut-price, cut-rate, cut/tear etc something to ribbons, cutting board, cwt, cyber dhaba, cyberterrorism, cyberwar, cyder, cymru, d.d.s., d.litt., d.o.b., d.s.t., dacoit, dacron, daddy long legs, daddy longlegs, dagga, daggy, dak bungalow, damn all, damn it/you/him etc, damn it/you/him etc., damn straight, damned if you do, and damned if you don’t, damned/damn near, damned/damn near, damp squib, dance attendance on someone, dance to someone’s tune, danger money, dangerous driving, dapple-gray, dapple-grey, dare (to) hope/dream/believe, dare hope/dream/believe, dark fiber, darn it/you/him etc, darn it/you/him etc., dashed, dating service, day after day/week after week/year after year etc, day after day/week after week/year after year etc., day boy, day center, day centre, day girl, day in day out/week in week out etc, day in day out/week in week out etc., day of reckoning, day release, daytona beach, db, de, deadbeat dad, deadly nightshade, deaf-and-dumb, dear abby, dearly beloved, death by misadventure, death tax, dec., decision/policy etc makers, decision/policy etc. makers, deck chair, deckchair, decorating, decriminalise, deed of covenant, deep fryer, deep in/into the night, deep-fat fryer, deep-six, defence mechanism, defenceless, defense mechanism, defenseless, defenseman, defogger, defra, deg., delayering, delude yourself, delusions of grandeur, demeanor, demob, demolition job, demoralise, den mother, dental nurse, denver boot, dependant, depersonalise, deport yourself, dept, dept., deputise, derogate from, derringer, derv, des res, descale, deseed, desensitise, deserve a medal, desi, desk organizer, desk person, desk tidy, destabilise, detention center, detention centre, developmental disability, deviled, devilled, deviltry, devolve to, dewan, dhurrie, di, diaeresis, dial tone, dialed, dialing, dialling code, dialling tone, diamond in the rough, diamond lane, diamond wedding, diaper rash, dick and jane, dicker, dickey, dicky bird, diddums, didi, die a death, die back, die laughing, dieresis, different strokes (for different folks), dig a hole for yourself, dig someone in the ribs, digital display, digitise, dine in, dine on, dine out, dine out on, dinette set, ding-a-ling, dink, dinky toy, dinky-di, dinna, dinner lady, dinner theater, dinner/tea etc is up, dinner/tea etc. is up, dino kale, dip your lights/headlights, dip your/a toe into something, dip your/a toe into something, dipso, direct discourse, directory assistance, dirt farmer, dirty money, disc brakes, discharged bankrupt, discretion is the better part of valor, discretion is the better part of valour, dishevelled, dishonorable, dishonorable discharge, dishonourable, dishonourable discharge, dishrag, dishwashing liquid, disk brakes, disnae, disorderly house, dispatch rider, dispensing chemist, diss, dissolve into, district council, district nurse, disturb the peace, ditransitive, divide and conquer, divide and rule, divide your time between, divided highway, division bell, division lobby, division of labor, division of labour, diwan, dlitt, do a bunk, do a good/great etc job, do a good/great etc. job, do a runner, do a ton, do as you’re told, do bird, do doughnuts, do down, do i have to draw you a map?, do little to help/solve etc, do little to help/solve etc., do lunch, do me/us a favour, do out, do someone dirt, do someone the honor of doing something, do someone the honour of doing something, do someone’s heart good, do something brick by brick, do something by proxy, do something like fury, do something on a wing and a prayer, do something the hard way, do the business, do the dirty on someone, do the honors, do the honours, do the needful, do time, do what comes naturally, do your best/utmost, do your best/utmost, do your hair/nails etc., do your sums, do your teeth/hair/nails etc, do yourself an injury, dobermann, doc., docklands, dodge city, dog dirt, dog paddle, dog tag, dog-end, doggy paddle, doh, dollars and cents, dolly bird, dolphinarium, dominee, donkey derby, donkey work, donkeywork, donkey’s years, don’t call us, we’ll call you, don’t give up the/your day job, don’t tell me, don’t worry, don’t worry your head about something, don’t you believe it, don’t/never look a gift horse in the mouth, doodlebug, doona, dormobile, dosser, dosshouse, dot the i’s and cross the t’s, dot-com, dotcom, double date, double or nothing, double or quits, double play, double saucepan, double t/m/8/9 etc, double t/m/8/9 etc., double up as, double your fists, double-barreled, double-barrelled, double-quick, doublewide, doubt someone’s word, doughboy, dove-grey, down south, down syndrome, down the hatch, down tools, downlighter, downscale, down/up/over etc someone’s way, down/up/over etc. someone’s way, doz., do/is/can etc someone ever, do/is/can etc. someone ever, do/make the rounds, dphil, dr, dr., draftee, draftsmanship, drafty, drag by, drag someone through the courts, drag someone/someone’s name through the mud, drag someone/something into the 21st century/the modern world, drag someone’s name through the mire, drainboard, draining board, drainpipe trousers, dramatise, draught excluder, draughtboard, draughtproof, draughtsman, draughtsmanship, draughty, draw a blank, draw a crowd, draw a line under something, draw a raffle, draw breath, draw level, draw lots, draw near/nigh, draw off, draw water, drawing card, drawing power, draw/pull in your horns, dray, dream on, dress (up) to the nines, dress down, dress-up, dressed up like a dog’s dinner, dressing-up, drift apart, drill team, drinking chocolate, drinking-up time, drinks party, drippings, drive a coach and horses through something, drive a wedge between, drive back, drive someone around the bend, drive someone bonkers, drive someone crazy, drive someone daft, drive someone round the bend, drive someone scatty, driver’s seat, drive/make someone crazy, driving seat, drone on, drop around, drop cloth, drop goal, drop round, drop someone in it, drop-in centre, drop-kick, dropkick, druggily, drum roll, drum set, drumroll, drunk as a skunk, drunk as a skunk/lord, druthers, dry cough, dst, duck out of, duck soup, dud cheque, duds, dueling, duke it out, dumb blond, dumb blonde, dumb luck, dumb waiter, dumbwaiter, dump bin, dump on, dumper truck, durable goods, durex, durrie, dust bunny, dust cloth, dustcart, dutch oven, dutch uncle, duvet day, dvla, dwaal, dying of boredom/hunger/thirst etc, dying of boredom/hunger/thirst etc., déshabillé, e-mail address, e., each way, eager to please, eagle eye, eagle scout, earn a crust, earnest money, earnings per share, earth mover, earth up, earthmover, earthward, earthwards, ease someone’s conscience/mind, easy money/pickings, easy terms, eat crow, eat humble pie, eat in, eat like a bird, eat your words, eccles cake, echo in your mind/head, ecoterrorism, edema, edit suite, editorialise, edt, eeo, eeoc, efface yourself, efficiency apartment, effing and blinding, egg cup, egg roll, eggcup, egoism, ehic, either side/end/hand etc, either side/end/hand etc., ejection seat, ejector seat, ekg, elastic band, elasticized, elastoplast, elbow out, elbow your way through/to/towards, elder abuse, eldercare, electoral register, electric storm, electrical storm, electrics, electronic monitoring, electronic purse, electronic tagging, electroshock therapy, elementary, my dear watson, elevator music, email address, emergency cord, emergency department, empanada, empty your bladder, empty your glass/bottle, encamp, encash, endowment mortgage, endowment policy, endways, endwise, energise, engine driver, english horn, english muffin, english rose, enrol, enrolment, enter the lists, enterprise zone, enthrall, entitlement program, equal sign, equaled, equalise, equaliser, equals sign, erm, err toward in favor of something, err towards in favour of something, est, estate car, estrus, et al, et al., etc, etc., etc. etc., etiology, etonian, evangelise, even the score, evens, eventing, everest, every dog has its/his day, every nook and cranny, every nook and cranny/all the nooks and crannies, everyone has their price, everything’s coming up roses (for someone), ex-service, exam paper, exclamation mark, exclamation point, exclusion order, excuse my ignorance, exe, exorcize, expiration date, expiry date, expose yourself (to someone), extemporise, extend the hand of friendship to someone, extend your hand, extended school, extoll, eye opener, eye strain, eye up, eye-opener, eye-popping, eyeball to eyeball, eyedropper, eyestrain, eyewash, eyrie, fabric conditioner, fabric softener, face downward, face downwards, face the music, factor into, factorise, factorize, factory-gate price, faecal, fagot, fah, fair comment, fair do’s, fair go, fair play to someone, fair-haired boy, fall about, fall between two stools, fall foul of, fall on deaf ears, fall to bits/pieces, fall to pieces, fall/go by the wayside, false cognate, false friend, false positive, familiarise, familiarity breeds contempt, fancy the pants off someone, fancy yourself, fantasise, far-sighted, fare stage, farmhouse loaf, farmstay, farsighted, fart about, fart around, fascia, fashion victim, fastball, fasten on, fasten up, fastener, fastening, fault-finding, faultfinding, favor with, favour with, fawlty towers, fay, fc, feast or famine, feb., federal tax, feed someone a line, feed up, feedbag, feeder school, feeding, feel out, feel the pinch, feel your oats, feel your way, feel/be cheated, feel/be cheated, fellow traveler, fellow traveller, feminise, feringhee, fetal position, fetch up, fianna fail, fiber optics, fiber-optic, fiberglass, fibre optics, fibre-optic, fibreglass, fibro, fica tax, fictionalise, fiddle while rome burns, field mouse, fieldmouse, fight a fire/blaze, fight for breath, fight like cat and dog, fight like cats and dogs, fight your corner, figure eight, figure of eight, file for, filled/full to the brim, filler cap, film star, film-maker, filmi, filmmaker, filo pastry, final salary scheme, finalise, find your tongue, find your touch, finders keepers (losers weepers), find/make common cause with someone, fine gael, fingermark, fingerplate, fingerstall, fire certificate, fire in someone’s belly, fire practice, fire someone with enthusiasm, fire-raiser, firebug, fired up, fired-up, firehouse, firelighter, fireplug, fireside chat, firm/safe ground, first aider, first footing, first things first, first/best/most etc of all, first/best/most etc. of all, first/second/third hand, fish and chip shop, fish or cut bait, fish slice, fish stick, fishnet stockings, fit the mould, fit to be tied, fit to drop, fit up, fitment, fitness center, fitness centre, fitted kitchen, five spot, fizzer, fl, fl. oz., fla., flag football, flag stop, flagged, flake out, flare off, flash bulb, flashbulb, flat cap, flatcar, flatlet, flattery will get you