

单词 developing


Word family (noun) developer development redevelopment (adjective) developedundeveloped developing (verb) develop redevelop
From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary Englishdevelopingde‧vel‧op‧ing /dɪˈveləpɪŋ/ ●●○ adjective  1 PTa developing country is a poor country that is trying to increase its industry and trade and improve life for its peopledeveloped, underdevelopeddeveloping countries/nations aid to developing countries poverty and hunger in the developing worlddeveloping economies/markets the developing economies in Eastern Europe2 growing or changing the growth of the developing embryo a developing crisis in WashingtonExamples from the CorpusdevelopingGood nutrition is very important to a developing child.In two developing countries, the lowest frequency of fetal mortality is at births above second but below sixth or seventh order.Objective: to promote international trade, particularly that of developing countries, with a view to accelerating economic development.the developing crisis in the Middle EastThis hormone is produced by the developing embryo within a few days of the egg being fertilised.a developing fetusThese drugs are effective in the developing stages of the disease.developing countries/nationsThe uneven impact of the debt crisis on developing countries can be seen in each of four groups.Through membership of the International Labour Organisation, developing countries commit themselves to its core principles.Road transport accounts for one-fifth of world carbon-dioxide output, and the share may grow as developing countries get wheels.Average birth rates for women in developing countries have fallen from six per woman to three in the past three decades.Deep structural changes will be necessary in developing countries if literacy is to go beyond the citadels of the elites.Innovations in this area could lead to a positive flow of information from developing countries to the North.Developed countries are responsible for most past and present emissions: developing countries will account for nearly all future growth.It report points out that, in many developing countries, women are primarily responsible for subsistence farming.




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