a borough in S Pennsylvania: Confederate forces defeated in a crucial battle of the Civil War fought near here on July 1–3, 1863; national cemetery and military park.
Words nearby Gettysburg
get to the heart of, get to the point, get-tough, get tough with, Getty, Gettysburg, Gettysburg Address, Gettysburg, Battle of, get under one's skin, get under someone's skin, getup
His nickname, given to him at the Battle of Gettysburg and which he kept for the rest of his life, was Stonewall Jim.
Stonewall Jackson, VMI’s Most Embattled Professor|S. C. Gwynne|November 29, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Going to Gettysburg was another in a long line of attempts, some more successful than others, to feel my way back there.
How Gettysburg Did Not Unlock the Past|Laird Hunt|September 21, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Lou's valedictory has been acclaimed, without sarcasm, as baseball's Gettysburg Address.
The Stacks: The Day Lou Gehrig Delivered Baseball’s Gettysburg Address|Ray Robinson|July 4, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Lee put the blame for Gettysburg on himself, which was a rare and noble thing to do, then retreated, and kept on fighting.
How I Learned to Hate Robert E. Lee|Christopher Dickey|June 22, 2014|DAILY BEAST
We can feel his sad cadences and the rapture of language in the Gettysburg Address.
Lincoln in Love|Jerome Charyn|February 14, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Like a great wave coming to its flood, the armed host of the Confederacy was moving to break at Gettysburg and recede.
Charles Carleton Coffin|William Elliot Griffis, D. D.
In front and at his feet lies the town of Gettysburg, containing, in quiet times, a population of four or five thousand souls.
Camp-Fire and Cotton-Field|Thomas W. Knox
The town of Gettysburg was now occupied by Ewell, and was full of Yankee dead and wounded.
Three Months in the Southern States, April-June 1863|Arthur J. L. (Lieut.-Col.) Fremantle
A contest in the delivery of Lincoln's Gettysburg Speech would interest the school and the public.
Special Days and their Observance|Anonymous
"I sent you back toward Gettysburg to report on our withdrawal, Lieutenant Kenton," he said.
The Shades of the Wilderness|Joseph A. Altsheler
British Dictionary definitions for Gettysburg
/ (ˈɡɛtɪzˌbɜːɡ) /
a small town in S Pennsylvania, southwest of Harrisburg: scene of a crucial battle (1863) during the American Civil War, in which Meade's Union forces defeated Lee's Confederate army; site of the national cemetery dedicated by President Lincoln. Pop: 7825 (2003 est)