Trotter and Griffith both recognized the power of film as a mass medium that could influence millions.
The Fight to Ban ‘Birth of a Nation’|Jack Schwartz|November 20, 2014|DAILY BEAST
It was in this atmosphere that the forces led by Griffith and Trotter clashed.
The Fight to Ban ‘Birth of a Nation’|Jack Schwartz|November 20, 2014|DAILY BEAST
This rapprochement was The Birth of a Nation that Griffith evoked when he changed the name of his movie from The Clansman.
The Fight to Ban ‘Birth of a Nation’|Jack Schwartz|November 20, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Griffith is hardly alone amongst the lovelorn, impulsive, and unfortunately tattooed.
Melanie, Leave Antonio On Your Arm: The Emotional Politics of Tattoos|Lizzie Crocker|June 21, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Griffith Stadium would play a key role in sports history more than five decades later under the Kennedy Administration.
The Presidents Who Made America’s Sports|Evan Weiner|February 17, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Pg 96, name "Cliff" corrected to be "Griffith" (Griffith in his).
Harper's New Monthly Magazine Vol. IV, No. 19, Dec 1851|Various
And Griffith came out as he passed and said, "No better bonifs than those ever came into the island."
Visions and Beliefs in the West of Ireland, First Series|Lady Gregory
Old Griffith rose as he saw his daughter, but he did not come towards her.
Orientations|William Somerset Maugham
Berlin-wool work and Brabazon Lodge had tried her somewhat and—she wanted Griffith.
Vagabondia|Frances Hodgson Burnett
He fought by the side of our Harold when he tamed Griffith, the wildcat of Wales.
The Rival Heirs being the Third and Last Chronicle of Aescendune|A. D. Crake
British Dictionary definitions for Griffith
/ (ˈɡrɪfɪθ) /
Arthur. 1872–1922, Irish journalist and nationalist: founder of Sinn Féin (1905); president of the Free State assembly (1922)
D (avid Lewelyn) W (ark). 1875–1948, US film director and producer. He introduced several cinematic techniques, including the flashback and the fade-out, in his masterpiece The Birth of a Nation (1915)