释义 |
[ shtou-ding-uhr ] / ˈʃtaʊ dɪŋ ər /
nounHer·mann [her-mahn], /ˈhɛr mɑn/, 1881–1965, German chemist: Nobel prize 1953. Words nearby Staudingerstatutory offense, statutory order, statutory rape, statvolt, Staubach, Staudinger, Stauffenberg, St. Augustine, St. Augustine grass, staumrel, staun Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for StaudingerStaudinger and other recent authors have adopted ribeata, Clerck, for this species. The Moths of the British Isles, Second Series|Richard South Staudinger, it may be added, adopts maillardi as the earlier name for this species, and it may have to be generally accepted. The Moths of the British Isles, First Series|Richard South My friend, Dr. Staudinger, who has twice spent the summer in Lapland, thus writes in reply to my question. Studies in the Theory of Descent (Volumes 1 and 2)|August Weismann Our form, in all its modifications, belongs to egerides, Staudinger. The Butterflies of the British Isles|Richard South