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[ spot-id ] / ˈspɒt ɪd / SEE SYNONYMS FOR spotted ON THESAURUS.COM
adjectivemarked with or characterized by a spot or spots. sullied; blemished. Origin of spottedMiddle English word dating back to 1200–50; see origin at spot, -ed3 OTHER WORDS FROM spottedspot·ted·ly, adverbspot·ted·ness, nounWords nearby spottedspot plate, spot price, spot reducing, spot strike, Spotsylvania, spotted, spotted adder, spotted alfalfa aphid, spotted cavy, spotted cowbane, spotted crake Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for spottedUnconfirmed reports in the French media claimed that the brothers were spotted at a gas station in northern France on Thursday. France Mourns—and Hunts|Nico Hines, Christopher Dickey|January 8, 2015|DAILY BEAST They were looping back around and coming down Tiebout Avenue when they spotted two figures. Shot Down During the NYPD Slowdown|Michael Daly|January 7, 2015|DAILY BEAST Other officials told reporters that searchers also spotted a life vest and baggage in the water. Wreckage, Bodies of AirAsia Crash Found|Lennox Samuels|December 30, 2014|DAILY BEAST Conservative hit man turned liberal media critic David Brock, spotted smoking an e-cigarette in the lobby. Team Clinton Prepares for the Other Side of If|David Freedlander|November 22, 2014|DAILY BEAST
We spotted two places along the fire road where a car could pull over. Knowing Where the Bodies Are Buried: An Excerpt From 'Lives in Ruins'|Marilyn Johnson|November 14, 2014|DAILY BEAST The Mohawks cannot find us here, Spotted Deer declared, confidently. Running Fox|Elmer Russell Gregor If somebody was coming to help the Cerberus it would be bound to spot the other ship, and it didn't want to be spotted. A Matter of Importance|William Fitzgerald Jenkins It is of a darker blue colour, but spotted like its congener, each feather having from four to six spots upon it. The Young Yagers|Mayne Reid It was only a wisp of motion, a mere flutter in the aspens, and as soon as Ted spotted it, he lost it. Double Challenge|James Arthur Kjelgaard When the Haughts came out into the open upon that bench one of the pups and the spotted hound, Rock, were with them. Tales of lonely trails|Zane Grey
British Dictionary definitions for spotted
adjectivecharacterized by spots or marks, esp in having a pattern of spots stained or blemished; soiled or bespattered Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 Words related to spottedmotley, dappled, flecked, flaked, dotted, sprinkled, blotched, freckled, mosaic, patchy, spotty, pied |