anywhere, flattery will get you anywhere/everywhere, flavor of the month/week, flavour of the month, flesh-colored, flesh-coloured, flexible working, flexitime, flextime, flight lieutenant, flight sergeant, fling off, fling on, flip out, flip someone the bird/flip off, flip/give someone the bird, floating on air/on a cloud, flock wallpaper, flog something to death, flood out, floor model, florin, flow sheet, flunkey, flunky, flushed with success/triumph etc, flushed with success/triumph etc., flutter your eyelashes at someone, fly ball, fly spray, fly standby, fly-drive, fly-tipping, flying jacket, fly/wave/show the flag, foetal position, foggy bottom, follow the crowd/herd, follow the herd, follow-my-leader, follow-the-leader, fond hope/wish/dream etc, fond hope/wish/dream etc., food hall, footloose and fancy-free, footslogging, for a laugh, for a rainy day, for aught i know/care, for days/weeks etc at a time, for days/weeks etc. at a time, for ever, for external use, for external use (only), for once, for reasons best known to himself/herself etc, for reasons best known to himself/herself etc., for reasons of economy/safety/security etc, for reasons of economy/safety/security etc., for the first/last etc time, for the first/last etc. time, for the love of god, for the moment, for the thousandth time, for your/his/her age, forbidden fruit, force a smile/laugh, force back, forced labor, forced labour, foreign-returned, forest ranger, forewarned is forearmed, forklift, forklift truck, form teacher, foul out, four-flusher, four-leaf clover, four-leaved clover, four-stroke, fr, fr., fraidy-cat, fraternise, frcs, freak of nature, free and clear, freedom of the city, freedom song, freeholder, freeman, freemasonry, freewheel, freeze over, freightliner, french letter, french loaf, french stick, frequent flier, frequent flyer, friends in high places, frier, frig, frighteners, fringe theatre, frisco, fro-yo, from cradle to grave, from hour to hour/place to place etc, from hour to hour/place to place etc., from now/then/that moment etc on, from now/then/that moment etc. on, from one day to the next, from someone downward, from someone downwards, from soup to nuts, from stem to stern, from that day/moment/time etc forth, from that day/moment/time etc. forth, from that day/time/moment etc forward, from that day/time/moment etc. forward, from the cradle to the grave, from the horse’s mouth, from the sublime to the ridiculous, from/in the cradle, front and center, front burner, front for, front of house, front runner, front-runner, frontage road, frowsty, frowzy, fruit(s) of your labor, fruit(s) of your labour, fruiterer, fry-up, fryer, fuck all, fuck it/you/them etc, fuck it/you/them etc., fuck over, fuck up, fuck with, fuckwit, fueled, fueling, fug, fulfil a need, fulfil your potential, fulfill a need, fulfill your potential, full beam, full bore, full of the joys of spring, full on the mouth/chin etc, full on the mouth/chin etc., full to the gunwales, full-fledged, full-time mom, full-time mother, fundi, funneled, funny strange/weird or funny ha-ha, funplex, furze, fussed, fwd, fwy, fy, g.b., g.d.r., ga, ga., gafa, gag rule, gain time, gain/get someone’s confidence, gain/get someone’s confidence, galah, gallows humor, gallows humour, gamble away, gambling den, game console, game preserve, games console, gammy, gangmaster, garbage bag, garbage fire, garbage truck, garbanzo, garden apartment, garden center, garden centre, garden egg, garden flat, garden-variety, gas cap, gas pump, gas tank, gas up, gasify, gasohol, gasping, gather momentum, gather momentum/pace, gatorade, gawp, gbh, gbp, gce, gch, gchq, gdns, gdr, gearing, gee-gee, gelatin, gelatine, general anaesthetic, general anesthetic, general meeting, gentleman farmer, geochemistry, get (all) your ducks in a row, get (right) up your nose, get a charge out of something, get a guernsey/be given a guernsey, get a rise out of someone, get along like a house on fire, get as red as a beet, get bent, get down to brass tacks, get hitched, get into the way of doing something, get knotted, get laid, get more bang for your buck, get off my back, get off with, get off your arse, get on at, get on like a house on fire, get on someone’s tits, get on someone’s wick, get out of my face, get someone into trouble, get someone/something out of your head, get someone/something out of your system, get someone/something out of your head, get someone/something out of your system, get something into your head, get something into/through your thick skull, get somewhere/anywhere/nowhere, get spliced, get stuffed, get the best of someone, get the lead out, get the measure of someone/take someone’s measure, get the rough end of the pineapple, get the shaft, get the wrong end of the stick, get to first base, get unhitched, get what’s coming to you, get with, get with the program, get your chequebook out, get your end away, get your head around something, get your head round something, get your hooks into someone, get your kit off | 1 | get your leg over, get your oats, get your rocks off, get your sums wrong, get your tongue around something, get your tongue round something, get your/someone’s dander up, get/be given an easy ride, get/be given your cards, get/be shot of, get/climb/jump into the sack with someone, get/come to grips with something, get/go into a huddle, get/have (the) hiccups, get/keep out of someone’s hair, get/leap/rise/stagger etc to your feet, get/leap/rise/stagger etc. to your feet, get/set someone’s pulse racing, get/set someone’s pulse(s) racing, get/take a rise out of someone, get/take it into your head to do something, get/take the bit between your teeth, ghettoise, ghost train, ghq, ghz, giant killer, gift aid, gift certificate, gild the lily, gill1, gill2, gin trap, ginger snap, girl guide, girl scout, give a dog a bad name, give a good account of yourself, give a hundred per cent, give a hundred percent, give as good as you get, give in/hand in your notice, give it some gas, give it some wellie, give it to someone straight, give me five, give over, give someone a boost (up), give someone a going-over, give someone a hint, give someone a jingle, give someone a piece of your mind, give someone a rocket, give someone a song and dance about something, give someone a steer, give someone a thick ear, give someone an inch (and they’ll take a mile), give someone an inch (and they’ll take a mile/yard), give someone both barrels, give someone enough rope (to hang themselves), give someone grief, give someone the bird, give someone the creeps, give someone the elbow, give someone the fright of their life, give someone the giggles, give someone the shaft, give someone the slip, give someone their head, give someone ulcers, give someone what for, give someone/something a chance, give someone/get the push, give someone/something a chance, give something a day/month/year etc, give something a day/month/year etc., give something up as a bad job, give up to, give utterance to something, given half a chance, give/hand in (your) notice, glacé icing, glad news/tidings, glamorise, glare ice, glass fiber, glass fibre, glass wool, glee club, glogg, glom onto, gloop, glop, glory (be), glow-worm, glowworm, glue ear, glycaemic index, glycemic index, gmat, gnaw at, go a (long) way/ways toward something, go a long way toward doing something, go a long way towards doing something, go a way towards something, go all the way, go along with the program, go around in circles, go around/round in circles, go as red as a beetroot, go awry, go cap in hand to someone, go condominium, go do something, go down a bomb (with someone), go down on, go down the plughole, go down/fall/drop like ninepins, go from place to place/room to room etc, go from place to place/room to room etc., go funny, go hot and cold, go like a bomb, go off at the deep end, go off the boil, go off the deep end, go on about, go one better (than), go out like a light, go phut, go potty, go private, go red, go slow, go southwards, go the whole hog, go to bed with someone, go to glory, go to great/extreme/any etc lengths, go to great/extreme/any etc. lengths, go to the country, go to the mat (for someone), go toward, go towards, go up the wall, go walkabout, go where the wind blows, go whole hog, go with a swing, go-cart, go-go, go-kart, goad on, goaltender, goaltending, gobbler, god rest his/her soul, god willing, god/christ almighty, godown, god/heaven be praised, god/lord in heaven, going, going, gone, goiter, goitre, gold disc, gold medalist, gold medallist, gold record, goldbrick, golden share, golden wedding, gone on someone, gonorrhea, gonorrhoea, good and ready/warm etc, good and ready/warm etc., good deal, good for someone, good for/on someone, good job, good thinking, good-humored, good-humoured, good-time charlie, good/bad in bed, goodfella, good/bad in bed, good/nice/great job, good/oh lord, goof off, goof-up, googly, goolies, goop, gorge-walking, got it in one, gov, gov., gov1, gov2, government health warning, government house, governor general, governor-general, govt, govt., go/run/drive etc like the clappers, go/walk down the aisle, gpo, grabby, grace and favour, grade crossing, grader, graft off, graham cracker, grandad, grandpappy, grasp the nettle, grass over, grass up, gratify someone’s desire/need/curiosity etc, gratify someone’s desire/need/curiosity etc., grave2, graveled, gravelled, gray area, gray market, gray matter, gray out, grayness, greaser, great scott/heavens, great/good/wonderful etc news for, great/good/wonderful etc. news for, green room, greener pastures, greenkeeper, greenroom, greenskeeper, greeting card, greetings card, gretna green, grey area, grey market, grey matter, grey out, greyness, grill pan, grin and bear it, grind away, grind down, grind on, grind out, grind the faces of the poor, grind your teeth, grin/smile from ear to ear, gripe water, griping, grit your teeth, gritter, grizzle, grobag, gross-out, ground bait, ground ball, ground cloth, ground out, ground rent, ground squirrel, grounder, groundskeeper, group home, groveled, groveling, grow a beard/moustache, grow a pair, grow apart, grow away from, grow to love/hate/understand etc something, grow to love/hate/understand etc. something, growbag, grt, grueling, gruelling, gt., guard your tongue/temper, guard’s van, guck, guest of honor, guest of honour, guidance counselor, guide price, gulab jamun, gumball, gumboot, gun-shy, gunny, gunnysack, gusher, gutter out, guttering, guv, guvnor, gymslip, gynaecological, gîte, h.r.h., haberdasher, habit of mind/thought, hackney carriage, had someone/something done something..., hair weave, hairband, hairpin bend, hairpin curve, hairsbreadth, hair’s breadth, half again as much/many, half as much/many again, half