Germain and others worry that in the wake of high-profile cases such as the DSK one, claims might get even more difficult to make.
Why the DSK Maid Lied|Jesse Ellison|July 7, 2011|DAILY BEAST
“They threatened him, which actually gave him a legitimate claim,” Germain says.
Why the DSK Maid Lied|Jesse Ellison|July 7, 2011|DAILY BEAST
Germain, as he waited at dinner could not help smiling to himself at the contrast.
Modeste Mignon|Honore de Balzac
Marie looked into Germain's eyes with playful boldness; then of a sudden she turned away her head and trembled.
The Devil's Pool|George Sand
Then came the announcement that Germain had been freed from prison, the charges against him being dropped.
The World's Greatest Books, Vol VIII|Arthur Mee and J.A. Hammerton, Eds.
"I beg your pardon," answered Germain, amazed to find himself an extra when he had counted on being alone in the field.
The Devil's Pool|George Sand
“Germain—” said Katharine, and then again, “Germain—” She gave a swallowing motion and was silent.
Chivalry|James Branch Cabell
[ zhĕr-măn′ ]
French mathematician who made significant advances in theoretical mathematics. Her researches into number theory in particular provided the first partial solution to Fermat's last theorem (1820).
Words nearby Germain
geriatrician, geriatrics, Géricault, Gerlachovka, germ, Germain, Germaine, german, German Africa, German Baptist Brethren, German cockroach