

单词 stock


From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary EnglishRelated topics: Trade, Stocks & shares, Cooking, Agriculture, Plants, Theatrestockstock1 /stɒk $ stɑːk/ ●●● S2 W2 noun  1 in a shop [countable, uncountable]BBT a supply of a particular type of thing that a shop has available to sell We have a huge stock of quality carpets on sale. Buy now while stocks last!out of stock/in stock (=unavailable or available in a particular shop) I’m sorry, that swimsuit is completely out of stock in your size.2 finance a) [countable] especially American EnglishBFS a share in a company the trading of stocks and shares b) [uncountable]BFS the total value of all of a company’s shares 3 amount available [countable]AMOUNT the total amount of something that is available to be used in a particular area Cod stocks in the North Atlantic have dropped radically. the stock of housing in rural areas4 supplies [countable]AMOUNT a supply of something that you keep and can use when you need tostock of He keeps a stock of medicines in the cupboard. The country has been building up its stock of weapons. 5 take stock (of something)6 cooking [countable, uncountable]DFC a liquid made by boiling meat or bones and vegetables, which is used to make soups or to add flavour to other dishes chicken stock vegetable stock 7 gun [countable] the part of a gun that you hold or put against your shoulder, usually made of wood8 animals [uncountable]TA farm animals, especially cattle SYN livestock9 the stocks10 somebody’s stock is high/low11 stock of jokes/knowledge/courage etc12 be of Scottish/Protestant/good etc stock13 flower [countable]HBP a plant with pink, white, or light purple flowers and a sweet smell14 plant [countable] a thick part of a stem onto which another plant can be added so that the two plants grow together15 actors [countable] American EnglishAPT a stock company(2)Examples from the CorpusstockPlace couscous in a mixing bowl and pour boiling stock over it.As they try to cut stocks, this is likely to make a big dent in orders to manufacturing industry and importers.Someone came in half an hour ago and bought up our entire stock of Italian wine.If the interviewers and investigators see youthful error behind the Phillips incident and genuine remorse afterward, his stock will rise.Sellew has built his stock to a herd of nearly 100 goats.The new video store has a huge stock of movies to rent.If stocks recover, the North Sea could produce more than 10 times as many fish as were caught last year.The government has said it has no need for chemical weapons and will destroy its stocks entirely.Jodie always had a large stock of brandy in her cupboard.During 1939, following the trolleybus conversions in North London, a number of rolling stock changes were made.The total retail value of their stock at this period was estimated at £200,000. stock ofUncle Gene kept a large stock of food in the cellar.They had reportedly hidden large stocks of chemical weapons.stockstock2 ●●○ verb [transitive]  1 SELLif a shop stocks a particular product, it keeps a supply of it to sell We stock a wide range of kitchen equipment.2 KEEP/STOREto fill something with a supply of somethingstock something with something Our refrigerator at college was always stocked with beer. stock up→ See Verb tableExamples from the CorpusstockIt works so well at San Pablo that more trout are stocked and caught at this lake than any other in California.Do you stock camping equipment?The collection is stocked in 100 specialist bridal shops around the country.Tetbury's one and only bookstore isn't stocking it even though nearby shops are heading for a sellout.The Czechs were even stocking up with beer for the mess back home. stock something with somethingOur refrigerator at college was always stocked with beer.Oak Creek is stocked with trout.stockstock3 adjective  1 stock excuse/question/remark etc 2 stock item/sizeExamples from the CorpusstockThe same questions seem to be asked every time, and he gives his stock answers.Even the stock market is becoming skeptical.While productivity, profits, executive pay and the stock market keep going up, workers' incomes keep going down.The move, approved today by its board, was announced after the stock markets closed.Her speech contained all the stock phrases about increasing productivity and reducing costs.Sohu's stock price is languishing below Dollars 2-down from its Nasdaq listing price of Dollars 13 last July.In the end, however, the central bank left interest rates unchanged, and stock prices rebounded. From Longman Business