Mirzakhani attended a high school for gifted girls and studied mathematics at Sharif University of Technology in Tehran before heading to Harvard and eventually a professorship at Stanford University.
A documentary and a Bollywood film highlight two disparate paths in mathematics|Emily Conover|October 15, 2020|Science News
Lauren Graham and Kelly Bishop are extraordinarily gifted actresses who play beautifully against each other, and the mingled love and resentment of Lorelai and Emily’s relationship forms one of the show’s richest emotional wells.
Every episode of Gilmore Girls, ranked|Constance Grady|October 6, 2020|Vox
A few were exceptionally gifted and high-performing but also complainers or pessimists.
What if Your Company Had No Rules? (Bonus Episode)|Maria Konnikova|September 12, 2020|Freakonomics
A gifted marketer, he sent samples of the hat to merchandisers all over the West, asking for a minimum order of a dozen.
My Love Letter to the Stetson|Mark McKinnon|December 24, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Lansky saw the change coming and, like all gifted racketeers, tried to cut a deal with the new sheriff.
Will Hyman Roth Return to Havana With Normalized Relations?|John L. Smith|December 18, 2014|DAILY BEAST
But when their first book, SuicideGirls, came out in 2004, she gifted her a copy.
Masters of Alt Sex: SuicideGirls Hits Puberty and Wants to Invade Your TV Set|Marlow Stern|December 9, 2014|DAILY BEAST
The novel is a gifted escape artist, skilled at shrugging off the chains of any definition.
The Birth of the Novel|Nick Romeo|November 27, 2014|DAILY BEAST
They are striking, incredibly elaborate, and they showcase the work of some of the most gifted artists in the world.
The Incredible Art of Christmas Windows|Barbara Ragghianti|November 24, 2014|DAILY BEAST
We refer to the gifted author of the German-American Romances.
Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 68, No. 421, November 1850|Various
Hermione, on the other hand, was gifted as a linguist, loving languages and learning them easily.
The Call of the Blood|Robert Smythe Hichens
Like all revelations of the better life, the adequate perception of a great work demands a gifted simplicity of vision.
Talks on the study of literature.|Arlo Bates
But he patiently put upon paper every note that his years of study and his gifted soul impelled.
Stars of the Opera|Mabel Wagnalls
The business enterprise of the gifted publisher at this time was a most noticeable thing.
Beacon Lights of History, Volume XI|John Lord
British Dictionary definitions for gifted
/ (ˈɡɪftɪd) /
having or showing natural talent or aptitudea gifted musician; a gifted performance