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[ sprig ] / sprɪg / SEE SYNONYMS FOR sprig ON THESAURUS.COM
nouna small spray of some plant with its leaves, flowers, etc. an ornament having the form of such a spray. a shoot, twig, or small branch. Facetious. a scion, offspring, or heir of a family, class, etc. a youth or young fellow. glazier's point. a headless brad. Metallurgy. - a small peg for reinforcing the walls of a mold.
- a metal insert, used to chill certain portions of cast metal, that becomes an integral part of the finished casting.
verb (used with object), sprigged, sprig·ging.to mark or decorate (fabrics, pottery, etc.) with a design of sprigs. to fasten with brads. Horticulture. to propagate a plant, especially grass, by planting individual stolons. Metallurgy. to reinforce the walls of (a mold) with sprigs. to remove a sprig or sprigs from (a plant). Origin of sprigFirst recorded in 1300–50; Middle English sprigge (noun); origin uncertain; sense “peg” perhaps of distinct origin; cf. sprag1, spray2 Words nearby sprigspree killer, sprekelia, sprent, sprier, spriest, sprig, spriggy, sprightful, sprightly, sprigtail, spring Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for sprigEven the celebrated shot of Uncle Paulie cutting garlic with a razor blade has a sprig of parsley in the foreground. Goodfellas Turns 20|Sean Macaulay|September 21, 2010|DAILY BEAST She had folded her fan; she stretched out her arm mechanically and plucked a sprig of azalea. Lady Barbarina|Henry James The two city-bred artists knew a wall-flower from a cabbage and a rose from a sprig of asparagus, and that was all. The Golden Butterfly|Walter Besant This he presented to me with a grace that dignified the sprig into a bouquet. The Fortunate Isles|Mary Stuart Boyd
Well I should say some where near ten thousand; that sprig in her hair cost a clean five. The Sword of Damocles|Anna Katharine Green His smart blue bonnet, with sprig of holly and eagle's feather, was already recognised as the Scottish headgear. The World's Greatest Books, Vol VIII|Arthur Mee and J.A. Hammerton, Eds.
British Dictionary definitions for sprig
nouna shoot, twig, or sprout of a tree, shrub, etc; spray an ornamental device resembling a spray of leaves or flowers a small wire nail without a head informal, rare a youth informal, rare a person considered as the descendant of an established family, social class, etc NZ another name for stud 1 (def. 7) verb sprigs, sprigging or sprigged (tr)to fasten or secure with sprigs to ornament (fabric, wallpaper, etc) with a design of sprigs to make sprays from (twigs and branches) Derived forms of sprigsprigger, nounspriggy, adjectiveWord Origin for sprigC15: probably of Germanic origin; compare Low German sprick, Swedish sprygg Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 Words related to sprigsprout, twig, runner, offshoot, tendril, vine, branch |