bath, half board, half past one/two etc, half past one/two etc., half the fun/problem/trouble etc with something, half the fun/problem/trouble etc. with something, half time, half-assed, half-cock, half-cocked, half-wit, half-yearly, halftime, halfwit, half/twice etc as much again, half/twice etc. as much again, hallo, ham-handed, hammer and tongs, hand puppet, hand round, hand-held, handbasin, handheld, handlebar moustache, handlebar mustache, handywoman, hang (on) in there, hang a left/right, hang a left/right, hang about, hang glider, hang in there, hang on by your fingernails, hang out your shingle, hang-glider, hang/hold fire, hansard, happen along, happen on, happy birthday/christmas/easter/anniversary, happy birthday/easter/anniversary, happy camper, hara-kiri, harakiri, hard and fast, hard at work, hard by, hard hat, hard labor, hard labour, hard nut, hard to come by, hard-and-fast, hardbound, harden your heart, hardhat, hardscrabble, hardware shop, hardware store, hardy perennial, hard/tough as nails, hare lip, hare-brained, harebrained, harelip, hark at, harlequin romance, harley street, harried, hartal, harvey nichols, hash mark, haste makes waste, haste makes waste/more haste less speed, hatch out, hatcheck, hate someone’s guts, hatless, hats off to someone/i take my hat off to someone, hats off/my hat goes off to someone, haul ass, haul someone over the coals, have (got) it coming, have (got) it made (in the shade), have (got) someone (right/just/exactly) where you want them, have (got) someone (right/just/exactly) where you want them, have (got) someone bang to rights, have a (good) head for figures/business etc, have a (good) head for figures/business etc., have a (good) head for heights, have a baby/child/twins etc, have a baby/child/twins etc., have a ball, have a bash, have a bee in your bonnet (about something), have a big head, have a big/swollen head, have a care, have a child/baby/son/daughter by someone, have a child/baby/son/daughter by someone, have a cow, have a down on, have a duty/responsibility/obligation etc (to do something), have a duty/responsibility/obligation etc. (to do something), have a face like thunder/look like thunder, have a finger in every pie, have a flick through something, have a foot in both camps, have a frog in your throat, have a good head on your shoulders, have a good laugh, have a good thing going, have a green thumb, have a heart, have a heart of stone, have a lot on the ball, have a night on the tiles/be out on the tiles, have a piss, have a roving eye, have a short temper/fuse, have a thick head, have a thick skin, have a torrid time, have a trick up your sleeve, have all the time in the world, have an ax to grind, have an axe to grind, have an eye for/to the main chance, have an in with someone, have away, have been around the block (a couple of/a few times), have been around the block (a couple of/a few times), have big ideas/plans, have bigger/other fish to fry, have bigger/other fish to fry, have designs on someone, have feet of clay, have green fingers, have had it up to here, have had your chips, have it coming (to you), have legs, have mercy (on someone), have more than one string to your bow, have not heard the last of, have nothing to hide, have nothing/cotton between the ears, have off, have seen it all before, have sole ownership/responsibility etc, have sole ownership/responsibility etc., have someone by the balls, have someone eating out of your hand, have someone in your pocket, have someone/something on your hands, have someone/something on your hands, have someone’s guts for garters, have something against someone/something, have something against someone/something, have something down to a science, have something in your pocket, have something to do with something, have something/a lot/nothing etc to say for yourself, have something/a lot/nothing etc. to say for yourself, have sticky fingers, have the courage of your (own) convictions, have the hide of an elephant/rhinoceros, have the honor of doing something, have the honour of doing something, have the luck of the devil, have the pleasure of, have thick skin, have time on your hands, have you heard (the one) about?/did you hear about?, have your cake and eat it, have your cake and eat it too, have your day in court, have your head (screwed) on right, have your head (screwed) on straight, have your head in the clouds, have your nose/snout in the trough, have your work cut out (for you), have your work cut out for you, have/get something down to a fine art, have/take a gander at, haveli, have/eat someone for breakfast, have/get something down to a fine art, have/get the munchies, have/keep several balls in the air, have/keep your beady eye on someone, have/keep your ear to the ground, have/take a butcher’s, havildar, hayride, hayseed, hazard pay, hazardous waste, haze over, hazing, ha’p’orth, head and shoulders above the rest/others, head cold, head count, head shop, head trip, headcheese, headcount, headless chicken, health center, health centre, heaps, heaps of something, hear ye, heat wave, heatwave, heave to, heaven (only/alone) knows, heaven (only/alone) knows, heaven help us/them/the person who etc, heaven help us/them/the person who etc., heaven preserve me/us from, heavily built, heavily guarded, heavy breather, heavy breathing, heavy cream, heavy date, heavy sleeper, heavy smoker/drinker, heckuva, heisman trophy, hell hath no fury (like a woman scorned), hell on earth, hell on wheels, hellacious, hello there/you there etc, hello there/you there etc., hello!, hell’s bells, hell’s bells/teeth, help wanted, hem and haw, herder, herdsman, hereditary peer, herein lies, heritage center, heritage centre, heritage coast, hey presto, hide your light under a bushel, high beams, high gear, high holy day, high spot, high table, high-strung, high-wire act, highboy, highest common factor, highland fling, highly/well capitalized, highway patrol, hindmost, hip bath, hip flask, hip, hip, hooray, hiphuggers, hipsters, hire on, hireling, hist., history in the making, history will show/record/judge etc, history will show/record/judge etc., hit the buffers, hit the campaign/title etc. trail, hit the dirt, hit the sack/hay, hit the town/street etc, hit the town/street, etc., hitcher, hither and thither, hit/kick a man when he’s down, hmg, hmi, hms, hnc, hnd, hoagie, hoar-frost, hoedown, hog-wild, hogtie, hoick, hoist a flag/sail, hoist with/by your own petard, hokum, hold fast to something, hold fire, hold someone for ransom, hold someone in high esteem/regard, hold someone responsible/accountable/liable, hold someone to ransom, hold that thought, hold the chilli/mustard/cream etc, hold the ketchup/mustard/mayo etc., hold the phone, hold true, hold with, hold your head up/high, hold your horses, hold your own, holdall, hold/have all the aces, hole-and-corner, holiday camp, holidaymaker, holiday/maternity/sick etc pay, hols, holy god/jesus, holy smoke/cow/mackerel etc, holy smoke/cow/mackerel etc., home and dry, home away from home, home banking, home fries, home from home, home help, home room, home sweet home, home time, home town, home-court advantage, home-field advantage, homebound, homer, hometown, homocysteine, homoeopathic, homoeopathy, homogenise, hone in on, hongkonger, honor a check/credit card, honor bound, honor guard, honor killing, honor roll, honor society, honorable mention, honored, honors, honour a cheque, honour killing, honour someone with your presence, honoured, honours, honours degree, honours list, hons, hoof-and-mouth disease, hoofer, hook and ladder, hookup, hoot and holler, hooters, hooting and hollering, hop it, hop to it, hope chest, hope springs eternal, hope springs eternal (in the human breast), hopped-up, hopping mad, horlicks, horn of plenty, hornpipe, horror film, horror movie, hors de combat, horse racing, horse sense, horse trailer, horseback riding, horsebox, horseracing, horseshoes, hosepipe, hospitalise, hot favorite, hot favourite, hot flash, hot list, hot off the press(es), hot on the heels of, hours/days/weeks etc on end, hours/days/weeks etc. on end, house majority leader, house wine/red/white, housebroken, housemistress, houseparent, houseroom, housewares, housing association, housing benefit, housing development, housing estate, housing project, how long have you got?, how long is a piece of string?, how/what/who etc the heck, how/who/what etc in heaven’s name, howbeit, howl down, howzat, how/what/who etc. the heck, how/what/why etc in god’s name, how/what/why etc. in god’s name, how/who/what etc. in heaven’s name, hr., hrh, hud, hula, hum and haw, human geography, human-made, humanise, hump-back bridge, hung up on someone, hunt saboteur, hush puppy, hyperglycaemia, hyperglycemia, hypnotise, hypoglycaemia, hypoglycemia, hypokalaemia, hypokalemia, hypothesise, hz, i (just) wanted..., i beg to differ, i could eat a horse, i could have died, i could murder something, i couldn’t have put it better myself, i don’t blame you/him/her/them, i don’t envy you/him etc, i don’t envy you/him etc., i don’t need this crap, i don’t rightly know/i can’t rightly say, i don’t wish to be rude/ungrateful etc., i don’t wonder (that), i hate to bother/interrupt/trouble etc you, i hate to bother/interrupt/trouble etc. you, i hope/swear/wish etc to god, i hope/swear/wish etc. to god, i kid you not, i may say/add, i might add, i might say/add, i must dash/i have to dash, i nearly died, i owe you, i owe you one, i say, i shouldn’t wonder (if), i should/would hope so, i should/would hope so (too), i tell a lie, i thought i’d died and gone to heaven, i want to say/thank/tell etc, i want to say/thank/tell etc., i wanted..., i wish someone/something would do something, i wish someone/something would do something, i would think/imagine/hope etc, i would think/imagine/hope etc., i wouldn’t touch someone/something with a ten-foot pole, i-beam, i/we etc will not rest until..., ia, ia., ibid., ice ax, ice axe, ice chest, ice coffee, ice cream parlor, ice down, ice fishing, ice skater, ice tea, ice water, ice-skater, iceman, icq, id., ida., identification card, if at first you don’t succeed, (try, try, and try again), if he/she/they etc so desire(s), if he/she/they etc. so desire(s), if i might be so bold, if the cap fits (wear it), if the shoe fits (wear it), if the worst comes to the worst, if these walls could talk, if worse/worst comes to worst, if you can’t beat ’em join ’em, if you can’t stand/take the heat (get out of the kitchen), if you give someone/something half a chance, if you snooze you lose, ignorance is bliss, il, ill at ease, ill., immobilise, immoral earnings, immortalise, impatiens, in (the) light of something, in a (cold) sweat, in a bad/new/different etc light, in a bad/new/different