

单词 land


From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary Englishlandland1 /lænd/ ●●● S1 W1 noun  1 ground [uncountable]LAND/GROUND an area of ground, especially when used for farming or building They own a lot of land. He bought a piece of land.see thesaurus at country dockland, farmland2 not sea [uncountable]LAND/GROUND the solid dry part of the Earth’s surface After 21 days at sea, we sighted land.by land Troops began an assault on the city by land and sea.on land The crocodile lays its eggs on land.land bird/animal The white stork is one of the biggest land birds of the region. dry land 3 country [countable] literaryCOUNTRY/NATION a country or area Their journey took them to many foreign lands.native land (=the land where you were born) He’s fiercely proud of his native land. Australia represented a real land of opportunity for thousands of people.see thesaurus at ground 4 the land5 property [uncountable]LAND/GROUND the area of land that someone owns He ordered us to get off his land.private/public/common land6 see/find out how the land lies 7 in the land of the living8 the land of milk and honey9 (in) the land of nod be/live in cloud-cuckoo-land, → dry land, dreamland, fairyland, → the lie of the land, → never-never land, Promised Land, wasteland, wonderlandCOLLOCATIONSphrasesan acre/hectare of landThe family owned hundreds of acres of land.a piece of land (=an area of land)He built a house on a piece of land near the river.a plot/parcel of land (=a piece of land)They farmed a small plot of land.a strip of land (=a narrow piece of land)They owned the strip of land between the forest and the sea.a tract of land (=a large area of land)Cattle ranching requires large tracts of land.adjectivesfertile/rich (=good for growing crops)The land near the river is very fertile.poor (=not good for growing crops)It is poor land that should never have been farmed.vacant/derelict British English (=unused)The houses could be built on derelict land.open land (=land on which there are no buildings)In the middle of the city are several hundred acres of open land.agricultural landThe factory is causing severe pollution to nearby agricultural land.arable land (=land that crops are grown on)Some pastures were converted into arable land.industrial land (=land where factories can be built and industry take place)The canal basin area is designated as industrial land.housing/building land British English (=land where houses can be built)The shortage of housing land is a problem in the south-east.COMMON ERRORSDon’t say ‘a large land’ or ‘a small land’. Say a large piece of land or a small piece of land. THESAURUSland an area that is owned by someone or that can be used for farming or building housesThis is private land.They moved to the country and bought some land.farmland land that is used for farmingThe area is one of gently rolling hills and farmland.territory land that belongs to a country or that is controlled by a country during a warHis plane was forced to make an emergency landing in Chinese territory.The army was advancing into enemy territory.the grounds the gardens and land around a big building such as a castle, school, or hospitalThe grounds of the castle are open to visitors every weekend. the school groundsestate a large area of land in the country, usually with one large house on it and one ownerThe film is set on an English country estate. Examples from the CorpuslandUntil recently, crown land was leased to farmers on condition that they cleared a certain amount each year.Some repairs to the boat will have to wait until we're back on dry land.His travels in foreign lands provided him with the inspiration for many of his poems and songs.Their journey took them to many foreign lands.high land pricesGet off my land!Each family was given a small piece of land where they could grow food for themselves.Though we looked around for other pieces of land, my enthusiasm for the project had disappeared.Our story takes place in a far-off land, long, long ago.Reptiles reproduce by laying eggs on land or giving birth to live young.They had defeated the enemy on land and at sea.It was our dream to have our own land to raise cattle on.Captain Edwards brought the plane in for a perfect landing.They moved to the country and bought some land.There were extremists who said that Britain could be driven from the land.A mall is being built on the land near the lake.This world is just about empty and the unoccupied land is probably fertile.Public- and private-sector users were both reluctant to put vacant land on the market. land bird/animalHow is a land animal to solve the problem of acquiring oxygen without losing water?One of the largest land birds of the region, showing much white on black-tipped wings in flight.Medium-large to very large, rather long-necked and long-legged land birds; bill stout, somewhat flattened.There are no land animals, apart from some tiny insects.Of the 57 species of reptiles, land birds and mammals, more than 80 % live nowhere else.Put all the world's land animals on a pair of scales and 10% of the weight would be ants.A small land bird had taken refuge on the cabin roof during the gale.Occasional crossings between the two chief areas were possible during periods when the Bering Strait became passable to land animals.land of opportunityThis is the golden land of opportunity.Whatever the West of I878 was for young mining engineers, it was the land of opportunity for unmarried women. private/public/common landThese have been mainly Government-owned and public lands, leaving the large private landowners untouched.But only Parliament ban it from private land.The proposed forest-saving initiative is likely to include the following provisions: Ban clear-cutting on private land.Elsewhere, open campfires are prohibited on private lands, according to a proclamation issued earlier this month by Gov.Even Aristotle complained that communal property always looked worse than private lands.I do agree with Mr. Findlay that the public should be prepared to pay for access to private land.Norton is very much of the extraction-over-conservation school when it comes to public lands.Beyond them in the grey distance was bleak moorland - the watershed - private land. Related topics: Air, Waterlandland2 ●●● S2 W3 verb  1 plane/bird/insect a) [intransitive] if a plane, bird, or insect lands, it moves safely down onto the ground OPP take off Flight 846 landed five minutes ago. The bird landed gracefully on the water. b) [transitive] to make a plane move safely down onto the ground at the end of a journey The pilot managed to land the aircraft safely. 