

tumb tumba tumbe tumbian tumble
tumble tumble dryer tumbledown tumbler tumblerful
tumbleweed tumbling tumere tumescent tumescere
tummies tummy tummy tummy bug tummy bug
tummy bug/upset tummy upset tummy/stomach bug tumour Tums
tumuli tumult tumulte tumultuous tumultus
tumulus tun tuna tuna etc steak tuna fish
Tunbridge Wells tundar tundra tune tune
tune in tune out tune out tune somebody/something ↔ out tune something to something
tune something ↔ up tune to tune up tune up tune up
tuneful tuneless tuner tung Tung Chee Hwa
Tung Chee-Hwa Tung CheeHwa tunge tungsten tunic
tunica tuning fork tuning peg Tunis Tunisia
tunna tunne tunnel tunnel vision tunnel your way through etc
tunnel your way under etc tunnel your way under/through etc tunny tuppence tuppeny
Tupperware tur turba turban turbante
turbare turbid turbidus turbine turbine
turbo turbo turbo turbo- turbocharged
turbocharger turbocharger turbojet turboprop turbos
turbot turbots turbulare turbulence turbulent
turbulentus turd turdus tureen turf
turf accountant turf battle turf off turf out turf somebody off (something)
turf somebody ↔ out turf war turf war/battle turfs Turgenev
Turgenev, Ivan turgere turgid turgidus Turin
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