a lightweight, two-piece, usually white garment worn by barefooted martial-arts participants, consisting of loose-fitting pants and a wraparound jacket with cloth belt.
Origin of gi
1970–75; shortening of Japanese jūdō-gi jujitsu garb, equivalent to jūdōjudo + -gi, combining form of ki to wear
a member or former member of the U.S. armed forces, especially an enlisted soldier.
rigidly adhering to military regulations and practices; regimented; spit-and-polish: a platoon leader who tried to be more GI than anyone else.
of a standardized style or type issued by the U.S. armed forces: GI shoes; GI blankets.
conforming to the regulations or practices of the U.S. armed forces: Every recruit must get a GI haircut.
of, relating to, or characteristic of a U.S. enlisted person: a typical peacetime GI complaint.
verb (used with object),GI'd,GI'ing.
to clean in preparation for inspection: to GI the barracks.
verb (used without object),GI'd,GI'ing.
to follow military regulations and customs closely; shape up: You'd better learn to GI if you want to be promoted.
Origin of GI
1915–20; originally abbreviation of galvanized iron, used in U.S. Army bookkeeping in entering articles (e.g., trash cans) made of it; later extended to all articles issued (as an assumed abbreviation of government issue) and finally to soldiers themselves
“Sometimes the only early presentation is the GI symptoms and then the respiratory symptoms come later,” notes Siddique’s coauthor Shahnaz Sultan, a University of Minnesota gastroenterologist.
Google search data can help pinpoint COVID-19 hotspots before they flare up|Kat Eschner|September 15, 2020|Popular Science
The GI Bill should have helped, but banks refused to lend and colleges refused to accept.
Sacramento Report: Reparations Bill Marches Forward|Sara Libby and Jesse Marx|July 31, 2020|Voice of San Diego
The congressman traces his belief in Santa Claus back 40 years, when he was a student going to college “on the GI Bill.”
Kerry Bentivolio: The Congressman Who Believes in Santa Claus|Ben Jacobs|December 24, 2014|DAILY BEAST
The gastrointestinal (GI) tract performs different digestive functions are various different locations.
‘Rectal Feeding’ Has Nothing to Do with Nutrition, Everything to Do with Torture|Russell Saunders|December 10, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Asked if he knew the names of the newborn quadruplets, Merritt recalled two: gi—a karate outfit—and po—a chamber pot.
Well, La Ti Da: Stephin Merritt’s Winning Little Words of Scrabble|David Bukszpan|October 11, 2014|DAILY BEAST
This egalitarian impulse was in part driven by people returning from WW II and Korea, many of whom benefited from the GI Bill.
In the Future We'll All Be Renters: America's Disappearing Middle Class|Joel Kotkin|August 10, 2014|DAILY BEAST
This was further augmented by the GI bill, which also provided low-interest loans to returning veterans.
In the Future We'll All Be Renters: America's Disappearing Middle Class|Joel Kotkin|August 10, 2014|DAILY BEAST
You'll gi' me a fair price for the lot, or I'll take um back.
McTeague|Frank Norris
Then gi'me your haand on it, cumraade; an' you shall have 'em!
Drolls From Shadowland|J. H. Pearce
And I'll mix some hoecakes and bake some sweet taters and gi' you a pitcher o' cool sweet milk.
Honey-Sweet|Edna Turpin
Mr. Varnum, he gi' me a book he said was better, and I guess it is.
Harvard Stories|Waldron Kintzing Post
Na matter wh may hap, ye swar ye willna tell Aaron gi ye one drop from that bottle?
Dick Merriwell Abroad|Burt L. Standish
British Dictionary definitions for gi (1 of 5)
/ (ɡiː) /
a loose-fitting white suit worn in judo, karate, and other martial artsa karate gi
Word Origin for gi
from Japanese -gi costume, from ki to wear
British Dictionary definitions for gi (2 of 5)
the internet domain name for
British Dictionary definitions for gi (3 of 5)
/ electronics /
abbreviation for
British Dictionary definitions for gi (4 of 5)
pluralGIsorGI'sa soldier in the US Army, esp an enlisted man
conforming to US Army regulations; of standard government issue