etc. light, in a coon’s age, in a lather, in a pickle, in a professional/personal/advisory etc capacity, in a professional/personal/advisory etc. capacity, in a similar/orderly/spectacular etc fashion, in a similar/orderly/spectacular etc. fashion, in a spin, in a stew, in a strop, in a time warp, in after years, in all its/their etc glory, in all its/their etc. glory, in all probability/likelihood/honesty/seriousness etc, in all probability/likelihood/honesty/seriousness etc., in as many days/weeks/games etc, in as many days/weeks/games etc., in back of, in back of something, in closed session, in color, in deep doo-doo, in deep shit/in the shit, in escrow, in favor of, in favour, in favour of, in flood, in for it, in fruit, in full flood, in full flow, in funds, in good/excellent/bad etc nick, in good/excellent/bad etc. nick, in heat, in hock, in honor of, in honour of, in hot pursuit, in inverted commas, in length/width/height/area etc, in length/width/height/area etc., in light of something, in queer street, in rare/top etc form, in rare/top etc. form, in relays, in season, in someone’s favor, in someone’s favour, in someone’s hearing, in spate, in splendid isolation, in state, in stereo, in strict confidence, in sympathy, in tandem, in the arms of morpheus, in the bargain, in the blink of an eye, in the buff, in the cards, in the club, in the eye of the storm, in the eyes of the law/world etc, in the eyes of the law/world etc., in the foreground, in the frame, in the fullness of time, in the hopper, in the lion’s den, in the neighbourhood of something, in the old days, in the ordinary way, in the pink, in the public domain, in the swim, in the traditional/classic/modern etc mould, in the wrong place at the wrong time, in your middle 30s/40s etc, in your middle 30s/40s etc., in your stocking feet, in your stocking/stockinged feet, in-bounds, in-law apartment, in/out of style, inchoate offence, inchoate offense, incident room, incl., inclined to think/believe/agree etc, inclined to think/believe/agree etc., increase/cut etc something by half, increase/cut etc. something by half, indentured servant, india ink, indian corn, indian giver, indian wrestling, indictable offence, indictable offense, individualise, induction course, industrial arts, industrial tribunal, infant son/daughter, influence-peddling, information center, information centre, ingrowing, initialed, initialing, initialise, injun, ink in, inner-tubing, innit, inquire after, inquorate, inseam, inside/outside the beltway, insider dealing, insider trading, insolvable, insp., inspector of taxes, inst., installation program, installment, installment plan, instant replay, instill, institutionalisation, institutionalise, insulating tape, insurance adjuster, insurance agent, int., intellectualise, interagency, intercity, interior decoration, interior design, interpretation center, interpretation centre, intl., into the bargain, into/out of thin air | 1 | into/out of thin air, invasion of privacy, inverted snobbery, invigilate, invite round, in/during/over the course of something, in/into high gear, in/into top gear, in/out of style, in/out of the loop, in/over the course of something, ionise, ira, iron-gray, iron-grey, ironmongery, ironmonger’s, iron/work out the kinks in something, islamism, isn’t he/she just/doesn’t he/she just?, it beats me, it burns me, it cannot/could not be otherwise, it doesn’t hurt to do something, it is not for lack/want of trying, it is not for want/lack of trying, it is tipping (it) down, it just so happens that, it makes a change, it makes me (want to) puke, it never hurts to do something, it never rains but it pours, it remains to be seen (whether/what/how), it remains to be seen (whether/what/how), it takes two to tango, it was nice meeting you, it would be an honour, it would be idle to do something, it/something doesn’t make any odds (to me), italicise, itn, itsy-bitsy, itty-bitty, itv, it/something doesn’t make any odds (to me), it/that bites (the big one), it’ll (all) end in tears, it’s (all) greek to me, it’s a deal, it’s a dog’s life, it’s a fair cop, it’s a funny old world/game, it’s a game of two halves, it’s a good thing that, it’s a good thing/job that, it’s all go, it’s an ill wind (that blows no good), it’s an ill wind (that blows nobody any good), it’s as broad as it is long, it’s early days, it’s early in the day, it’s even money, it’s more than my job’s worth, it’s not someone’s day, it’s now or never, it’s raining cats and dogs, it’s the thought that counts, it’s/that’s a wrap, it’s/that’s someone’s funeral, izzat, i/we etc would appreciate it if..., i/we etc. will not rest until..., i/we etc. would appreciate it if..., i/you/he etc can only guess, i/you/he etc. can only guess, i/you/she etc would never guess, i/you/she etc. would never guess, i/you/they etc could always, i/you/they etc. could always, i’d lay money/odds/a bet on something, i’ll believe it/that when i see it, i’ll give you three guesses, i’ll knock your/his etc block off, i’ll knock your/his etc. block off, i’ll show you/him/them etc, i’ll show you/him/them etc., i’ll swing for someone, i’ll warrant, i’m all right, jack, i’m all set, i’m ashamed to say/admit, i’m ashamed to say/admit, i’m bound to say, i’m not particular, i’ve heard about, j., j.p., jack robinson, jackaroo, jai alai, jalousie, jam jar, jam something down someone’s throat, jamestown, jan., janet and john, jangli, japonica, jawan, jawbreaker, jaycee, jcb, jelly baby, jelly roll, jemmy, jeopardise, jerkwater, jerk/jab/cock your thumb, jib at, jicama, jiffy bag, jink, jnr, job action, job club, jobcentre, jobholder, jobs for the boys, jobseeker’s allowance, jock itch, joe blow, joe job, joe schmo, jog along, joggers, jogging suit, john o’ groats, john q. public, johnny-on-the-spot, join a line, join a line/queue, join the queue, joint degree, joint-stock company, jolly along, jolly good, jolly up, jolly well, jonah, jp, jpg, jr., juggling act, jul., jump a light, jump a train, jump down someone’s throat, jump in line, jump seat, jump ship, jump the curb, jump the queue, jump the tracks/track, jump to it, jumping jack, jun., junction box, junior varsity, juridical, jury service, jury-rig, just (good) friends, just behind/above/below etc, just behind/above/below etc., jv, kaffeeklatch, kajal, kanji, kans., kart, kb, keep a guard on your tongue/temper, keep a weather eye on, keep faith with, keep fit, keep in, keep mum, keep regular/late etc hours, keep regular/late etc. hours, keep someone at a distance, keep someone sweet, keep something under your hat, keep the pot boiling, keep time, keep to yourself, keep your ears open, keep your eyes open/peeled (for), keep your eyes open/peeled/skinned (for), keep your hair on, keep your head down, keep your nose clean, keep your own counsel, keep your pecker up, keep your shirt on, keep yourself to yourself, keep-away, keep/break the sabbath, kegger, ken., kent, kerb-crawling, kerbside, kernel of truth/wisdom etc, kernel of truth/wisdom etc., key card, keynote speech/address, khansama, kibitz, kick against, kick someone in the teeth, kick someone when they are down, kick something into touch, kick the bucket, kick the shit out of someone, kick the tires, kick the tyres, kickball, kicker, kick/beat the shit out of someone, kid stuff, kids’ stuff, kill or cure, killfile, kinaesthetic, kindly adjust, kinesthetic, kinfolk, kinsfolk, kiss my ass, kiss off, kiss someone goodbye, kiss someone’s arse, kiss someone’s ass, kiss up to, kiss-ass, kissogram, kiswahili, kitchen roll, kiteboarding, kitemark, kitty litter, knacker, knacker’s yard, knick-knack, knickerbocker glory, knickknack, knit your brows/eyebrows, knock (someone’s) heads together, knock on wood, knock some sense into someone, knock someone for a loop, knock someone for six/knock someone sideways, knock someone off their pedestal, knock someone/something into a cocked hat, knock ’em dead, knock-up, knockabout, knockback, knockdown-dragout, knock/throw someone for a loop, know no boundaries, know no bounds, know someone in the biblical way/sense, know someone in the biblical way/sense, know someone/something inside and out, know someone/something inside out, know someone/something inside out, know something backward and forward, know something backwards/inside out, know what’s what, know which side your bread is buttered (on), know your limits, kook, kora, kp, kraft, kriss kringle, ks, kt, kt., ky, ky., l-plate, la., labeled, labeling, labor camp, labor force, labor law, labor market, labor mobility, labor of love, labor the point, labor under a misapprehension/delusion/misconception, labor-intensive, labor-saving, labored, laborer, labour camp, labour force, labour law, labour market, labour of love, labour the point, labour under, labour-intensive, labour-saving, laboured, labourer, lackluster, lacklustre, ladette, ladle out, lady muck, lady of the evening, lady of the night, ladyfinger, lagging, lakefront, land agent, land girl, land office, land rover, land up, land, ho!, land-office business, landscaping, land’s end, lap of honour, larger than life, larger-than-life, lariat, larrikin, lasagna, lasagne, laser visa, last hurrah, lat., latch on, late of, laugh all the way to the bank, laugh lines, laugh someone/something out of court, laugh up your sleeve, laughing/crying/coughing fit to bust/burst, laughing/rolling in the aisles, laughter lines, launch out, laundry detergent, lawman, lawn chair, lawn mower, lawn party, lawnmower, lay a guilt trip on someone, lay about, lay down your life, lay over, lay siege to something, lay someone to rest, lay someone/something flat, lay something waste/lay waste to something, lay to, lay-off, layaway, layoff, laze around, lb, lb., lbw, lead on to, lead replacement petrol, lead someone a (merry) dance, lead someone a merry dance, leading article, leadoff, league standings, league table, leap to someone’s defence, leap to someone’s defense, learn by doing, learn from your mistakes, learn your lesson, learner-centered instruction, learner-centred instruction, learning disability, least common denominator, leave a nasty taste, leave someone in the dust, leave someone in the lurch, leave someone/something hanging, leave someone/something standing, leave someone/something hanging, leave someone/something standing, leave something aside, leavened, leave/let well (enough) alone, leave/let well alone, leave/save/keep something for last, leave/save/keep something until last, left, right, and center, left, right, and centre, left-of-center, left-of-centre, leftward, leftwards, leg-pull, legalise, legerdemain, legitimise, leisure centre, leisure suit, leisure traveler, leisure traveller, lemon curd, less of, less than honest/satisfactory/happy etc, less than