

单词 set


UK /set/

  1. 1
    usually before nounalready decided or agreed

    There’s no set time limit for the job.

    He charges a set fee for his services.

    Synonyms and related words

    Describing agreement and agreements
  2. 2
    not willing to change your opinion or way of doing things
    be set in your ways:

    He’s old and stubborn and set in his ways.

    Synonyms and related words

    Words used to describe someone who is stubborn and narrow-minded
    1. 2a
      used about people’s ideas or behaviour

      She has very set ideas about how to raise children.

      Synonyms and related words

      Words used to describe thoughts, beliefs and ideas
  3. 3
    only before nouna set smile or expression does not change, and often hides what someone is really thinking

    Iris stared in front of her with a set expression, making no response.

    Synonyms and related words

    Words used to describe smiles
    Synonyms and related words

    Words used to describe facial expressions
  4. 4
    never before nounready to do something
    get set:

    On your marks, get set, go!

    set for:

    The top contenders are set for the showdown at next week’s championship.

    be all set (for something):

    Are you all set for the party tonight?

    be all set to do something:

    I was all set to do it myself when he finally showed up.

    Synonyms and related words

    Ready or about to do something
  5. 5
    never before nounlikely to do something
    set for:

    The museum is set for a major expansion.

    be set to do something:

    Car repair costs are set to rise under EU proposals.

    look set to do something:

    Rosenthal looks set to miss the match because of injury.

    Synonyms and related words

    Possible and able to be done
  6. 6
    only before nouneducationa set book or text contains information that students must study before an examination
    Synonyms and related words

    Describing books and relating to books
  7. 7
    only before nouna set meal in a restaurant or hotel offers a limited choice of different foods for a fixed price

    Dinner is a set menu of three courses.

    Synonyms and related words

    Words used to describe meals
  8. 8

    to be dead set on (doing) something

    to be very determined to do something.
    He was dead set on going to university and getting his degree.
    Submitted by:
    Emran Khoshrouye Ghiasi from Iran, Islamic Republic of on 18/12/2017


(dead) set against something
set for life
set on/upon (doing) something


US /set/

  1. 1
    usually before nounalready decided or agreed

    There’s no set time limit for the job.

    He charges a set fee for his services.

    Synonyms and related words

    Describing agreement and agreements
  2. 2
    never before nounready to do something
    get set:

    On your marks, get set, go!

    set for:

    The top contenders are set for the showdown at next week’s championship.

    be all set (for something):

    Are you all set for the party tonight?

    be all set to do something:

    I was all set to do it myself when he finally showed up.

    Synonyms and related words

    Ready or about to do something
  3. 3
    never before nounlikely to do something
    set for:

    The museum is set for a major expansion.

    be set to do something:

    The costs of many imports are set to rise under the new trade proposals.

    look set to do something:

    Rosenthal looks set to miss the game because of injury.

    Synonyms and related words

    Possible and able to be done
  4. 4
    not willing to change your opinion or way of doing things
    be set in your ways:

    He’s old and stubborn and set in his ways.

    Synonyms and related words

    Words used to describe someone who is stubborn and narrow-minded
    1. 4a
      used about people’s ideas or behavior

      She has very set ideas about how to raise children.

      Synonyms and related words

      Words used to describe thoughts, beliefs and ideas
  5. 5
    only before nouna set smile or expression does not change, and often hides what someone is really thinking

    Iris stared in front of her with a set expression, making no response.

    Synonyms and related words

    Words used to describe smiles
    Synonyms and related words

    Words used to describe facial expressions
  6. 6
    only before nouna set meal in a restaurant or hotel offers a limited choice of different foods for a fixed price

    Dinner is a set menu of three courses.

