

the silver screen the simple life the sinews of the sinews of something the single biggest etc
the single biggest/greatest etc the single greatest etc the single market the singular the Sioux
the Sirens the sixties the skirts of a forest etc the skirts of a forest/hill/village etc the skirts of a hill etc
the skirts of a village etc the sky's the limit the skys the limit the sky’s the limit the slammer
the slave etc trade the slave trade the slippery slope the slow lane the small hours
the small matter of the small of your back the small print the small screen the small/fine print
the smart money is on the smart money is on somebody/something the smart money's on the smart moneys on the smart money’s on somebody/something
the Smithsonian the Smoke the Smokies the snow line the SNP
the social the social landscape the society etc at large the soil the solar system
the something of choice the something of your choice the something/somebody from hell the Son the Son of God
the sooner ( ... ) the better the sooner ... the sooner the sooner the better the sooner the better bigger the better etc the sooner the better/the bigger the better etc
the sooner the sooner the sooner the the bigger the better etc the sound barrier the south the South African War
the South of France the South Pole the South Pole the southeast the southern hemisphere
the Southern Lights the southwest the Spanish the Speaker the Speaker of the House
the spectre of the spectre of something the Spirit the spirit is willing the spirit is willing (but the flesh is weak)
the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak the spirit of the age the spirit of the age/times the spirit of the times the spoils of victory etc
the spoils of war etc the spoils of war/victory etc the spoken word the sports desk the spotlight
the squeamish the squeezed middle the squirrel etc family the stacks the staff of life
the stage the stake the stalls the stamp of the stamp of something
the stand The Standard the stands the starring role the stars
the start the start of the day the start of the season the start of the year the start of the year/day/season
the State Department the state of play the States the status of the status of something
the status quo the stigma of alcoholism illness etc the stigma of alcoholism/mental illness etc the stigma of mental illness etc the still of the evening etc
the still of the night etc the still of the night/evening etc the stocks the Stone Age the Stone of
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