

单词 bollito misto

bollito misto

[ buh-lee-toh mis-toh; Italian baw-lee-taw mee-staw ]
/ bəˈli toʊ ˈmɪs toʊ; Italian bɔˈli tɔ ˈmi stɔ /

noun, plural bol·li·ti mis·ti [buh-lee-tee mis-tee; Italian baw-lee-tee mee-stee]. /bəˈli ti ˈmɪs ti; Italian bɔˈli ti ˈmi sti/.

an Italian dish of mixed meats, as beef, chicken, sausage, and veal, simmered with vegetables and seasonings in broth.

Origin of bollito misto

1950–60; Italian: “boiled dish, mixed dish,” from bollito “a stew,” noun use of past participlebollito “boiled,” from bollire “to boil,” from Latin bullire “to bubble, boil” + misto “mixed,” from Latin mixtus, past participle of miscēre “to mix, blend” (see mixed)

Words nearby bollito misto

boll, Bolland, Bollandist, bollard, Bollinger body, bollito misto, bollix, bollocking, bollocks, boll weevil, bollworm
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020




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