The sanctions will further starve Huawei of critical semiconductors.
‘A real uphill battle’: Why China will struggle to counter U.S.’s attack on Huawei|Veta Chan|September 10, 2020|Fortune
The troubling issue is Google’s huge share of all online ad revenue, starving all kinds of other publishers and site owners and crushing the news business.
Why we don’t need to break up Google|Aaron Pressman|September 4, 2020|Fortune
Previous actions had already restricted Huawei’s access to semiconductors, but the new order aims to further starve Huawei of chips by eliminating work-arounds that allowed it to buy chips designed by third parties.
This chipmaker was a winner in the U.S. crackdown on Huawei. Now, it’s another victim|Grady McGregor|August 20, 2020|Fortune
Consequently, our sky is not uniformly bright to our eyes, and most of the cosmos is photon-starved compared to our everyday circumstances.
The Universe Has Made Almost All the Stars It Will Ever Make - Issue 89: The Dark Side|Caleb Scharf|August 19, 2020|Nautilus
While researchers try to outdo one another on contrived benchmarks, one in every nine people in the world is starving.
Too many AI researchers think real-world problems are not relevant|Amy Nordrum|August 18, 2020|MIT Technology Review
Still, the man did starve himself in the name of a same-sex marriage ban and it, unsurprisingly, earned him a lot of backlash.
Utah Man Gives Up Gay Marriage Hunger Strike|Caitlin Dickson|January 6, 2014|DAILY BEAST
This can explain why people who starve themselves can only lose minimal amounts of weight.
Eating More Fat Could Save Your Life|Daniela Drake|December 13, 2013|DAILY BEAST
For them, it was assimilate or starve, with the constant reality of low-wage labor being undercut by new arrivals.
The Heritage Immigration Study, Ctd.|Justin Green|May 7, 2013|DAILY BEAST
No one will starve here (except those inexplicably ignored persons who already are starving).
The Scariest Thing About Sandy: Guarding the Water Supply|Kent Sepkowitz|October 30, 2012|DAILY BEAST
In a way, it was my decision not to starve myself that turned me into a supermodel, and later on, a businesswoman.
Tyra Banks’s Open Letter to Models: ‘Vogue’ to Ban Images of Anorexia|Tyra Banks|May 15, 2012|DAILY BEAST
Work or starve is a stern choice, particularly if one has never done either.
The Girl From Keller's|Harold Bindloss
There for a while her relatives left her, she must starve or return to them.
Curiosities of Olden Times|S. Baring-Gould
People who "starve to death" in shorter times do not die of starvation, but of fright.
The Book of Life: Vol. I Mind and Body; Vol. II Love and Society|Upton Sinclair
Unless you chemists can solve the protium problem, Germany must cut her population swiftly, if we do not starve out altogether.
City of Endless Night|Milo Hastings
Ma, I am not going to starve to death, I am going to eat of the bodies of the dead.
History of the Donner Party|C.F. McGlashan
British Dictionary definitions for starve
/ (stɑːv) /
to die or cause to die from lack of food
to deprive (a person or animal) or (of a person, etc) to be deprived of food
(intr)informalto be very hungry
(foll by of or for) to deprive or be deprived (of something necessary), esp so as to cause suffering or malfunctioningthe engine was starved of fuel
(tr foll by into) to bring (to) a specified condition by starvingto starve someone into submission
archaicto be or cause to be extremely cold
Derived forms of starve
starver, noun
Word Origin for starve
Old English steorfan to die; related to Old Frisian sterva to die, Old High German sterban to die