Dictionarystockstock1 /stɒkstɑːk/ noun1[countable, uncountable] especially American EnglishFINANCE one of the shares into which ownership of a company is divided, or these shares considered togetherThe company might issue (=make available and sell) stock in order to pay down debt.Investors are likely to earn superior returns if they hold (=own) stock for five years or longer.More than 100 companies have filed plans to sell stock to the public for the first time.The company sold a block of stock (=a large quantity of shares, usually more than 10,000) in the Hong Kong firm to unknown investors.Stock prices were up in heavy trading.2(Class) A/B/C stockFINANCE different classes of a company’s stock. Each class has different characteristics, for example the right to vote at shareholders’ meetingsThe Class B stock carries 10 times the votes of the Class A common stock. active stock advancing stocks authorized stock barometer stock bearer stock Big Board stock blue chip stock bonus stock capital stock classified common stock common stock consolidated stock convertible loan stock convertible stock cumulative preferred stock cyclical stock debenture stock declining stocks defensive stock diluted stock Exchequer stock glamour stocks growth stock income stock large-cap stock listed stock loan stock mid-cap stock new stock non-voting stock no-par stock ordinary stock outstanding stock over-the-counter stock partly-paid stock penny stock preference stock quoted stock red chip stock redeemable stock registered stock second-tier stock sleeper stock small stock split stock underlying stock unlisted stock value stock volatile stock voting stock watered stock when-issued stock widow-and-orphan stock3[countable, uncountable] (also government stock)FINANCE one of the bonds sold by a government to finance its BUDGET DEFICIT (=the difference between what it gets in taxes and what it spends). Government bonds are usually considered to be a very safe form of investmentSYNGOVERNMENT SECURITY gilt stocks irredeemable stock local authority stock tap stock Treasury stock4[countable, uncountable] (also stocks)COMMERCE a supply of a COMMODITY (=oil, metal, farm product etc) that has been produced and is kept to be used when neededGlobal stocks (=total stocks in the world) of cocoa amount to 2 million tons, the equivalent of about eight months’ usage. buffer stock5[countable, uncountable] especially British EnglishMANUFACTURING a supply of RAW MATERIALs (=materials for use in manufacturing) or parts before they are used in production, or a supply of FINISHED GOODSSYNinventoryIf you are going to have a large stock of components you must store them sensibly.When an unexpected rise in demand occurs, it can be met partly by producing more and partly by running down (=reducing by using) stocks of finished goods.6[countable, uncountable]COMMERCE a supply of goods, kept for sale by a shop or other RETAILEREquipment importers had big stocks of last year’s skis and boots still on their hands.Most children’s bookshops will always have these titles in stock.A problem with production meant that all the shops were out of stock (=had none of something left).Distribution control has cut out two layers from the chain, giving greater control of retail stock levels (=quantities in stock). average stock closing stock dead stock opening stock safety stock7[countable, uncountable]PROPERTY the houses, flats etc available in a particular placeThe list of discounts offered by housebuilders gets longer as the stock of unsold new homes rises.Another aspect of housing which merits attention is the condition of the older housing stock.8[countable, uncountable]ECONOMICS an amount of gold, money etc that a country, company etc has available at a particular timeThe US gold stock was down $1 million in November to $11.06 billion.By making goods scarce, high tax policies render the existing stock of money more inflationary. capital stock money stock9FARMING [uncountable] farm animals, especially cattleSYNLIVESTOCKHe invested in stock, building up a herd of 1000 cattle. see also rolling stockstockstock2 verb [transitive]COMMERCE1if a shop stocks a particular product, it keeps a supply of it to be soldIndependent boutiques that sell expensive clothes are stocking less merchandise as their sales drop.2to have a supply of something so that it is ready to be usedThe parts depot in California is well-stocked (=has lots of parts in stock). see also overstock stock up→ See Verb tableOrigin stock1 Old English stocc tree-trunk, block of wood




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