

staticum staticus statikos statin statio
station station break station house station master station wagon
stationarius stationary stationer stationer's stationers
stationery stationer’s stationer’s stations of the Cross stations of the Cross, the
statism statistic statistical statistical etc data statistical office
statistical process control statistical quality control statistician statistics statisticus
statistik tricycle tricycle tridens Trident
Trident missile Trident missile/submarine Trident submarine tried tried and tested
tried and tested/trusted/true tried and true tried and trusted triennial triennis
triennium trier trier tries trifle
trifle with trifle with somebody/something trifling trifling etc sum trifolium
trig trigger trigger a memory trigger happy trigger man
trigger off trigger point trigger ready trigger-happy trigger-ready
triggerhappy triggerready trigonometria trigonometry trigonon
trike trikier trilateral trilbies trilby
Trilby trilby hat trilicius trilingual trilingual
trill trillare trillen trillion trillions
trillions of trillions of dollars etc trillions of pounds etc trillions of pounds/dollars etc trillo
trilobite trilobos trilogia trilogies trilogy
trim trim away trim back trim down trim from
trim off trim off trim something away/off trim something from/off something trim something ↔ back
trimaran Trimble Trimble, David trimester trimestre
trimestris trimmer trimmings Trinidad and Tobago trinitas
trinitrotoluene trinity Trinity House Trinity Mirror plc Trinity term
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