a person who vouches or is responsible for a person or thing.
a person, firm, organization, etc., that finances and buys the time to broadcast a radio or television program so as to advertise a product, a political party, etc.
a person who makes a pledge or promise on behalf of another.
a person who answers for an infant at baptism, making the required professions and assuming responsibility for the child's religious upbringing; godfather or godmother.
verb (used with object)
to act as sponsor for; promise, vouch, or answer for.
Origin of sponsor
1645–55; <Latin spōnsor guarantor, equivalent to spond(ēre) to pledge + -tor-tor, with dt>s
1 patron, backer; guarantor.
2 advertiser.
5 guarantee, finance, back, underwrite.
spon·so·ri·al[spon-sawr-ee-uhl, -sohr-], /spɒnˈsɔr i əl, -ˈsoʊr-/, adjectivespon·sor·ship,nounun·spon·sored,adjective
For example, Disrupt will feature more branded content sessions and presentations than in years past, and sponsors will be able to more easily track who attends those presentations, giving them a chance to gather leads.
‘Layer of data and efficiency’: How TechCrunch took Disrupt virtual — and grew for its tenth anniversary|Max Willens|September 11, 2020|Digiday
Instead of seeking out a small number of exclusive launch sponsors that would pay tens of millions of dollars, WarnerMedia is looking for a broad array of advertisers to run ads across HBO Max.
WarnerMedia eyes spring debut for HBO Max’s ad-supported tier|Tim Peterson|September 10, 2020|Digiday
Financial institutions like Citibank and DBS Bank and insurance providers like State Farm and American Family Insurance have been sponsors for this series.
‘A blueprint for what is going to happen’: Time’s Time 100 franchise on track to double revenue in 2020|Kayleigh Barber|September 3, 2020|Digiday
Broadcast sponsor, Procter & Gamble, is co-producing and co-financing the show’s production, said Orefice.
‘A blueprint for what is going to happen’: Time’s Time 100 franchise on track to double revenue in 2020|Kayleigh Barber|September 3, 2020|Digiday
The proposal’s sponsors say beefed-up training, daily check-ins and weekly visits would lead to greater patient safety.
Confirmed Nursing Home Complaints Plummet During Pandemic|Jared Whitlock|August 25, 2020|Voice of San Diego
Delta was a sponsor of the HRC dinner here in Atlanta and I went and met her there.
How A Company’s Support of Gay Employees Helped One of Them To Come Out||December 24, 2014|DAILY BEAST
SPONSOR: The Daily Beast Company LLC (555 W. 18th St., New York, NY, 10011).
The Daily Beast Company LLC The New Alphas Sweepstakes Official Rules||December 9, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Entries are subject to all notices posted online including but not limited to privacy policies of the Sponsor.
The Daily Beast Company LLC The New Alphas Sweepstakes Official Rules||December 9, 2014|DAILY BEAST
And he has been involved in the Mind and Life Institute, the sponsor of the ISCS conference, from its inception.
What If Meditation Isn’t Good for You?|Jay Michaelson|November 1, 2014|DAILY BEAST
As a moderator was keen to point out, his name remains on the bill as a sponsor.
Watch a Republican Try to Duck the Abortion Ban He Cosponsored|Jack Holmes|October 16, 2014|DAILY BEAST
And of course with the Dabney field it could be piped back to Earth if any sponsor wanted it.
Operation: Outer Space|William Fitzgerald Jenkins
The ceremony is as follows:—The child is brought out and given to the weaning father or sponsor.
Tales of Old Japan|Algernon Bertram Freeman-Mitford
A Holy Religion had unblushingly been made the sponsor for such a crime.
Christopher Columbus and How He Received and Imparted the Spirit of Discovery|Justin Winsor
Mrs. Bonfill was very sore; people would take advantage of Trix's escapade to question the social infallibility of her sponsor.
The Intrusions of Peggy|Anthony Hope
My sponsor and I had some pretty good sessions about it, and some of the screwy results I wrote you begin to make sense.
On Handling the Data|M. I. Mayfield
British Dictionary definitions for sponsor
/ (ˈspɒnsə) /
(a person or group that provides funds for an activity, esp)
a commercial organization that pays all or part of the cost of putting on a concert, sporting event, etc
a person who donates money to a charity when the person requesting the donation has performed a specified activity as part of an organized fund-raising effort
mainlyUS and Canadiana person or business firm that pays the costs of a radio or television programme in return for advertising time
a legislator who presents and supports a bill, motion, etc
Also called: godparent
an authorized witness who makes the required promises on behalf of a person to be baptized and thereafter assumes responsibility for his Christian upbringing
a person who presents a candidate for confirmation
mainlyUSa person who undertakes responsibility for the actions, statements, obligations, etc, of another, as during a period of apprenticeship; guarantor