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noun a short, sharp, shrill cry; a sharp, high-pitched sound.
Informal . opportunity; chance: their last squeak to correct the manuscript.
an escape from defeat, danger, death, or destruction (usually qualified by narrow or close ).
verb (used without object) to utter or emit a squeak or squeaky sound.
Slang . to confess or turn informer; squeal.
verb (used with object) to utter or sound with a squeak or squeaks.
Verb Phrases squeak by / through to succeed, survive, pass, win, etc., by a very narrow margin: They can barely squeak by on their income. The team managed to squeak through.
Origin of squeak 1350–1400; Middle English squeken, perhaps <Scandinavian; compare Swedish skväka to croak
OTHER WORDS FROM squeak squeak·ing·ly, adverb Words nearby squeak squawk, squawk box, squawky, squaw man, squawroot, squeak , squeak by, squeaker, squeaky, squeaky-clean, squeaky wheel gets the grease
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020
Example sentences from the Web for squeak And while polls show 594 is likely to pass, 591 could squeak by as well.
NRA Ducks Gun Fight Out West | Eleanor Clift| October 29, 2014| DAILY BEAST
Shapard, the pollster, predicts Lankford will just squeak by with a narrow majority.
T.W. Shannon’s Senate Campaign Is Not About Race. Really. | Tim Mak| June 24, 2014| DAILY BEAST
And it was the most that could squeak through a filibuster- hobbled Senate.
The Indispensible Nancy Pelosi | Robert Shrum| March 25, 2014| DAILY BEAST
But the GOP didn't just squeak out a few victories; they crushed.
Is Demography Destiny? | Megan McArdle| November 7, 2012| DAILY BEAST
If you keep quiet, you can squeak through without having to reveal your views.
Abortion Doesn't Matter | Adam Winkler| May 11, 2010| DAILY BEAST
How they squeal and squeak and sob when they are in trouble!
Danger! and Other Stories | Arthur Conan Doyle
With a squeak and a sigh the door, terraced like a vault portal, swung outward slowly.
Fly By Night | Arthur Dekker Savage
And as he went he heard the squeak of a rat below his wheelbarrow.
The Adventures of A Brownie | Miss Mulock
There was a rustle of dresses and a squeak of castors, as the audience settled into chairs and the lights were lowered.
Lady Lilith | Stephen McKenna
Then, as a squeak of agony sounded from a Rogan in front of him, his mind grasped what had happened.
The Red Hell of Jupiter | Paul Ernst
British Dictionary definitions for squeak noun a short shrill cry or high-pitched sound
informal an escape (esp in the phrases narrow squeak , near squeak )
verb to make or cause to make a squeak
(intr ; usually foll by through or by) to pass with only a narrow margin to squeak through an examination
(intr) informal to confess information about oneself or another
(tr) to utter with a squeak
Derived forms of squeak squeaker , noun squeaky , adjective squeakily , adverb squeakiness , noun Word Origin for squeak C17: probably of Scandinavian origin; compare Swedish skväka to croak
Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
Words related to squeak creak, screech, squeal, sound, pipe, yelp, cry, whine, cheep, grate, sing, peep, shrill, scream, talk