    Synonyms and related words

    Words used to describe meals
  7. 7
    only before nouneducationmainly Britisha set book or text contains information that students must study before an examination
    Synonyms and related words

    Describing books and relating to books
  8. 8

    to be dead set on (doing) something

    to be very determined to do something.
    He was dead set on going to university and getting his degree.
    Submitted by:
    Emran Khoshrouye Ghiasi from Iran, Islamic Republic of on 18/12/2017


I’m all set
(dead) set against something
set for life
set on/upon (doing) something


UK /set/

Word Forms


  1. 1
    countable a group of things of the same type that belong together
    set of:

    a set of keys

    a complete set of Pokemon cards

    Synonyms and related words

    Collections, stores and sets of things
    1. 1a
      a group of different objects that are used together for a particular purpose

      a chess set

      set of:

      a set of tools

      Synonyms and related words

      Collections, stores and sets of things
    2. 1b
      a number of ideas, rules, facts, or principles that form a group
      set of:

      The papers printed a fresh set of allegations against the ex-President.

      a set of guidelines/rules/instructions:

      The tax department provides a set of guidelines for new business start-ups.

      Synonyms and related words

      Collections, stores and sets of things
    3. 1c
      a particular number of times that an exercise or a group of exercises is repeated

      Do three sets of the exercises I gave you last week.

      Synonyms and related words

      Physical exercise and exercises
    4. 1d
      musica series of songs that a band or singer plays or sings in a performance

      The band is taking a 15 minute break between sets.

      Synonyms and related words

      Parts of performances
  2. 2
    countable a group of people who spend time together or who share an interest

    your social set

    New York’s literary set

    set of:

    He’s made a completely new set of friends at university.

    Synonyms and related words

    Groups of people with shared interests or aims
    1. 2a
      educationBritisha group of students in a school who have a particular level of ability in a subject

      Jane’s in the top set for English.

      Synonyms and related words

      Student bodies and groups of students
  3. 3
    countable a piece of equipment that receives television or radio signals

    a TV set

    Synonyms and related words

    Television and radio equipment
  4. 4
    countable theatrecinemaa stage or other place where a film or television programme is made or where a play is performed
    Synonyms and related words

    Areas, structures and facilities in a theatre or cinema
    1. 4a
      the scenery and furniture used in a film, play, or television programme to make the stage look like a particular place
      Synonyms and related words

      Areas, structures and facilities in a theatre or cinema
  5. 5
    countable in tennis and some other sports, a part of a match consisting of at least six games

    Sampras took the first set 6–2.

    Synonyms and related words

  6. 6
    singular the position in which someone stands or sits or holds part of their body

    the determined set of her jaw

    Synonyms and related words

    General words for postures and body positions
  7. 7
    singular the process of arranging wet hair in a particular style so that it keeps that style when it becomes dry
    a shampoo and set:

    She has a shampoo and set every week.

    Synonyms and related words

    Hairdressers and hairdressing
  8. 8
    countable mathsa group of numbers in mathematics
    Synonyms and related words

    Numbers and types of number
  9. 9
    singular the condition of becoming firm or solid
    Synonyms and related words

    Solid, stiff or hard
  10. 10
    countable a young plant, or a part of a plant used for producing new plants
    Synonyms and related words

    General types of plant
  11. 11
    countable a sett where a badger lives
    Synonyms and related words

    The homes of wild animals
  12. 12

    make a dead set at someone

    to try to win the affections of someone
    He was sure Derek would make a dead set at her if he knew she was rich.
    Submitted by:
    Samuel Chung from Mexico on 14/08/2018


US /set/

Word Forms


  1. 1
    countable a group of things of the same type that belong together
    set of:

    a set of keys

    a complete set of Pokemon cards

    Synonyms and related words

    Collections, stores and sets of things
    1. 1a
      a group of different objects that are used together for a particular purpose

      a chess set

      set of:

      a set of tools

      Synonyms and related words

      Collections, stores and sets of things
    2. 1b
      a number of ideas, rules, facts, or principles that form a group
      set of:

      The papers printed a fresh set of allegations against the ex-President.

      a set of guidelines/rules/instructions:

      The tax department provides a set of guidelines for new business start-ups.

      Synonyms and related words

      Collections, stores and sets of things
    3. 1c
      a particular number of times that an exercise or a group of exercises is repeated

      Do three sets of the exercises I gave you last week.

      Synonyms and related words

      Physical exercise and exercises
    4. 1d
      musica series of songs that a band or singer plays or sings in a performance

      The band is taking a 15 minute break between sets.

