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[ steyv ] / steɪv / SEE SYNONYMS FOR stave ON THESAURUS.COM
nounone of the thin, narrow, shaped pieces of wood that form the sides of a cask, tub, or similar vessel. a stick, rod, pole, or the like. a rung of a ladder, chair, etc. Prosody. - a verse or stanza of a poem or song.
- the alliterating sound in a line of verse, as thew-sound in wind in the willows.
Music. staff1 (def. 10). verb (used with object), staved or stove, stav·ing.to break in a stave or staves of (a cask or barrel) so as to release the wine, liquor, or other contents. to release (wine, liquor, etc.) by breaking the cask or barrel. to break or crush (something) inward (often followed by in). to break (a hole) in, especially in the hull of a boat. to break to pieces; splinter; smash. to furnish with a stave or staves. to beat with a stave or staff. verb (used without object), staved or stove, stav·ing.to become staved in, as a boat; break in or up. to move along rapidly. Verb Phrasesstave off, - to put, ward, or keep off, as by force or evasion.
- to prevent in time; forestall: He wasn't able to stave off bankruptcy.
Origin of staveFirst recorded in 1125–75; (noun) Middle English, back formation from staves; (verb) derivative of the noun synonym study for stave4. See verse. OTHER WORDS FROM staveun·staved, adjectiveWords nearby stavestaurolite, stauropegion, stauroplegia, stauroscope, Stavanger, stave, stave off, staves, stavesacre, Stavropol, stavudine Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for staveFour weeks after the injections, all 20 of the participants had developed the antibodies needed to stave off the infection. The Race for the Ebola Vaccine|Abby Haglage|January 7, 2015|DAILY BEAST And how much do you need to sweat to stave off the disease that kills 500,000 people every year? Running 15 Miles a Week Could Slash Alzheimer’s Risk|DailyBurn|December 12, 2014|DAILY BEAST Will “loyalty cards” be enough to stave of a Republican massacre of House Democrats on Tuesday? The Democrats’ Simple Midterm Weapon|Ben Jacobs|November 4, 2014|DAILY BEAST No surprise, therefore, that women are desperate to stave off the “visible signs” of aging. Nicole Kidman Botox Insanity: Why All Women Lose Out When We Obsess Over Stars’ Faces|Emma Woolf|May 25, 2014|DAILY BEAST
While pundits think Morse is relatively safe in his effort to stave off recall, Giron is facing a much tighter race. A Battle Over Gun Control in Colorado|Ben Jacobs|September 2, 2013|DAILY BEAST They want to stave off our question until after the presidential campaign. The Life and Work of Susan B. Anthony (Volume 1 of 2)|Ida Husted Harper Then, as Bedell sang a stave in a full rich voice, "Bye-oh, Baby!" The Christmas Miracle|Charles Egbert Craddock (AKA Mary Noailles Murfree) If you stave off the threatened prohibition you will earn it ten times over. British Secret Service During the Great War|Nicholas Everitt Then she went on quickly, to stave off any possible questionings as to her state of mind. That Unfortunate Marriage, Vol. 3(of 3)|Frances Eleanor Trollope Chester noticed with surprise that each man was armed, not only with a stave, but with a revolver. The Chink in the Armour|Marie Belloc Lowndes
British Dictionary definitions for stave
nounany one of a number of long strips of wood joined together to form a barrel, bucket, boat hull, etc any of various bars, slats, or rods, usually of wood, such as a rung of a ladder or a crosspiece bracing the legs of a chair any stick, staff, etc a stanza or verse of a poem music - British an individual group of five lines and four spaces used in staff notation
- another word for staff 1 (def. 9)
verb staves, staving, staved or stove(often foll by in) to break or crush (the staves of a boat, barrel, etc) or (of the staves of a boat) to be broken or crushed (tr usually foll by in) to burst or force (a hole in something) (tr) to provide (a ladder, chair, etc) with a stave or staves (tr) Scot to sprain (a finger, toe, etc) Word Origin for staveC14: back formation from staves, plural of staff 1 Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 Words related to staverule out, thwart, avert, forestall, avoid, preclude, foil, counteract, anticipate, halt, ward off, hold off, put an end to, obstruct, prohibit, forbid, obviate, restrict, hamper, check |