verb (used with object),ground or (Rare) grind·ed;grind·ing.
to wear, smooth, or sharpen by abrasion or friction; whet: to grind a lens.
to reduce to fine particles, as by pounding or crushing; bray, triturate, or pulverize.
to oppress, torment, or crush: to grind the poor.
to rub harshly or gratingly; grate together; grit: to grind one's teeth.
to operate by turning a crank: to grind a hand organ.
to produce by crushing or abrasion: to grind flour.
Slang. to annoy; irritate; irk: It really grinds me when he's late.
verb (used without object),ground or (Rare) grind·ed;grind·ing.
to perform the operation of reducing to fine particles.
to rub harshly; grate.
to be or become ground.
to be polished or sharpened by friction.
Informal. to work or study laboriously (often followed by away): He was grinding away at his algebra.
Digital Technology. (in a video game) to perform a monotonous task repeatedly in order to advance a character to a higher level or rank: You have to grind for hours before you can embark on the main story mission.
Slang. (in a dance) to rotate the hips in a suggestive manner.Compare bump (def. 12).
the act of grinding.
a grinding sound.
a grade of particle fineness into which a substance is ground: The coffee is available in various grinds for different coffee makers.
laborious, usually uninteresting work: Copying all the footnotes was a grind.
Informal. an excessively diligent student.
Slang. a dance movement in which the hips are rotated in a suggestive or erotic manner.Compare bump (def. 12).
Verb Phrases
grind out,
to produce in a routine or mechanical way: to grind out magazine stories.
to extinguish by rubbing the lighted end against a hard surface: to grind out a cigarette.
Origin of grind
before 950; Middle English grinden,Old English grindan; akin to Gothic grinda-,Latin frendere
The Toddy requires 12 ounces of grinds and seven cups of water.
Gear to make every day feel like National Coffee Day|PopSci Commerce Team|September 29, 2020|Popular Science
This can be super helpful for fine tuning your grind for espresso machines.
Gear to make every day feel like National Coffee Day|PopSci Commerce Team|September 29, 2020|Popular Science
The grind tray snaps out and lets you dump or repurpose excess or spilled coffee.
Gear to make every day feel like National Coffee Day|PopSci Commerce Team|September 29, 2020|Popular Science
You can see it in the dives on the ground, the exhaustion, the grind.
The NBA Finals Burst the Analytics Bubble|Joshua Eferighe|September 29, 2020|Ozy
Use a broad angle and grind for wood processing or other brute-force tasks and a narrow edge and concave grind for meat processing or other slicing duties.
Three Questions to Ask Yourself Before Buying a Knife|Wes Siler|September 3, 2020|Outside Online
But what if this war does eventually involve ground troops, and what if it does just grind on for years?
Can America Still Win Wars?|Michael Tomasky|October 4, 2014|DAILY BEAST
The daily grind of child-rearing and the stress of sharing responsibility seem to be a big part of it.
Pope Francis Is Wrong About My Child-Free Life|Amanda Marcotte|June 6, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Those who propagate it are considered paranoids or activists with an axe to grind.
Did Putin Blow Up the Whole Polish Government in 2010? A Second Look.|Will Cathcart|April 11, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Progress has somehow gone from an inspiring option to an individual mandate—a grim necessity we are obliged to grind out.
Hunter S. Thompson Was Right About America: It’s Still Freaks vs. Fear|James Poulos|February 8, 2014|DAILY BEAST
But will he be willing to forsake his lucrative gig at Fox News to grind it out on the campaign trail?
Who Does the GOP Really Have To Run Against Hillary in 2016?|Myra Adams|January 14, 2014|DAILY BEAST
In the prison at Gaza the fallen chief was set to grind corn, to do the work of slaves.
Judges and Ruth|Robert A. Watson
The men of the Commune shall be free to grind their corn, and bake their bread wherever they please.
The Pilgrim's Shell or Fergan the Quarryman|Eugne Sue
Let us buy millstones and make him grind barley for us in this cellar.
Khaled, A Tale of Arabia|F. Marion Crawford
I believe there will, Page, and if you don't mind following my lead, I'll tell you what subject to grind on.
Frank Merriwell's Return to Yale|Burt L. Standish
Then take it out, grind well and wash it with vinegar, and dry it in the sun.
De Re Metallica|Georgius Agricola
British Dictionary definitions for grind
/ (ɡraɪnd) /
verbgrinds, grindingorground
to reduce or be reduced to small particles by pounding or abradingto grind corn; to grind flour
(tr)to smooth, sharpen, or polish by friction or abrasionto grind a knife
to scrape or grate together (two things, esp the teeth) with a harsh rasping sound or (of such objects) to be scraped together
(tr foll by out) to speak or say (something) in a rough voice
(tr often foll by down) to hold down; oppress; tyrannize
(tr)to operate (a machine) by turning a handle
(tr foll by out) to produce in a routine or uninspired mannerhe ground out his weekly article for the paper
(tr foll by out) to continue to play in a dull or insipid mannerthe band only ground out old tunes all evening
(tr often foll by into) to instil (facts, information, etc) by persistent effortthey ground into the recruits the need for vigilance
(intr)informalto study or work laboriously
(intr)mainlyUSto dance erotically by rotating the pelvis (esp in the phrase bump and grind)
informallaborious or routine work or study
slang, mainlyUSa person, esp a student, who works excessively hard
a specific grade of pulverization, as of coffee beanscoarse grind
Britishslangthe act of sexual intercourse
mainlyUSa dance movement involving an erotic rotation of the pelvis
the act or sound of grinding
See also grind in, grind on
Derived forms of grind
grindingly, adverb
Word Origin for grind
Old English grindan; related to Latin frendere, Lithuanian gréndu I rub, Low German grand sand