[ spawrts, spohrts ] SHOW IPA
/ spɔrts, spoʊrts / PHONETIC RESPELLING
adjective Also sport. of or relating to a sport or sports, especially of the open-air or athletic kind: a sports festival.
(of garments, equipment, etc.) suitable for use in open-air sports or for outdoor or informal use.
Origin of sports First recorded in 1910–15; sport + -s3
Words nearby sports sporting chance, sporting dog, sporting house, sporting lady, sportive, sports , sports bar, sports bra, sports cap, sports car, sportscast
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020
Example sentences from the Web for sports Local life in these places is not defined by their sports team or by their natural beauty—by things only available locally.
Will Texas Stay Texan? | David Fontana| December 29, 2014| DAILY BEAST
Ramos was a fervent Mets fan and he would often talk to the students about sports .
In The Shadow of Murdered Cops | Michael Daly| December 26, 2014| DAILY BEAST
Many of the women arrived in the United States as part of sports and religious delegations.
ISIS, Boko Haram, and the Growing Role of Human Trafficking in 21st Century Terrorism | Louise I. Shelley| December 26, 2014| DAILY BEAST
His constant worship of his wife stands in stark contrast to scandals of the domestic nature in other sports .
The Story of the World’s Greatest Cricket Player | William O’Connor| December 24, 2014| DAILY BEAST
[Sports Illustrated] is an amazing experience, and everyone there is the best team to work with.
Anastasia Ashley, Surfer-Cum-Model, Rides The Viral Internet Wave | James Joiner| December 23, 2014| DAILY BEAST
Mr Riddell knows very little about sports , though I do hear he was seen coxing a schoolhouse boat this morning.
The Willoughby Captains | Talbot Baines Reed
Mr. Gurney was a patron of the Turf and a genuine lover of old English sports , but he was never known to bet.
Norfolk Annals | Charles Mackie
Because, as I understand it, we should play for the sports sake, not so much to win every time.
The Girls of Central High | Gertrude W. Morrison
Kids can participate in a program of sports , hulas, arts and crafts.
Oahu Traveler's guide | Bill Gleasner
Fanny was what the children called a "tomboy," and always preferred the boys' sports , the more daring the better.
The Life of Mrs. Robert Louis Stevenson | Nellie van De Grift Sanchez
British Dictionary definitions for sports noun (modifier) relating to, concerned with, or used in sports sports equipment
(modifier) relating to or similar to a sports car sports seats
Also called: sports day British a meeting held at a school or college for competitions in various athletic events
Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
Content related to sports These Might Be The Strangest Names In SportsHave you ever wondered where some of those beloved team names come from? We've got the answers. Did your team make the list?
Words related to sports fun, athletics, pastime, game, don, play, recreation, ball, picnic, disport, gaiety, diversion, exercise, action, pleasure, frolic, amusement, games, teasing, nonsense