2 arrive by boat/plane [intransitive]TTATTW to arrive somewhere in a plane, boat etcland on/in/at etc We expect to be landing in Oslo in about fifty minutes. In 1969, the first men landed on the Moon.see thesaurus at arrive3 fall/come down [intransitive always + adverb/preposition]FALL to come down through the air onto something SYN dropland in/on/under etc A large branch landed on the hood of my car. Louis fell out of the tree and landed in a holly bush. She fell and landed heavily on the floor. A couple of bombs landed quite near to the village. 4 goods/people [transitive]PUT if a boat or aircraft lands people or goods, it brings them to a place, and the people get out or the goods are carried out The troops were landed by helicopter.5 job/contract etc [transitive] informalGET to succeed in getting a job, contract etc that was difficult to get He landed a job with a law firm.land yourself something Bill’s just landed himself a part in a Broadway show.6 land somebody in trouble/hospital/court etc7 land somebody in it8 problems [intransitive always + adverb/preposition]PROBLEM to arrive unexpectedly, and cause problemsland in/on/under etc Just when I thought my problems were over, this letter landed on my desk.9 land a punch/blow etc10 land on your feet11 catch fish [transitive]DSO to catch a fishGrammarLand belongs to a group of verbs where the same noun can be the subject of the verb or its object. You can say: He landed the plane in a field. In this sentence, ‘the plane’ is the object of land.You can say: The plane landed in a field. In this sentence, ‘the plane’ is the subject of land. land up land somebody with something→ See Verb tableExamples from the CorpuslandHe didn't hear it land.Most at least peek to see where the ball lands.Luckily, I managed to land a great job with a law firm.You mean Rich landed an 18-pound fish by himself?Despite severe weather conditions, the Boeing 727 landed as scheduled.When the plane landed at JFK, it was three hours late.He loves watching planes take off and land at the airport.It was not a bad wound, but entirely enough to make me land badly and wrench my ankle.Flight 846 from Cleveland landed five minutes ago.He's managed to land himself an amazing job in advertising.She thought of landing in New York.There's a plane coming in to land now.Fishermen were landing their catch at the harbor. land on/in/at etcFairfield, which bought the land in 1994, remains strategically tight-lipped on its plans for the rest of the ranch.However, landing at a natural rock jetty is possible in good conditions.The car shot over the edge and landed in a sand dune.Antony Carswalle, vicar of Whitchurch, who died in 1521, owned land in Garsington, Oxon.Although much of the area around a pool at this time may be exposed rock, the gobies never land on it.So I landed in one of the least used departments on campus.The Edwardian stairs were next to land on the bonfire.landed heavilyTony jumped from high up, landed heavily and pulled a face.Being a large woman, she'd landed heavily, badly hurting her left hip, her right knee and ankle.He landed heavily on gravel by the track.Pain flared in his thigh wound as he landed heavily on his injured leg.He crashed into a table, somersaulted over it and landed heavily on the carpet.He crashed into a table and landed heavily on the floor and had to be helped to his feet by friends.The stone swung up and landed heavily on the floor.He screamed as he landed heavily on the vibrating flagstones.land yourself somethingBill's just landed himself a part in a Broadway show.land in/on/under etcIt was this, unfinished, runway that I landed on.Bucky, works for the real-estate agency that sold me my land on Adams Hill in 1977.If this had been implemented, taxation of church land in Kent, which was extensive, would have ceased.It is dark when Queequeg and Ishmael land in Nantucket.The marines would land on the beach north of the valley.Then she landed on the Market Square flagstones with a sickening crash to lie motionless.He already owns farming land in Wiltshire.From Longman Business Dictionarylandland1 /lænd/ noun [uncountable]1PROPERTYFARMINGground, especially ground used for building or farming onLand has always been a good investment. arable land developed land development land farm land marginal land prime land raw land reclaimed land undeveloped land vacant land2FARMING the land ground in the country used for growing food, animals etcMany farmers have given up working the land because of low rates of return.3 (also lands) an area of land that a person or organization ownsHe exploited the mineral resources which he found under his lands. federal land private land public landlandland2 verb1[intransitive, transitive] if a plane lands, or if a pilot lands it, it moves down on to the ground in a controlled way2[transitive]TRANSPORT to put someone or something on land from an aircraft or boatHe landed his load of illegal immigrants on the Kent coast at midnight.3[transitive] informal if you land a job or a contract, you manage to get itIt has just landed a big contract to install a defense communications system.→ See Verb tableOrigin land1 Old English




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