      Synonyms and related words

      Parts of performances
  2. 2
    countable a group of people who spend time together or who share an interest

    your social set

    New York’s literary set

    set of:

    He’s made a completely new set of friends at college.

    Synonyms and related words

    Groups of people with shared interests or aims
  3. 3
    countable a piece of equipment that receives television or radio signals

    a TV set

    Synonyms and related words

    Television and radio equipment
  4. 4
    countable in tennis and some other sports, a part of a match consisting of at least six games

    Sampras took the first set 6–2.

    Synonyms and related words

  5. 5
    countable theatrecinemaa stage or other place where a movie or television program is made or where a play is performed
    Synonyms and related words

    Areas, structures and facilities in a theatre or movie theater
    1. 5a
      the scenery and furniture used in a movie, play, or television program to make the stage look like a particular place
      Synonyms and related words

      Areas, structures and facilities in a theatre or movie theater
  6. 6
    singular the process of arranging wet hair in a particular style so that it keeps that style when it becomes dry
    a shampoo and set:

    She has a shampoo and set every week.

    Synonyms and related words

    Hairdressers and hairdressing
  7. 7
    singular the position in which someone stands or sits or holds part of their body

    the determined set of her jaw

    Synonyms and related words

    General words for postures and body positions
  8. 8
    singular the condition of becoming firm or solid
    Synonyms and related words

    Solid, stiff or hard
  9. 9
    countable mathsa group of numbers in mathematics
    Synonyms and related words

    Numbers and types of number
  10. 10
    countable a young plant, or a part of a plant used for producing new plants
    Synonyms and related words

    General types of plant
  11. 11
    countable a sett where a badger lives
    Synonyms and related words

    The homes of wild animals
  12. 12

    make a dead set at someone

    to try to win the affections of someone
    He was sure Derek would make a dead set at her if he knew she was rich.
    Submitted by:
    Samuel Chung from Mexico on 14/08/2018


UK /set/

Word Forms

present tense
present participlesetting
past tenseset
past participleset

  1. 1
    transitive to put someone or something in a position
    set someone/something in/into/on/down/back etc:

    Tea’s ready,’ he told them and set down the tray.

    She set the baby on the floor to play.

    Synonyms and related words

    General words meaning to put something somewhere
    1. 1a
      transitive usually passiveif something is set somewhere, it is in that place or position

      It’s a traditional country house hotel, set in its own parklands.

      The bookcase was set into the wall.

      Our house is set back from the road.

      Synonyms and related words

      To be in a particular position or place
    2. 1b
      to put someone or something in a particular state

      The suspect has been accused of setting the restaurant on fire.

      set someone/something loose:

      Don’t set the dog loose.

      set someone/something free:

      The hostages have been set free after 34 days in captivity.

      Synonyms and related words

      To have an effect
  2. 2
    transitive to make something happen, or to make someone do something
    set someone/something doing something:

    His mysterious phone calls were bound to set them wondering.

    set something in motion:

    That single photograph set his career as a photographer in motion.

    Synonyms and related words

    To make something start to exist or happen
  3. 3
    transitive to make a piece of equipment ready to operate

    The bomb was set to go off at eight o’clock.

    You can set it so that it does an automatic data backup at the end of each day.

    Synonyms and related words

    To connect or disconnect a machine or piece of equipment
    1. 3a
      to change the time on a clock or the controls on a piece of equipment

      Can you help me set the VCR?

      set something at something:

      Set the thermostat at 68 degrees.

      set something for something:

      I’m setting the alarm for 6.30.

      Synonyms and related words

      Using clocks and watches
  4. 4
    transitive to decide when or where an event will happen
    set a date/time (for something):

    Have they set a date for the wedding?

    Synonyms and related words

    To organize an event
    1. 4a
      to decide the price or value of something

      They set the price of the house too high.

      The central bank is responsible for setting interest rates.

      Parents shouldn’t set too high a value on good exam results.

      Bail was set at £50,000.

      Synonyms and related words

      Setting, controlling and changing prices and costs
  5. 5
    transitive to establish a rule, standard, limit etc that people must follow

    The agreement sets clear targets and timetables for the reduction of carbon emissions.

    set rules/conditions/guidelines/limits/criteria (for something):

    Opposition parties have set conditions for peace negotiations to begin.

    set standards:

    Their teacher sets high standards and expects everyone to meet them.