honest/satisfactory/happy etc., let go (of someone/something), let go (of someone/something), let it/things lie, let loose, let me be the judge of that, let someone stew (in their own juice), let someone stew (in their own juices), let someone/something go, let someone/something go, let them eat cake, let-out, let-up, letter-perfect, letup, let’s hear it for, leveled, leveler, leveling, leveller, lever yourself, liable to something, lib dem, libeled, libeling, liberal democrat, liberal party, liberalise, licence agreement, license agreement, licensing hours, licensing laws, lick someone’s boots, lick your wounds, lickety-split, lido, lie about, lie around, lie in state, lie low, lie-down, lie-in, life jacket, life member, life vest, lifejacket, life’s too short, lift off, light a fuse, light ale, light at the end of the tunnel, light fitting, light fixture, light into, light on your feet, light railway, light-headed, light-hearted, lightheaded, lighthearted, lighting up time, lightning bug, lightning never strikes twice (in the same place), lightning rod, lights out, like (greased) lightning, like a bat out of hell, like a cat on a hot tin roof, like a dose of salts, like a lamb (to the slaughter), like a morgue, like a moth to a candle flame, like an overgrown child/kid etc., like an overgrown child/schoolboy/schoolgirl etc, like banging/hitting your head against a brick wall, like banging/hitting your head against a brick wall, like father, like son, like fun, like gold dust, like it’s going out of fashion, like lemmings, like rats deserting a sinking ship, like stink, like taking candy from a baby, like two peas in a pod, like/hate/love etc it when, like/hate/love etc. it when, lilo, limited english proficient, linctus, line drive, line of scrimmage, line-up, lineman, linen closet, linen cupboard, lineup, lionise, liquidise, lissom, lissome, listen out for, lit., litter box, litter tray, little league, little-bitty, live and let live, live by your wits, live by/on your wits, live from day to day, live from hand to mouth, live happily ever after, live in fear (of), live in sin (with someone), live off the land, liver sausage, liverpudlian, living hell, ll.b., ll.d., ll.m., llb, lld, llm, loaded in favour of/against, loadsa, lobby correspondent, local anaesthetic, local anesthetic, local color, local colour, local radio, localise, lock-in, locked in (a) battle/debate/dispute/negotiations etc, locked in (a) battle/debate/dispute/negotiations etc., log on, loge, loiter with intent, lollipop lady, lollipop man, lollygag, lollypop, london broil, long drink, long odds, long time no see, long-form journalism, long-stay, longways, look as if you have seen a ghost, look down your nose at, look like a drowned rat, look like something the cat dragged in, look like something the cat dragged/brought in, look sharp/lively, look to your laurels, look what/how, look your age, look your best, looks/appearances can be deceiving, look/feel like death warmed over, look/feel like death warmed up, look/search high and low, look/search/seek high and low, loony tune, loosen someone’s tongue, lord mayor, lord’s, lose a baby, lose height, lose something in translation/interpretation etc, lose something in translation/interpretation etc., lose the battle but win the war, lose the plot, lose your balance/footing, lose your heart (to someone), lose your heart to someone, lose your nerve, lose your voice, loss adjuster, lossmaker, lost income, lough, lounge bar, lour, louvered, louvred, love bite, love them and leave them, lovey, loving cup, low-rider, lower2, lpn, lsat, ltd, ltd., lube job, lucky (old) you/me etc, lucky (old) you/me etc., lucky/lazy/cheeky etc beggar, lucky/lazy/cheeky etc. beggar, luggage allowance, lughole, lulu, lumberyard, luncheon voucher, lunchroom, lunkhead, lupin, lurgy, lustre, lw, m econ, m ed, m.a., m.b.a., m.c., m.d., m.ed., m.f.a., m.o., m.s., m.v., macarena, macaroni and cheese, macaroni cheese, machine washable, machine-washable, mad about something, mad about/on something, mad keen (on), mad with rage/grief/pain etc, mad with rage/grief/pain etc., madam chairwoman/president/ambassador etc, madam chairwoman/president/ambassador etc., madd, madeira cake, magazine section, magnet school, magnetise, mahjong, maid of honor, maid of honour, mains electricity, major-domo, majority leader, make (a) nonsense of, make (for) interesting/tedious etc reading, make (for) interesting/tedious etc. reading, make a bomb (doing something/out of something), make a clean breast of something, make a drama out of something, make a face, make a fast/quick buck, make a fast/quick buck, make a favorable impression (on someone), make a favourable impression (on someone), make a fuss of, make a fuss over, make a good/bad job of (doing) something, make a good/decent/poor etc fist of something, make a good/decent/poor, etc. fist of something, make a hash of something, make a horlicks of something, make a monkey out of someone, make a mountain out of a molehill, make a move on someone, make a pass at someone, make a pig’s ear of something, make a play for someone, make a play for something, make a production (out) of something, make a production out of something, make a quick buck, make a run at something, make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear, make a song and dance about something, make a spectacle of yourself, make an example of someone, make an honest woman (out) of someone, make an issue of something, make an issue out of something, make common cause (with someone), make common cause with someone, make encouraging/sympathetic etc noises, make encouraging/sympathetic etc. noises, make good (on) a promise/threat/debt etc, make good (on) a promise/threat/debt etc., make hash of something, make haste, make hay (while the sun shines), make heavy weather of something, make it 5 o’clock/7.30 etc, make it 5 o’clock/7:30 etc., make it snappy, make it with someone, make merry, make nonsense of, make quick/short work of someone, make quick/short work of something, make short/light/quick work of someone, make short/light/quick work of something, make someone’s hair curl, make someone’s skin/flesh crawl, make someone’s toes curl, make the best of a bad job, make the dust fly, make the rounds, make the ultimate sacrifice, make toward, make towards, make up the leeway, make up/recover lost ground, make up/recover lost ground, make your skin/flesh crawl, make yourself heard, make-up, makeup, make/hit/grab the headlines, make/pull a face, malediction, malt liquor, malt whiskey, malt whisky, mam, mama’s boy, man and boy, man cannot live by bread alone, man overboard, managed care, manchester, mancunian, manufactured home, many moons ago, many’s the time/day etc (that), many’s the time/day etc. (that), man’s best friend, maquiladora, mar., marching season, marginalise, mark 1/2/3 etc, mark 1/2/3 etc., mark down as, mark you, mark-up, mark-up language, market day, markup, markup language, marriage bureau, marriage counseling, marriage guidance, marriage licence, marriage license, marrow bone, marrowbone, marshaled, marshaling, marshalling yard, martha’s vineyard, masc., mashed potato, mashed potatoes, mason jar, masonite, mass., massage parlor, massage parlour, massage someone’s ego, master of the rolls, matchwood, mater, materialise, matron of honor, matron of honour, matt, matte, max., mayoress, may/might i ask, mba, mbbs, mbsc, md., mdt, me either, me., mean no offence, means of production, means-tested, measure/judge etc someone/something against someone/something, measure/judge etc. someone/something against someone/something, measuring jug, meat grinder, meccano, mechanise, medical examiner, meet your waterloo, meeting-house, meetinghouse, megachurch, megan’s law, megaplex, mela, melt down, mental home, mentioned in dispatches, merc, mercantile marine, merchant marine, merseyside, mesmerising, messrs, messrs., meter maid, mfa, mfg., mfr., mhz, mich., microfiber, microfibre, middle child/daughter/brother etc, middle child/daughter/brother etc., mielie, mild language, miles better/more difficult/too long etc, miles better/more difficult/too long etc., military intelligence, milk churn, milk pudding, milking parlor, milking parlour, mill wheel, mills and boon, millwheel, milometer, mind (out), mind how you go, mingy, mini-me, minister without portfolio, minn., misc., misdial, misery guts, miss., mission of mercy, miter, mitre, mix it (up) with someone, mix it up with someone, mixed ability, mixer tap, mkt, mn, mobilise, moblogging, mockers, mod cons, modeled, moggy, mohican, mom and apple pie, moma, momma, monday through friday/july through december etc, monday through friday/july through december etc., money for old rope, money purchase scheme, money-grubber, money-spinning, money/room/time etc to spare, money/room/time etc. to spare, monkey-in-the-middle, monkeyshines, mont., mooch around, moral fiber, moral fibre, more by luck than judgment, more power to someone, more power to someone/someone’s elbow, more than likely/happy/ready etc, more than likely/happy/ready etc., more than somewhat, more/longer etc than someone cares to remember/admit/mention, more/longer etc. than someone cares to remember/admit/mention, mori, mortal enemy, mortal remains, moses basket, most favored nation, most favoured nation, mothering sunday, mother’s ruin, motor neuron disease, motor neurone disease, motorised, moulder, mouse mat, mouse pad, mouth-watering, mouthwatering, move the goalposts, move/shift the goalposts, move/shift up a gear, move/shift your arse, movie house, mow down, mphil, mpv, mr big, mr clean, mr fixit, mr right, mr universe, mr., mr. big, mr. clean, mr. fixit, mr. right, mr. universe, mrs, mrs beeton, mrs., ms right, ms., ms. right, msc, msgr, msgr., msp, mst, mt., mtg, mtg., much loved/respected/admired/criticized etc, much loved/respected/admired/criticized etc., much to someone’s surprise/amazement/annoyance etc, much to someone’s surprise/amazement/annoyance etc., muchly, mud sticks, muddle up, mudroom, mug up, muggins, mukluks, multi-agency, multi-disciplinary, multi-faith, multi-purpose, multi-user, multiagency, multidisciplinary, multifaith, multipurpose, multiuser, mum-to-be, mum’s the word, music director, musical box, musicality, muso, mutton dressed as lamb, muu-muu, muzzy, mx, mx. | 1 | my (good/dear) man, my (humble/deepest/sincere etc) apologies, my (humble/deepest/sincere etc.) apologies, my arse, my girl, my guess is (that), my hat, my lips are sealed, my money’s on someone/something, my money’s on someone/something, my word is my bond, n.a., n.dak., n.mex., n.z., n/c, na, naafi, naga, nail a rumour/lie, nail your colours to the mast, nam, name-tape, name/pick/choose your poison, nana, nannying, nanometer, nanometre, nappy