Arthur Pen·rhyn[pen-rin], /ˈpɛn rɪn/, Dean Stanley, 1815–81, English clergyman and author.
Edward George Geoffrey Smith, 14th Earl of Derby, 1799–1869, British statesman: prime minister 1852, 1858–59, 1866–68.
Francis Edgar, 1849–1918, and his twin brother Free·lan[free-luhn], /ˈfri lən/, 1849–1940, U.S. inventors and manufacturers: developed steam-powered car.
Sir Henry Morton,John Rowlands, 1841–1904, British journalist and explorer in Africa: led successful search for David Livingstone.
Wendell M(eredith), 1904–71, U.S. biochemist: Nobel prize 1946.
the capital and principal harbor of the Falkland Islands, in the E part.
Mount,former name of Ngaliema, Mount.
a male given name: an Old English family name taken from a placename meaning “stone field.”
Words nearby Stanley
Stanisław, Stanislaw I, Stanisław II, Stanislawów, stank, Stanley, Stanley Cup, Stanley Falls, Stanley knife, Stanley Pool, Stanleyville
Stanley Richards, Senior Vice President of the Fortune Society, gave a tour along with a few residents.
His First Day Out Of Jail After 40 Years: Adjusting To Life Outside|Justin Rohrlich|January 3, 2015|DAILY BEAST
Sales keep rising though a recent collaboration with Dallas designer Stanley Korshak ended in tears.
The Hot Designer Who Hates Fashion: VK Nagrani Triumphs His Own Way|Tom Teodorczuk|December 1, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Today the Stanley is in pristine shape after another series of renovations were completed in 2013.
How to Save Silent Movies: Inside New Jersey’s Cinema Paradiso|Rich Goldstein|October 2, 2014|DAILY BEAST
The State Theater opened seven years earlier in 1922, and the Stanley Theater, with a 4,300-seat capacity, in 1928.
How to Save Silent Movies: Inside New Jersey’s Cinema Paradiso|Rich Goldstein|October 2, 2014|DAILY BEAST
It won him over, and in 1981, he succeeded Stanley, and rebranded it “ATLAH,” which stands for "All the Land Anointed Holy."
‘Crazy’ Harlem Pastor Hates on Obama and Gays|Olivia Nuzzi|September 28, 2014|DAILY BEAST
"Day before yesterday I was over to Ashton," answered Stanley, after the door to the room had been closed and locked.
The Rover Boys in the Air|Edward Stratemeyer
And having finished this oration, Stanley thrust his hands deep into his pockets, and jingled the money that was there.
The Freelands|John Galsworthy
Stanley and Sarah Brailsford went up to their room with a lamp.
Plowing On Sunday|Sterling North
“We must act the part of invaders and drive out any previous occupants,” observed Stanley as he stepped on shore.
In the Wilds of Africa|W.H.G. Kingston
To all this man's requests Stanley cheerfully consented in his anxiety to conciliate him and the natives.
Stanley's Adventures in the Wilds of Africa|Joel Tyler Headley and William Fletcher Johnson
British Dictionary definitions for Stanley (1 of 2)
/ (ˈstænlɪ) /
the capital of the Falkland Islands, in NE East Falkland Island: scene of fighting in the Falklands War of 1982. Pop: 1989 (2001)
a town in NE England, in N Durham. Pop: 19 072 (2001)
Mount Stanleya mountain in central Africa, between Uganda and the Democratic Republic of Congo (formerly Zaïre): the highest peak of the Ruwenzori range. Height: 5109 m (16 763 ft)Congolese name: Ngaliema Mountain
British Dictionary definitions for Stanley (2 of 2)
/ (ˈstænlɪ) /
Sir Henry Morton . 1841–1904, British explorer and journalist, who led an expedition to Africa in search of Livingstone, whom he found on Nov 10, 1871. He led three further expeditions in Africa (1874–77; 1879–84; 1887–89) and was instrumental in securing Belgian sovereignty over the Congo Free State