    Synonyms and related words

    To limit or control something or someone
  6. 6
    transitive to do something that influences the way that other things are done or the way that other people behave
    set a tone/pattern/fashion/trend (for something):

    Her opening remarks set the tone for the whole conference.

    It was one of the shows that set the trend for ‘reality television’.

    Synonyms and related words

    To have an effect
  7. 7
    transitive to give something to someone to do or to achieve
    set someone a goal/challenge/objective/task:

    You’ll never get anywhere if you don’t set yourself any goals.

    set someone to do something:

    I’ve set myself to find a new job by Christmas.

    Synonyms and related words

    To tell people what to do
    1. 7a
      educationBritishto give students work to do as part of a course of study
      set someone something:

      I’m going to set you all an essay for the weekend.

      Synonyms and related words

      To teach someone something
    2. 7b
      educationBritishto produce questions or an examination paper for students to answer

      They set us an absolutely impossible paper.

      Synonyms and related words

      General words for exams and taking exams
  8. 8
    transitive usually passiveto write or produce a play, book, film etc that happens in a particular time or place

    The film is set in 18th-century New England.

    Synonyms and related words

    To write something
    Synonyms and related words

    Film-making and theatre production
  9. 9
    intransitive when the sun sets, it goes below the horizon at the end of the day
    Synonyms and related words

    The movement of the sun, moon and stars
  10. 10
    transitive to put the two ends of a broken bone back into the correct position so that they can grow into one piece again

    The doctor set my arm and put a cast on it.

    Synonyms and related words

    To perform a medical test, treatment or operation
    1. 10a
      intransitive if a broken bone sets, the two ends of it grow into one piece again
      Synonyms and related words

      Bones and joints in the body
  11. 11
    intransitive/transitive if a liquid sets, or if you set it, it forms a solid substance

    a type of concrete that sets in 15 minutes

    Synonyms and related words

    To change consistency - general words
  12. 12
    intransitive/transitive if your face or a part of it sets into a particular expression, or if you set it into a particular expression, you have that expression on your face

    His face set into a determined expression as he read the letter.

    Synonyms and related words

    To show, or to be expressed in the face or eyes
    Synonyms and related words

    To make a particular facial expression
  13. 13
    transitive to arrange wet hair in a particular style so that it keeps that style when it becomes dry
    Synonyms and related words

    Hairdressers and hairdressing
  14. 14
    transitive to arrange letters and words on a special machine into the correct order so that you can print something
    Synonyms and related words

    Printing and fonts and print layout
  15. 15
    transitive usually passiveto put a jewel or stone in a piece of jewellery

    a necklace set with rubies

    Synonyms and related words

    Parts of jewellery and jewels


set the stage for something
set the standard
set the table
set someone to work
set to work

phrasal verbs

set about
set against
set apart
set aside
set back
set down
set forth
set in
set off
set off against
set on
set out
set to
set up
set upon


US /set/

Word Forms

present tense
present participlesetting
past tenseset
past participleset

  1. 1
    transitive to put someone or something in a position
    set someone/something in/into/on/down/back etc.:

    Tea’s ready,” he told them and set down the tray.

    She set the baby on the floor to play.

    Synonyms and related words

    General words meaning to put something somewhere
    1. 1a
      transitive usually passiveif something is set somewhere, it is in that place or position

      It’s a traditional resort hotel, set in the rolling hills of West Virginia.

      The bookcase was set into the wall.

      Our house is set back from the road.

      Synonyms and related words

      To be in a particular position or place
    2. 1b
      to put someone or something in a particular state

      The suspect has been accused of setting the restaurant on fire.

      set someone/something loose:

      Don’t set the dog loose.

      set someone/something free:

      The hostages have been set free after 34 days in captivity.

      Synonyms and related words

      To have an effect
  2. 2
    transitive to make something happen, or to make someone do something
    set someone/something doing something:

    His mysterious phone calls were bound to set them wondering.

    set something in motion:

    That single photograph set his career as a photographer in motion.