rash, narked, nat., national curriculum, native central american, native north american, native south american, naturalise, navvy, navy bean, nc, nc-17, nd, near the knuckle, nearly/almost wet yourself, neb., nebr., necessity is the mother of invention, nectar of the gods, needlewoman, neg., neighborhood watch, neighbourhood watch, neither fish nor fowl, nelson’s column, nem con, nerve center, nerve centre, net curtain, net worth, network administrator, neutralise, nev., never a dull moment, never the twain shall meet, never/don’t judge a book by its cover, new age traveller, new arrival, new build, new labour, new-found, newfound, news-sheet, newsdealer, nh, ni, nice one, nick off, nick-nack, nicknack, night crawler, night depository, night porter, night safe, nil by mouth, nine-day/seven-day/one-day wonder, ninepins, nip at someone’s heels, nisi, niter, nitroglycerin, nitroglycerine, nj, nm, no bother, no dice, no fear, no harm comes to someone/something, no harm comes to someone/something, no laughing matter, no matter how/where/what etc, no matter how/where/what etc., no more, no more do/will/can/have i, no more excuses/questions/secrets etc., no more mr nice guy, no more mr. nice guy, no news is good news, no offence, no offense, no pain, no gain, no relation, no such luck, no through road, no through street, no-account, no-fly list, nob, nobble, nod off, noddle, nohow, non-aggression, non-alcoholic, non-aligned, non-appearance, non-attendance, non-combatant, non-commissioned officer, non-contributory, non-cooperation, non-count, non-custodial, non-essential, non-essentials, non-event, non-executive director, non-existent, non-fat, non-fiction, non-flammable, non-governmental, non-intervention, non-invasive, non-iron, non-linear, non-member, non-nuclear, non-observance, non-partisan, non-payment, non-person, non-prescription, non-proliferation, non-refundable, non-renewable, non-residential, non-slip, non-smoker, non-smoking, non-specific, non-standard, non-starter, non-stick, non-stop, non-transferable, non-u, non-union, non-verbal, non-violence, non-violent, non-white, nonaggression, nonalcoholic, nonaligned, nonappearance, nonattendance, noncombatant, noncommissioned officer, noncompliance, noncooperation, noncount, noncustodial, none of your beeswax, none the better/worse etc, none the better/worse etc., none the less, nonessential, nonessentials, nonevent, nonexistent, nonfat, nonfiction, nonflammable, nongovernmental, nonintervention, noninvasive, nonlinear, nonmember, nonnegotiable, nonnuclear, nonobservance, nonoperational, nonpartisan, nonpayment, nonperson, nonprescription, nonproliferation, nonrefundable, nonrenewable, nonresident, nonresidential, nonslip, nonsmoker, nonsmoking, nonspecific, nonstandard, nonstarter, nonstick, nonstop, nontransferable, nonunion, nonverbal, nonviolence, nonviolent, nonwhite, nop, normalise, north-easterly, north-eastern, north-westerly, north-western, northeasterly, northeastern, northward, northwesterly, northwestern, nose to tail, nosebag, nosh-up, not a dry eye (in the house), not a hundred per cent, not a patch on something, not a sausage, not all that good/bad/big etc, not all that good/bad/big etc., not amount to a hill of beans, not bat an eye, not bat an eyelid, not be made for (doing) something/to do something, not be set in/laid down in/written on tablets of stone, not be set in/laid down on/written on tablets of stone, not be someone’s keeper, not be up to much, not by a long shot, not by a long shot/chalk/way, not by any manner of means, not care for someone/something, not care for someone/something, not care twopence, not change your spots, not cricket, not cut the mustard, not do yourself any favours, not enough room to swing a cat, not feel/look too clever, not fit the mold/come from a different mold, not for all the tea in china, not for love nor money, not for love or money, not forgetting, not give a (flying) fuck, not give a fig about/for something, not give a shit, not give a toss, not give someone/something a second/another thought, not give someone/something a/another thought, not go a bundle on something, not half, not half as good/bad/much etc as, not half as good/bad/much etc. as, not harm/touch a hair on someone’s head, not have a bad/jealous etc bone in your body, not have a bad/jealous etc. bone in your body, not have a bean, not have a cat in hell’s chance, not have a pot to piss in, not have a snowball’s chance (in hell), not have a stitch on, not have much up top, not hear a dicky bird, not hear/understand etc a (single) word, not hear/understand etc. a (single) word, not in my backyard, not just whistling dixie, not know beans about something, not know where to put yourself, not know whether to laugh or cry, not know whether you’re coming or going, not know your arse from your elbow, not know your ass from your elbow, not lift a finger, not long for this world, not look yourself, not much cop, not only/just/merely/simply, not only/just/merely/simply, not pay someone/something any mind, not put a foot wrong, not say boo, not sleep a wink, not soil your hands, not so/too hot, not suffer fools gladly, not to be sneezed at, not to harm a hair on someone’s head, not to worry, not trust someone an inch, not trust someone any farther than an inch, not trust someone as far as you can throw them, not turn a hair, not want to be/appear/sound etc, not want to be/appear/sound etc., not your usual self, not...any longer, not...any more/longer, nothing could be farther from the truth, nothing could be further from the truth, nothing doing, nothing to get excited about, nothing to sneeze at, nothing ventured (nothing gained), notions, notting hill, not/never in a month of sundays, nov., now i’ve seen everything/it all, now i’ve seen everything/it all, now that you mention it, now then, now you mention it, nowt, nudge your way, nudge, nudge, wink, wink, nursery nurse, nursery slope, nurturance, nv, nvq, nz, o level, o., oa, oakum, oarlock, oast house, ob/gyn, obe, obie, ocean sunfish, ocher, ochre, ocker, oct., odd minute/moment, odd minute/moment, oddly enough, odds and sods, odorless, odourless, oeic, of a weekend/sunday etc, of chinese/german etc extraction, of chinese/german etc. extraction, of color, of colour, of many/five/ten etc years’ standing, of many/five/ten etc. years’ standing, of tv etc fame, of tv etc. fame, of unsound mind, of your own free will, ofcom, off (the) air, off base, off beam, off hand, off sick, off the air, off the beaten path/track, off the beaten track/path, off your food, off your hands, off your nut, off your trolley, off-brand, off-center, off-centre, off-color, off-colour, off-plan, offer someone your hand, office holder, officeholder, offie, ofsted, of/in the order of something, oi, oil pan, oilseed rape, okay then, okie, okla., old dear, old fruit, old lag, old stick, old trout, old-fashioned look/expression, omega-3, omega-6 oil, omw, on (the) air, on (your) hands and knees, on a case by case basis, on a case-by-case basis, on a hiding to nothing, on a shoestring, on a sticky wicket, on background, on both/several etc counts, on both/several etc. counts, on british/us/japanese etc soil, on british/u.s./japanese etc. soil, on cloud nine, on deck, on draft, on draught, on easy street, on heat, on hospice (care), on my honor, on my honour, on prescription, on sale or return, on second thought, on second thoughts, on someone’s coat-tails, on someone’s coattails, on the air, on the bench, on the block, on the blower, on the bubble, on the cards, on the distaff side, on the double, on the fat/thin/heavy etc side, on the fat/thin/heavy etc. side, on the flat, on the good/bad/right/wrong side of someone, on the horns of a dilemma, on the nod, on the nose, on the order of something, on the piss, on the right lines, on the right/wrong side of someone, on the right/wrong side of the law, on the trot, on your (own) head, on your (own) head be it, on your bike!, on your own responsibility, on your own time, on-ramp, on-stream, once a week/month/year etc, once a week/month/year etc., once every three days/four years etc, once every three days/four years etc., once in a lifetime, one day/night/year etc, one day/night/year etc., one good turn deserves another, one in the eye for someone, one man’s meat is another man’s poison, one of the biggest/best/most beautiful etc, one of the biggest/best/most beautiful etc., one of the lads, one or other, one out of ten/99 out of 100 etc, one out of ten/99 out of 100 etc., one side/both sides of the aisle, one strike/two strikes/three strikes against someone/something, one thing after another, one-horse, one/a strike/two strikes/three strikes against someone/something, only have eyes for someone, ono, onwards, on/for high days and holidays, on/off the bone, on/to one side, op., open door policy, open space, open your heart, open-cut, open-door policy, open-faced sandwich, operating theater, operating theatre, opp., opposites attract, optical fiber, optical fibre, optical mouse, or something/or anything, or something/or anything, orang-utan, orangutan, order paper, ordinary seaman, ordinary shares, ordure, ore., organ grinder, organdie, organdy, organigram, organisation, orthopaedic, orthopaedics, orthopaedist, osha, ostracise, ote, our feathered friends, out cold, out of favor, out of favour, out of force of habit, out of hearing, out of hospital/school/college etc, out of hours, out of house, out of interest/respect/pity etc, out of interest/respect/pity etc., out of luck, out of play, out of school/college/the hospital etc., out of sight, out of mind, out of station, out of the frame, out of the frying pan (and) into the fire, out of wood/metal/plastic etc, out of wood/metal/plastic etc., out of your tree, out sick, out to lunch, out-of-work, out-take, outmaneuver, outmanoeuvre, outside interests/experience/knowledge etc, outside interests/experience/knowledge etc., outside toilet/stairs etc, outside toilet/stairs etc., outtake, over the limit, over the top, over-achiever, over-age, over-optimistic, overachiever, overage, overegg, overemphasise, overextend yourself, overhead compartment, overoptimistic, oversubscribed, own label, oxidise, oz., p & p, p.a., p.e., p.p.s., p.s., p.s.t., p.t.o., p.w., p1, p2, pa., pac-10, pacey, pacific islander, package holiday, package tour, packed/squashed etc in like sardines, packed/squashed etc. in like sardines, pad up, paddle steamer, paddy field, paederast, paediatric, page three girl, pajama party, pak, paki, palaeolithic, palatalise, pale blue/gray/pink etc., pale blue/grey/pink etc, paleface, paleolithic, palm off, pancake race, panchayat, panda car, panel beater, paper clip, paper qualifications, paperclip, pappy, par., paraffin wax, paralysed, paralyzed, parcel