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[ spluht-er ] / ˈsplʌt ər / SEE SYNONYMS FOR splutter ON THESAURUS.COM
verb (used without object)to talk rapidly and somewhat incoherently, as when confused, excited, or embarrassed: When pushed for an explanation, he always spluttered. to make a sputtering sound, or emit particles of something explosively, as water dropped onto a hot griddle. to fly or fall in particles or drops; spatter, as a liquid. verb (used with object)to utter hastily and confusedly or incoherently; sputter: Out of breath, she spluttered a poor excuse for her lateness. to spatter (a liquid, small particles, etc.). to bespatter (someone or something). nounspluttering utterance or talk; noise or fuss. a sputtering or spattering, as of liquid. Origin of splutter1670–80; blend of splash and sputter OTHER WORDS FROM spluttersplut·ter·er, nounWords nearby spluttersplore, splosh, splotch, splotchy, splurge, splutter, spluttery, spm, Spock, spod, Spode Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for splutterWith Ambassador John Negroponte in place, halting dialogues could begin to splutter, and stutter, and stumble. What If the Iraq War Never Happened?|Michael Ware|March 20, 2013|DAILY BEAST If you've anything important to proclaim, leave it to me to give you the tip when to splutter at it. Adventures in Many Lands|Various He heard the splutter of the drops that clung to it as they touched the flames. A few minutes passed, then, with a final scratch and splutter Joseph flung down his pen. The Tavern Knight|Rafael Sabatini
"Why, you audacious little spitfire," the old man begins to splutter, but Vane Charteris interrupts him gravely. Guy Kenmore's Wife and The Rose and the Lily|Mrs. Alex McVeigh Miller This was followed by a splutter of musketry, and this again by loud yells. The Yeoman Adventurer|George W. Gough
British Dictionary definitions for splutter
verbto spit out (saliva, food particles, etc) from the mouth in an explosive manner, as through choking or laughing to utter (words) with spitting sounds, as through rage or choking Also: sputter to eject or be ejected in an explosive mannersparks spluttered from the fire (tr) to bespatter (a person) with tiny particles explosively ejectedhe spluttered the boy next to him with ink nounthe process or noise of spluttering spluttering incoherent speech, esp in argument anything ejected through spluttering Derived forms of spluttersplutterer, nounWord Origin for splutterC17: variant of sputter, influenced by splash Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 Words related to splutterrive, burst, chip, pop, impair, ring, chop, sever, crepitate, explode, injure, damage, shiver, split, fracture, snap, crash, splinter, hurt, sputter |