[ gawr -dee-uh n ] SHOW IPA
adjective pertaining to Gordius, ancient king of Phrygia, who tied a knot (the Gordian knot ) that, according to prophecy, was to be undone only by the person who was to rule Asia, and that was cut, rather than untied, by Alexander the Great.
resembling the Gordian knot in intricacy.
Idioms for Gordiancut the Gordian knot , to act quickly and decisively in a difficult situation; solve a problem boldly.
Origin of Gordian 1555–65; <Latin Gordi (us ) (<Greek Górdios Gordius) + -an
Words nearby Gordian Gorbals, gorbelly, gorblimey, Gorchakov, gorcock, Gordian , Gordian knot, gordian worm, Gordimer, Gordon, Gordon setter
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020
Example sentences from the Web for Gordian Of course, if we can mix our classical references, Russia has its Sword of Damocles to cut this Gordian Knot.
Ravenous Russia? Thirsty Crimea. | Oleg Shynkarenko, Will Cathcart| May 4, 2014| DAILY BEAST
Berlusconi, it is true, did not cut this Gordian knot, but neither did he tie it in the first place.
Berlusconi Exits, and an Era of Sexist Buffoonery Is Over | Lawrence Osborne| November 17, 2011| DAILY BEAST
Entwined within this Gordian knot is a truth so terrible as to be rarely spoken.
Obama's Historic Mideast Gamble | Leslie H. Gelb| May 21, 2011| DAILY BEAST
Hemestertius supposes the Gordian Knot to have been nothing but a variety of the himantiliginos.
An Illustrated History of Ireland from AD 400 to 1800 | Mary Frances Cusack
At any rate the Gordian knot, translated into a thin thread of copper wire, was cut—not once, but frequently.
The Story of the Rome, Watertown, and Ogdensburg RailRoad | Edward Hungerford
Had they solved even one strand of the great tangle, that worse than Gordian knot which could not be cut?
Hope Mills | Amanda M. Douglas
It might not please him exactly but—he went round and round from one problem to another, trying to untie this Gordian knot.
The "Genius" | Theodore Dreiser
We shall have cut the gordian knot of slavery, and the death agonies of the hydra would soon be visible.
The Continental Monthly, Vol 3 No 3, March 1863 | Various