bomb, parcel post, parceled, parceling, parish pump, park keeper, parking garage, parking light, parking ramp, parlor car, parlor game, parlour game, parlourmaid, parochial school, part exchange, part of me/him etc, part of me/him etc., part of the furniture, partake of, particularise, party house, party plan, party school, pass as, pass mark, pass round, pass the time of day (with someone), pass water, passenger profiling, passing lane, passing trade, passivise, past its sell-by date, patch through, patio door, patri-, patriot act, patriot day, patroled, patroling, paul bunyan, pauperise, pavement artist, pavement café, pay and display, pay bed, pay cheque, pay court to someone, pay day, pay down, pay envelope, pay packet, pay phone, pay raise, pay rise, pay settlement, pay someone a compliment, pay someone back with interest, pay the earth, pay-as-you-go, paycheck, payday, paye, paying guest, paying-in slip, payment by results, payphone, paystub, pcm, pd, pd., pdt, pe, pea souper, pea-shooter, peak season, peaked, peanut gallery, pedaled, pedaling, pedestrian mall, pedestrian precinct, pedestrianise, pee down, peer of the realm, peeress, peewit, penalise, penalty point, penalty rates, penalty shoot-out, penalty shot, pencil moustache, penciled, penciling, penetrate someone’s disguise, penn., penna., penny farthing, penny stock, penny-ante, penn’orth, pension2, pent up, pent-up, people carrier, people who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones, peoria, pep rally, pepper pot, peppercorn rent, perambulator, percipient, perishables, perished, perisher, perishing, permanent-press, permatan, pernicious anemia, personal ad, personal check, personal exemption, personal transporter, personalised, perspex, pesach, pethidine, petrolatum, petrolhead, pettifogging, pfi, ph.d., phd, phenobarbital, philter, philtre, phone booth, phoney war, photocall, photofit, photograph well/badly, phulkari, phut, phwoah, phyllo, phys. ed., physician’s assistant, piccadilly circus, pick and mix, pick over the bones of something, pick someone’s pocket, pick up the ball and run with it, pick your nose, pick/draw someone’s name out of a hat, picture molding, piddle away, piece of work, pig off, pig out, piggy-in-the-middle, pigs might fly, pikestaff, pile on the agony, pile-up, pileup, pillock, pilot officer, pin-up, pinch pennies, pinch-hit, pine marten, pink gin, pinko, pinny, pintable, pinto, pinup, pinwheel, pinyon, pious hope, pip someone at the post, pipe band, pipe someone aboard, pipe up, piped music, piss about, piss all over someone/piss on someone, piss around, piss artist, piss away, piss down, piss yourself, piss-take, piss-up, pisshead, pissy, pit out, pit pony, pit-a-pat, pitch invasion, pitch someone a line/yarn, pitch up, pithead, pivot on, pizza parlor, piñon, pk, pkg., pkt, pkt., pkwy, pkwy., place of worship, plaid cymru, plain stupidity/luck etc, plain stupidity/luck etc., plaster over, plastic mac, plasticine, plat du jour, platform game, play (it) safe, play (merry) hell with, play (something) by ear, play about, play both ends (against the middle), play both ends against the middle, play cupid, play dirty, play hard to get, play it cool, play it safe, play off against, play silly buggers, play the field, play the system, play-by-play, play-off, playback singer, played-out, playoff, playscheme, play/work/sing etc your heart out, play/work/sing etc. your heart out, plc, pleasure boat, plebby, plebe, pled, plimsoll, plough a lone/a lonely/your own furrow, plough ahead, plough back, plough into, plough on, plough through, plough up, ploughman, ploughman’s lunch, ploughshare, plow a lone/lonely/your own furrow, plow ahead, plow back, plow into, plow through, plow up, plowman, plowshare, pluck at, plug for, plumb in, plump for, plump out, plus-size, ply your trade, pmt, poach on someone’s territory, poacher turned gamekeeper, podunk, poetic licence, poetic license, pogo, point-to-point, points, pointy-headed, poison oak, poison someone’s mind against someone, poke along, poker machine, pol, polite conversation, political action committee, politicise, polling day, polling place, polliwog, pollywog, poly, polythene, pom, poncey, poncy, pone, pony-trekking, poo-poo, poofter, pooh, poop out, poor boy, pootle, pop fly, pop off, pop your clogs, pop-gun, pope’s nose, popgun, popover, population center, population centre, porch swing, pork pie, pork rinds, portacrib, portakabin, portaloo, positive vetting, poss, post bellum, post up, post-free, post-war, postage meter, postcode lottery, postie, postpartum depression, postwar, pot on, potbellied pig, potluck, pots of something, potter’s wheel, potting shed, potting soil, pound cake, pour it on, pour oil on troubled waters, powder your nose, power shower, pp., ppo, pps, pr., practical nurse, practice what you preach, practicing, practise on, practise what you preach, practised, practising, praesidium, prang, prank call, prasad, pre-eminent, pre-empt, pre-emptive, pre-enjoyed, pre-program, pre-school | 1 | pre-tax, pre-teen, pre-war, preach to the choir, preach to the converted, preciousness, predicant, predominately, preeminent, preempt, preemptive, preferred provider organization, pregame, prehistoric/modern etc man, prehistoric/modern etc. man, prelims, premenstrual tension, premiss, premium bond, prepare the way for something, prepare the way/ground for something, preprogram, prerecorded, preschooler, present arms, preservation order, press clipping, press someone/something into service, press someone/something into service, press the flesh, press-gang, pressie, pressperson, presume on, pretax, pretty as a picture, pretty much/well/near, pretty much/well/nearly, pretty pretty, prewar, price index, prick out, primary accent, primary color, primary colour, prime minister’s question time, prime rib, primula, primus, princedom, principal boy, principal parts, printer driver, prise out of, prison visitor, private bank, private defence, private defense, private label card, private member’s bill, private showing, private soldier, private treaty, private view, prize day, prize out of, prize-giving, problem page, proceed against, proceed from, process2, procurator fiscal, profit center, profit centre, profit sharing, profit taking, profit-sharing, profit-taking, prognostic, program music, programme music, promise someone the moon/earth, pron., pronounce yourself satisfied/unsatisfied etc, pronounce yourself satisfied/unsatisfied etc., propagandise, propelling pencil, propose a motion, pry out, ps, psephology, pte, pto, pty, public enquiry, public housing, public transportation, public-service announcement, pudding basin, puffed, pukka, pull a rabbit out of a hat, pull ahead, pull something to pieces/apart, pull something to pieces/apart/to bits, pull the other one (it’s got bells on), pull up stakes, pull your socks up, pulling power, pull/get your finger out, pull/rip/tear etc someone/something to pieces, pull/rip/tear etc. someone/something to pieces, pump bullets into someone, pump iron, pump room, pump-action, pump/fill someone full of lead, pump/fill someone full of lead, punch someone’s lights out, punch the air, punch-up, punch/put someone’s lights out, punkah, punnet, purpose-built, push bike, push in, push someone/something from your mind, push someone/something from your mind, push the boat out, push-start, push/put someone over the top, put (something) into words, put a block on something, put a bug in someone’s ear, put a crimp in/on something, put a damper/dampener on something, put a hold on something, put a kettle on, put a lid on it, put a lid on something, put a price (tag)/value etc. on something, put a price/value etc on something, put a sock in it, put a tracer on something, put around/round, put flesh on (the bones of) something, put in/toss in/give your two cents’ worth, put it there, put on the dog, put on/wear a hair shirt, put paid to something, put round, put some muscle into it, put someone at (their) ease, put someone on a train/plane/bus etc, put someone on a train/plane/bus etc., put someone out to grass, put someone to the sword, put someone/something in the shade, put someone/something out of your mind, put someone/something to the test, put someone/something in the shade, put someone/something out of your mind, put someone/something to the test, put something in writing, put something into cold storage, put something out of its misery, put the cart before the horse, put the fear of god into someone, put the kettle on, put the screws on someone, put the wind up someone, put toward, put towards, put up the shutters, put your back into something, put your best foot forward, put your foot in it, put your foot in your mouth, put your hand in your pocket, put your head above the parapet, put your heads together, put your life in someone’s hands, put your shirt on something, put-down, put/stick the boot in, putdown, putting, put/stick the boot in, put/stick two fingers up at someone, put/tighten/turn the screws on someone, put/turn/set the clock back, put/turn/set the clock forward, pw, q., q.e.d., qed, qt, qt., quarreled, quarreling, quarter horse, quarter-final, quarterfinal, queen’s counsel, queen’s evidence, quesadilla, question master, question time, queue-jumping, quick study, quick-fire, quiet as a mouse, quin, quint, quite the worst/the best etc, quite the worst/the best etc., quonset hut, quorn, r.i.p., r.n., r.p., r1, r2, rabbit ears, race against time, race car, race meeting, racegoer, racialism, rackets, rada, raddled, radicalise, rafferty’s rules, rag-and-bone man, raggedy ann, railcard, rain forest, rain off, rainforest, raise/sound the alarm, rake off, rake someone over the coals, rake through, rally around, rally round, ram-raiding, ramble on, ram/bring home a message, randomise, range cooker, range hood, rank outsider, rant and rave, rap someone on/across the knuckles, rap someone on/over the knuckles, rapid transit system, raspberry/chocolate etc ripple, raspberry/chocolate etc. ripple, rat trap, rat-a-tat, rat-a-tat-tat, rat-arsed, ratbag, ratepayer, ratfink, rationalise, rattle around, rattle on, rattle out, rave it up, rave-up, razor-thin, razzle, rbi, rd, rd., re-echo, re-educate, re-elect, re-engineer, re-enter, re-entry, re-examine, re-release, re-route, read (someone) the riot act, read someone’s palm, read the tea leaves, readies, ready, get set, go, ready, steady, go, ready, willing, and able, reafforestation, reap what you sow, reaper, rear-end, rearrange the deck chairs on the titanic, rearrange the deckchairs on the titanic, reason out, rec room, recd, recd., reception centre, reception room, reconnoiter, reconnoitre, recorded delivery, recount2, recover2, recovery vehicle, recreation2, red as a beet, red