单词 | spruce |
释义 | spruce1[ sproos ] / sprus / SEE SYNONYMS FOR spruce ON THESAURUS.COM nounany evergreen, coniferous tree of the genus Picea, of the pine family, having short, angular, needle-shaped leaves attached singly around twigs and bearing hanging cones with persistent scales. any of various allied trees, as the Douglas fir and the hemlock spruce. the wood of any such tree. adjectivemade from the wood of a spruce tree or trees. containing or abounding in spruce trees. Origin of spruce11350–1400; Middle English, special use of Spruce, sandhi variant of Pruce<Old French Pruce<Medieval Latin PrussiaPrussia, whence the timber came Words nearby sprucesprocket, sprocket hole, sprog, sprout, Spruance, spruce, spruce beer, spruce beetle, spruce budworm, spruce grouse, spruce pine Definition for spruce (2 of 2)spruce2 [ sproos ] / sprus / adjective, spruc·er, spruc·est.trim in dress or appearance; neat; smart; dapper. verb (used with object), spruced, spruc·ing.to make spruce or smart (often followed by up): Spruce up the children before the company comes. verb (used without object), spruced, spruc·ing.to make oneself spruce (usually followed by up). Origin of spruce21580–90; obsolete spruce jerkin originally, jerkin made of spruce leather, i.e., leather imported from Prussia (see spruce1), hence fine, smart, etc. OTHER WORDS FROM sprucesprucely, adverbspruceness, nounun·spruced, adjectiveDictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for spruceBritish Dictionary definitions for spruce (1 of 2)spruce1 / (spruːs) / nounany coniferous tree of the N temperate genus Picea, cultivated for timber and for ornament: family Pinaceae. They grow in a pyramidal shape and have needle-like leaves and light-coloured woodSee also Norway spruce, blue spruce, white spruce, black spruce the wood of any of these trees Word Origin for spruceC17: short for Spruce fir, from C14 Spruce Prussia, changed from Pruce, via Old French from Latin Prussia British Dictionary definitions for spruce (2 of 2)spruce2 / (spruːs) / adjectiveneat, smart, and trim Derived forms of sprucesprucely, adverbspruceness, nounWord Origin for spruceC16: perhaps from Spruce leather a fashionable leather imported from Prussia; see spruce 1 Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 |
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