The entire industry was benefiting from a balmy climate where relatively few car, credit card, or small-business loans were going into default, a benefit that countered the drag of low rates and brought one of the best runs in banking history.
How JPMorgan Chase is proceeding with extreme caution—and still making plenty of money|Shawn Tully|October 14, 2020|Fortune
The planet has become a scorched and acidic wasteland today, but researchers suspect it hosted balmy oceans for billions of years in its early history—roughly ten times longer than Mars did.
Three ways scientists could search for life on Venus|Charlie Wood|October 1, 2020|Popular Science
High carbon dioxide in the atmosphere alone wouldn’t have been enough to keep the region balmy so close to the pole.
A rainforest once grew near the South Pole|Carolyn Gramling|May 11, 2020|Science News For Students
I got into my car and just sat there in the balmy London night replaying the events of the day in my mind.
When Gary Wright Met George Harrison: Dream Weaver, John and Yoko, and More|Gary Wright|September 29, 2014|DAILY BEAST
On a New York terrace, there is a dinner dance one balmy summer evening.
Adam Hochschild on Keeping Company With His Dying Father|Adam Hochschild|June 14, 2014|DAILY BEAST
During a balmy summer, few things provide immediate enjoyment like a chilled glass of rosé.
Summer in a Glass: Everything’s Coming Up Rosés|Jordan Salcito|June 7, 2014|DAILY BEAST
The surprisingly boring movie Contagion, has arrived, signaling the end of balmy youth for the field of infectious diseases.
The Distorted Science of Contagion|Kent Sepkowitz|September 23, 2011|DAILY BEAST
Eleanor Roosevelt addressed the record crowd on a balmy Southern California afternoon.
'Tricky Dick' vs. the Pink Lady|Sally Denton|November 16, 2009|DAILY BEAST
The air came with balmy freshness to my anxious, feverish brow.
Ernest Linwood|Caroline Lee Hentz
It was a bright, moonlight night, and we stood there leaning over the railing enjoying the smooth sea and balmy summer night air.
Gospel Doctrine|Joseph F. Smith
She felt almost as if the balmy sunlight were some joy-giving fluid to be drunk like wine.
The Hills of Refuge|Will N. Harben
The quickening power within pictured to them bright sunshine, refreshing showers and warm, balmy nights.
Birds and Nature Vol. 11 No. 3 [March 1902]|Various
It was a beautiful day in May, the air so balmy and delicious that it was a luxury to breathe it.
The Bride of the Tomb and Queenie's Terrible Secret|Mrs. Alexander McVeigh Miller
British Dictionary definitions for balmy
/ (ˈbɑːmɪ) /
(of weather) mild and pleasant
having the qualities of balm; fragrant or soothing