    Synonyms and related words

    To make something start to exist or happen
  3. 3
    transitive to make a piece of equipment ready to operate

    The bomb was set to go off at eight o’clock.

    You can set it so that it does an automatic data backup at the end of each day.

    Synonyms and related words

    To connect or disconnect a machine or piece of equipment
    1. 3a
      to change the time on a clock or the controls on a piece of equipment

      Can you help me set the VCR?

      set something at something:

      Set the thermostat at 68 degrees.

      set something for something:

      I’m setting the alarm for 6:30.

      Synonyms and related words

      Using clocks and watches
  4. 4
    transitive to decide when or where an event will happen
    set a date/time (for something):

    Have they set a date for the wedding?

    Synonyms and related words

    To organize an event
    1. 4a
      to decide the price or value of something

      They set the price of the house too high.

      The central bank is responsible for setting interest rates.

      Parents shouldn’t set too high a value on good grades.

      Bail was set at $50,000.

      Synonyms and related words

      Setting, controlling and changing prices and costs
  5. 5
    transitive to establish a rule, standard, limit, etc. that people must follow

    The agreement sets clear targets and timetables for the reduction of carbon emissions.

    set rules/conditions/guidelines/limits/criteria (for something):

    Opposition parties have set conditions for peace negotiations to begin.

    set standards:

    Their professor sets high standards and expects everyone to meet them.

    Synonyms and related words

    To limit or control something or someone
  6. 6
    transitive to do something that influences the way that other things are done or the way that other people behave
    set a tone/pattern/fashion/trend (for something):

    Her opening remarks set the tone for the whole conference.

    It was one of the shows that set the trend for “reality television.”

    Synonyms and related words

    To have an effect
  7. 7
    transitive to give something to someone to do or to achieve
    set someone a goal/challenge/objective/task:

    You’ll never get anywhere if you don’t set yourself any goals.

    Synonyms and related words

    To tell people what to do
    1. 7a
      educationBritishto give students work to do as part of a course of study
      set someone something:

      I’m going to set you all an essay for the weekend.

      Synonyms and related words

      To teach someone something
    2. 7b
      educationBritishto produce questions or an examination paper for students to answer

      They set us an absolutely impossible paper.

      Synonyms and related words

      General words for exams and taking exams
  8. 8
    transitive usually passiveto write or produce a play, book, movie, etc. that happens in a particular time or place

    The film is set in 18th-century New England.

    Synonyms and related words

    To write something
    Synonyms and related words

    Movie-making and theater production
  9. 9
    intransitive when the sun sets, it goes below the horizon at the end of the day
    Synonyms and related words

    The movement of the sun, moon and stars
  10. 10
    transitive to put the two ends of a broken bone back into the correct position so that they can grow into one piece again

    The doctor set my arm and put a cast on it.

    Synonyms and related words

    To perform a medical test, treatment or operation
    1. 10a
      intransitive if a broken bone sets, the two ends of it grow into one piece again
      Synonyms and related words

      Bones and joints in the body
  11. 11
    intransitive/transitive if a liquid sets, or if you set it, it forms a solid substance

    a type of concrete that sets in 15 minutes

    Synonyms and related words

    To change consistency - general words
  12. 12
    intransitive/transitive if your face or a part of it sets into a particular expression, or if you set it into a particular expression, you have that expression on your face

    His face set into a determined expression as he read the letter.

    Synonyms and related words

    To show, or to be expressed in the face or eyes
    Synonyms and related words

    To make a particular facial expression
  13. 13
    transitive to arrange wet hair in a particular style so that it keeps that style when it becomes dry
    Synonyms and related words

    Hairdressers and hairdressing
  14. 14
    transitive usually passiveto put a jewel or stone in a piece of jewelry

    a necklace set with rubies

    Synonyms and related words

    Parts of jewelry and jewels
  15. 15
    transitive to arrange letters and words on a special machine into the correct order so that you can print something
    Synonyms and related words

    Printing and fonts and print layout


set an example (for someone)
set a precedent
set a record
set the stage for something
set the standard
set the table
set to work
set someone to work

phrasal verbs

set about
set against
set apart
set aside
set back
set down
set forth
set in
set off
set off against
set on
set out
set to
set up
set upon




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