

单词 sprag


[ sprag ]
/ spræg /


a pole or bar hinged to the rear axle of a cart or the like in such a way that it can brace the vehicle against a road to prevent it from rolling downhill.
Mining. a short timber for propping up loose walls or spacing two sets.

verb (used with object), spragged, sprag·ging.

to prop, support, or immobilize (a vehicle) by means of a sprag.

verb (used without object), spragged, sprag·ging.

to slow a vehicle by means of a sprag or, sometimes, by bracing the feet against the ground.

Origin of sprag

1835–45; special use of dial. sprag twig (Old English spræcg shoot, slip); akin to sprig

Words nearby sprag

S.P.Q.R., S.P.R., Sprachgefühl, spraddle, spraddle-legged, sprag, Sprague, sprain, sprain fracture, spraint, sprang

Definition for sprag (2 of 2)

[ sprag ]
/ spræg /


a young cod.

Origin of sprag

First recorded in 1700–10; special use of dialectal sprag “twig, lively young man”; see sprag1 and for meaning, cf. sprig
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020

Example sentences from the Web for sprag

  • Sprag, sprag, n. a piece of wood used to lock a wheel: a punch-prop in mining.

    Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary (part 4 of 4: S-Z and supplements)|Various
  • Next instant (to make quite sure) I jumped out, ran to the front, and lowered the sprag.

    The Lightning Conductor|C. N. Williamson
  • For all that, it's a sheer impossibility that you should guess who put a sprag in the wheel of Hilton's chariot.

    The Strange Case of Mortimer Fenley|Louis Tracy
  • Conclusion; with a testimonial of commodore Sprag in behalf of the assembly.

    The Complete Works in Philosophy, Politics and Morals of the late Dr. Benjamin Franklin, [Vol 3 of 3]|Benjamin Franklin

British Dictionary definitions for sprag

/ (spræɡ) /


a chock or steel bar used to prevent a vehicle from running backwards on an incline
a support or post used in mining
NZ mining a steel bar inserted into the wheels of a box to act as a brake

Word Origin for sprag

C19: of uncertain origin
Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012




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