

单词 gordon


[ gawr-dn ]
/ ˈgɔr dn /


Charles George "Chinese Gordon"; "Gordon Pasha", 1833–85, British general: administrator in China and Egypt.
Charles William, real name of Ralph Connor.
Lord George, 1751–93, English politician.
George Hamilton, 4th Earl of Aberdeen, 1784–1860, British statesman, born in Scotland: prime minister 1852–55.
Mary (Catherine), born 1949, U.S. novelist, short-story writer, and essayist.
a male given name: from an Old English word meaning “round hill.”

Words nearby Gordon

gorcock, Gordian, Gordian knot, gordian worm, Gordimer, Gordon, Gordon setter, Gordy, gore, Górecki, gorehound
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020

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British Dictionary definitions for Gordon

/ (ˈɡɔːdən) /


Adam Lindsay. 1833–70, Australian poet and horseman, born in the Azores, who developed the bush ballad as a literary form, esp in Bush Ballads and Galloping Rhymes (1870)
Charles George, known as Chinese Gordon. 1833–85, British general and administrator. He helped to crush the Taiping rebellion (1863–64), and was governor of the Sudan (1877–80), returning in 1884 to aid Egyptian forces against the Mahdi. He was killed in the siege of Khartoum
Sir Donald . born 1930; South African businessman
Dexter (Keith). 1923–90, US jazz tenor saxophonist
Lord George. 1751–93, English religious agitator. He led the Protestant opposition to legislation relieving Roman Catholics of certain disabilities, which culminated in the Gordon riots (1780)
George Hamilton. See (4th Earl of) Aberdeen 2
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