

单词 agile development

Agile development

or ag·ile de·vel·op·ment

[ aj-uhl duh-vel-uhp-muhnt, aj-ahyl ]
/ ˈædʒ əl dəˈvɛl əp mənt, ˈædʒ aɪl /

noun Digital Technology.

a philosophy of modular software development that delivers multiple successive versions of a working product that is improved after each iteration and evolves based on empirical evaluation of previous versions.
Also called Ag·ile .
Compare waterfall development.

Origin of Agile development

First recorded in 2000–2005; from Manifesto for Agile Sofware Development

Words nearby Agile development

aggro, agha, aghast, agilawood, agile, Agile development, agility, agin, Agincourt, aging, aginner
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020




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