At Chapman University in Southern California, students are given a self-administered nasal swab test that is then sent to a commercial laboratory in a partnership with diagnostics giant LabCorp.
Even the most cautious schools are seeing outbreaks|Sy Mukherjee|September 17, 2020|Fortune
In North Africa, they’re up against a giant owned by tech titan Google — and one that catered to the region, when no one else would.
The Biggest Challenge for Apple and Spotify in North Africa: YouTube|Eromo Egbejule|September 17, 2020|Ozy
Inside were 864 servers, and their submersion was part of the second phase of the software giant’s Project Natick.
Microsoft Had a Crazy Idea to Put Servers Under Water—and It Totally Worked|Vanessa Bates Ramirez|September 17, 2020|Singularity Hub
In the British oil and gas giant’s Energy Outlook, published Monday, BP outlines three possible growth scenarios between now and 2050—dubbed Rapid, Net Zero and Business as Usual.
There’s growing consensus that oil demand won’t make a comeback|eamonbarrett|September 17, 2020|Fortune
Meanwhile, quiet giant Shopify is leveraging its website-as-a-service business to offer financial products to its millions of merchant customers.
‘Square is a beast’|Jeff|September 16, 2020|Fortune
Yeah, the “Giant man-puppy” that is Gronkowski won't hold a sexual candle to the blue-eyed dreamboat.
‘A Gronking to Remember’ Speed Read: 8 Naughtiest Bits|Emily Shire|January 7, 2015|DAILY BEAST
I knew there would be good times and bad, sickness and health, broken dishwashers and giant cockroaches in the bathroom.
You’re Never ‘Cured’ of an Eating Disorder|Carrie Arnold|December 20, 2014|DAILY BEAST
No alarms were triggered as she strolled out of the Giant supermarket in Limerick, Pennsylvania, and nobody thought otherwise.
The Insane $11 Billion Scam at Retailers’ Return Desks|M.L. Nestel|December 19, 2014|DAILY BEAST
The forests were lush and filled with life, from giant snakes to monkeys.
The Congo's Forgotten Colonial Getaway|Nina Strochlic|December 18, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Lakes on Titan are full of methane, and the chemical is a major component of the giant planets Jupiter, Neptune, and so forth.
Methane on Mars: Life or Just Gas?|Matthew R. Francis|December 17, 2014|DAILY BEAST
The howdah, pierced all over with arrows, had something the appearance of a porcupine or a giant pincushion.
Female Warriors, Vol. I (of 2)|Ellen C. Clayton
He stayed no more with the Giant maid, but flew up into the high rocks of the cave.
The Children of Odin|Padraic Colum
Then he got into it and rowed across the lake, and coming to the giant's dwelling he hid himself, and stayed the night there.
Folk-Lore and Legends; Scandinavian|Various
A giant Irishman was standing there, with shirt collar and vest unbuttoned, and no coat on.
Following the Equator, Complete|Mark Twain (Samuel Clemens)
It was his fate to begin his career in an age of mediocrities and to finish it in an almost single combat with the giant.
The Life of Napoleon I (Volumes, 1 and 2)|John Holland Rose
British Dictionary definitions for giant
/ (ˈdʒaɪənt) /
a mythical figure of superhuman size and strength, esp in folklore or fairy talesAlso (feminine): giantess (ˈdʒaɪəntɪs)
a person or thing of exceptional size, reputation, etca giant in nuclear physics
Greek mythany of the large and powerful offspring of Uranus (sky) and Gaea (earth) who rebelled against the Olympian gods but were defeated in battle
pathola person suffering from gigantism
astronomy See giant star
mining another word for monitor (def. 8)
remarkably or supernaturally large
architect another word for colossal
Derived forms of giant
giant-like, adjective
Word Origin for giant
C13: from Old French geant, from Vulgar Latin gagās (unattested), from Latin gigās, gigant-, from Greek