currant, red list, redcurrant, redeem a promise/an obligation, redeem a promise/an obligation, reecho, reeducate, reefer jacket, reel off, reelect, reengineer, reenter, reentry, reestablish, reeve, reexamine, reform school, reformatory, refrigerator-freezer, refuse collector, reg., regain your feet, regd, regd., registered mail, registered post, registration document, regius professor, rego, regularise, reinvent the wheel, rejig, rejigger, relative humidity, relay1, relay2, relief pitcher, relief road, relief teacher, relieve yourself, remade, remand centre, rend the air, rent book, rent boy, reopen old wounds, reorganisation, repair to, repeat on, reply-paid, repo man, report card, reread, rerelease, reroute, reside in, residents’ association, reskilling, respectfully yours, restaurant car, restaurant/dining/sleeping car, restrictive practices, retail2, retd, retd., retirement community, retirement plan, returner, reuben sandwich, revd, reveler, reveller, reverse light, reversing light, revert back, revert to, revitalise, revolutionise, reworking, rfd, rhapsodise, ri, ribbon development, ride herd on, ride shotgun, ride the rails, ride the range, ride/call shotgun, riff-raff, riffraff, rifle through, rig-out, rigamarole, right of abode, right off the bat, right triangle, right-angled triangle, right-of-center, right-of-centre, righto, rightward, rightwards, rill, ring around, ring back, ring bearer, ring off, ring the changes, ring through, ring-fence, rinky-dink, ripping, riptide, rise from the dead/grave, rise from the dead/grave, rise from/through the ranks, rise from/come back from the dead, rise from/through the ranks, risk your life/neck, risk your life/neck, ritualised, river bank, river bed, riverbank, riverbed, road pricing, road racing, road train, roadwork, roadworks, rock cake, rock candy, rock pool, rock up, role-playing game, roll around, roll of honour, roll on, roll out the red carpet for someone, roll-on roll-off, rolled gold, rolled oats, rollerball, rolodex, romper suit, rondavel, roof terrace, room for manoeuvre, room to maneuver, roomer, root up, ropable, rope up, rose bush, rose-colored, rose-coloured, rosebush, rotter, rouble, roughhouse, round about, round on, round the twist, roundhead, roustabout, route 66, row2, rowboat, rowing boat, rowlock, royal assent, royal commission, rr, rsa, rt hon., rte, rte., rub along, rub salt into the wound, rub someone the wrong way, rub someone up the wrong way, rubber check, rubbishy, rube goldberg, ruble, ruby anniversary, ruby wedding, ruddy, ruddy1, ruddy2, rude health, rugger, rule britannia, rules are rules, rumble on, rumored, rumormonger, rumor/word/legend has it that, rumour-monger, rumoured, rumour/word/legend has it that, rumpus room, run a tight ship, run circles around someone, run for your life, run in, run into/come up against/hit etc a (brick) wall, run into/come up against/hit etc. a (brick) wall, run out of gas, run out of gas/steam, run rings round someone, run someone close, run someone off the road, run someone/something to earth, run someone/something to ground, run to fat, run wild, running order, run/blow hot and cold, run/drive something into the ground, ruritanian, rx., rye grass, ryegrass, s & l, s-bend, s-curve, s.a., s.dak., s.j., sa, saber-rattling, sabre-rattling, sacred site, saddle sore, saddle up, saddo, sadie hawkins day, sadsack, safe/firm ground, safflower oil, sailboat, sailing boat, sake2, sale of work, saloon bar, salt away, salt cellar, saltpeter, saltpetre, sandhurst, sanger, sanitarium, sanitary pad, sanitary towel, sanitation worker, sanitise, sapper, sappy, saran wrap, sase, sasquatch, sassenach, saturate the market, saturday night special, sauce boat, sauceboat, save the day/situation, save the day/situation, save your/someone’s hide, savor of, savour of, saw down, sawbones, sawed-off shotgun, sawn-off shotgun, say a lot/very little etc for, say a lot/very little etc. for, say a mouthful, say cheese, say what (now)?, say what?, say when, say/cry uncle, sc, scalawag, scale back, scale down, scallywag, scandalise, scar over, scare someone witless, scatter something to the (four) winds, scene-of-crime, scenic railway, scepter, sceptre, schematise, school day, school dinner, school lunch, school shooting, school spirit, schoolday, schoolmate, schtuck, scissor, scorekeeper, scotch broth, scotch mist, scotch pancake, scourer, scouser, scrape back, scrape in, scratch around for, scratchings, scream the place down, scream/yell bloody murder, screen font, screw you/her/him etc, screw you/her/him etc., scrub brush, scrubbing brush, scrummy, scrutinise, scungy, sd, se, sea water, seachanger, seatmate, seawater, secateurs, second-hand, second-string, secondary accent, secondary color, secondary colour, secondary modern, secondary stress, secondhand, section eight, secularise, security service, see over, see someone coming (a mile off), see someone right, see something coming (a mile away), see something coming (a mile off), see the colour of someone’s money, see the last of someone/something, see the last of someone/something, see which way the wind blows/is blowing, see/hear things, selective service, self belief, self-assembly, self-belief, self-centered, self-centred, self-certification, self-defence, self-defense, self-described, self-injury, self-raising flour, sell someone down the river, sell tickets on yourself, sell your body, sell-out, sellout, semi-automatic, semi-conscious, semi-permanent, semi-precious, semi-professional, semi-skilled, semi-skimmed, semi-vowel, semiautomatic, semiconscious, semidetached, seminarian, semipermanent, semiprecious, semiprofessional, semiskilled, semivowel, semiweekly, send shivers up/down someone’s spine, send someone off with a flea in their ear, send someone sprawling, send someone/something flying, send someone/something flying, sensitise, sep., sept., septicaemia, septicemia, sepulcher, sepulchre, sequined, sequinned, serjeant at arms, serve one/two etc masters, serve one/two etc. masters, servery, service center, service centre, service dog, services, servitor, set a precedent, set a record, set an example (for someone), set for life, set the world/place etc alight, set the world/place etc. alight, set your cap for/at someone, set-aside, set-up, seth, settle someone’s estate, setup, set/get the record straight, set/lay eyes on, set/lay/clap eyes on, set/put the record straight, seven sisters, sewage plant, sewage works, sexually transmitted disease, sgt, sgt., shabash, shanty town, shantytown, share and share alike, share out, share-out, sheep-pen, shellacking, sheltered accommodation/housing/flats etc, sherbert, sheriff court, shift/switch gears, shipping forecast, shipping news, ships (that pass) in the night, shirt tail, shirttail, shirtwaist, shirtwaister, shit on, shit yourself, shit-scared, shite, shock horror, shock jock, shone, shoot it out, shoot off, shoot someone down in flames, shoot the rapids, shoot the works, shoot through, shoot your bolt, shopfitting, shopping basket, shopping center, shopping centre, shopping precinct, shopwalker, short back and sides, short cut, short-change, short-changed, short-termism, shortchange, shortcrust pastry, shortcut, shorthand typist, shoulder arms, shout yourself hoarse, shove over, shovel the driveway/sidewalk/path etc., shoveled, shoveling, show biz, show over, show round, show someone who’s boss, show willing, show your teeth, showbiz, showerproof, showground, show/wave/fly the flag, shriveled, shriveling, shroud-waving, shut in, shut up shop, shut your mouth/face/trap, shut your mouth/face/trap/gob, sick and tired of something/sick to death of something, sick and tired of something/sick to death of something/sick to the back teeth of something, sick at heart, sick bag, sick note, sick with fear/nerves/worry etc, sick with fear/nerves/worry etc., sickle cell anemia, sickle-cell anaemia, sickness benefit, side with, sideview mirror, sidewalk artist, sidewheeler, sierra, sign away, sign on the dotted line, sign your own death warrant, signaled, signaling, signboard, signed and sealed, signed, sealed, and delivered, sign/take the pledge, silent film, silent movie, silly billy, silver dollar, silvertail, simnel cake, sincerely yours, sing for your supper, sing from the same hymn sheet/song sheet, sing someone’s/something’s praises, sing someone’s/something’s praises, sink a mine/well/hole etc, sink a mine/well/hole etc., sink your differences, siphon bottle, sir humphrey, sitting tenant, sitz bath, six feet under, skag, skeet shooting, skeleton crew, skeleton in the closet, skeleton in the cupboard/closet, skeleton staff/crew/service, skim milk, skimmed milk, skin care, skin diving, skin-diving, skin-tight, skintight, skip out, skip town, skirl, skivvies, skyward, skywards, slag off, slake your thirst, slap and tickle, slap down, slap on, slap-happy, slaphappy, slaphead, slapper, slash and burn, slash your wrists, slash-and-burn, slate blue/grey, slate blue/gray, slaughtered, slave labor, slave labour, sledging, sleep apnea, sleep apnoea, sleep like a baby/log, sleep like a log/baby, sleep the night, sleep tight, sleepwear, slightly built, slightly-built, sling off, sling your hook, slipcover, slipped disc, slipped disk, sloane, slosh around, slough2, slow off the blocks/mark, slow off the mark/blocks, slow-worm, slowpoke, slugger, smack your lips, small ad, small goods, smalls, smart alec, smart aleck, smart arse, smart ass, smarty-pants, smartypants, smash/break/tear etc something to pieces, smash/break/tear etc. something to pieces, smell up, smell/stink to high heaven, smile thinly, smith and wesson, smoke screen, smokescreen, smokey bear, smooth sailing, smooth the path/way (for), smooth the way (for), smoulder, smt, snap fastener, snap to it, snatch squad, sneak a look/glance etc at, sneak a look/glance etc. at, sniveling, snivelling, snoot, snorkeled, snorkeling, snotty-nosed, snow chains, snow cone, snow plough, snowplough, snowsuit, snr, snuff it, snuff movie, so it is/so there are/so i have etc, so it is/so there are/so i have etc., so near (and) yet so far, soapflakes, sob/cry your heart out, soc., social housing, social security number, socialise, socking, sod all, sod off, soda siphon, sodding, soft fruit, soft furnishings, soft toy, soft underbelly, softbound, softly spoken, soh, sold on something, soldiery, solitarily, some hope/not a hope, someone can do something blindfold, someone can do something blindfolded, someone can’t lose, someone can’t see the forest for the trees, someone can’t see the wood for the trees, someone could be forgiven for thinking/wondering/believing etc, someone could be forgiven for thinking/wondering/believing, etc., someone couldn’t/doesn’t give a monkey’s, someone has been to hell and back | |