a person or business authorized to act on another's behalf:Our agent in Hong Kong will ship the merchandise. A best-selling author needs a good agent.
a person or thing that acts or has the power to act.
a natural force or object producing or used for obtaining specific results: Many insects are agents of fertilization.
an active cause; an efficient cause.
a person who works for or manages an agency.
a person who acts in an official capacity for a government or private agency, as a guard, detective, or spy: an FBI agent; the secret agents of a foreign power.
a person responsible for a particular action: Who was the agent of this deed?
Grammar. a form or construction, usually a noun or noun phrase, denoting an animate being that performs or causes the action expressed by the verb, as the police in The car was found by the police.
Indian agent.
a representative of a business firm, especially a traveling salesperson; canvasser; solicitor.
Chemistry. a substance that causes a reaction.
Pharmacology. a drug or chemical capable of eliciting a biological response.
Pathology. any microorganism capable of causing disease.
British. a campaign manager; an election agent.
acting; exerting power (opposed to patient).
verb (used with object)
to represent (a person or thing) as an agent; act as an agent for: to agent a manuscript; Who agented that deal?
Origin of agent
1570–80; <Latin agent- (stem of agēns (present participle) doing), equivalent to ag- (root of agere to do) + -ent--ent
To challenge an appraisal, review it with your agent and look for discrepancies.
The Basics of Appraisals|Valerie Blake|September 24, 2020|Washington Blade
A special agent for the state wound up producing a report for prosecution, but the San Diego County district attorney’s office decided against it.
Sheriff’s Department Made Excuses for Captain Who Pleaded Guilty to Arms Dealing|Jesse Marx|September 23, 2020|Voice of San Diego
Aranha thinks that a multi-agent approach, where several AIs work independently to build structures informed by their immediate surroundings, could lead to more coherent and realistic designs.
AI planners in Minecraft could help machines design better cities|Will Heaven|September 22, 2020|MIT Technology Review
This program is for lawyers, financial planners, real estate agents, photographers, event planners, and tax specialists.
A new era has arrived in local search: Google’s Local Trust Pack|Justin Sanger|September 18, 2020|Search Engine Land
While the the system assists the agent towards the right answer using machine-learning models trained on prior similar, successfully resolved cases and on the customer’s previous interactions with the company.
From support function to growth engine: The future of AI and customer service|Jason Sparapani|September 17, 2020|MIT Technology Review
My agent at the time sent that tape to SNL and then they asked me to come in for an audition.
Coffee Talk with Fred Armisen: On ‘Portlandia,’ Meeting Obama, and Taylor Swift’s Greatness|Marlow Stern|January 7, 2015|DAILY BEAST
I could complain about how, two out of eight episodes in, Agent Carter is in no hurry to introduce its real villain.
Marvel’s ‘Agent Carter’ Stomps on the Patriarchy|Melissa Leon|January 7, 2015|DAILY BEAST
To my own surprise, last year I started a book club, which includes writers, editors and an agent.
Daphne Merkin on Lena Dunham, Book Criticism, and Self-Examination|Mindy Farabee|December 26, 2014|DAILY BEAST
In a neat line, his agent, beginning a bidding war, promised: “Michiko Kakutani will flip for this.”
What On Earth Is ‘The Affair’ About? Season One’s Baffling Finale|Tim Teeman|December 22, 2014|DAILY BEAST
When his agent asked if he missed his wife, his mind flashed to an image of Alison.
What On Earth Is ‘The Affair’ About? Season One’s Baffling Finale|Tim Teeman|December 22, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Besides, I hardly think that either he or his agent would have troubled to carry away an empty basin as a momento of the deed.
The Tree of Knowledge|Mrs. Baillie Reynolds
In his inmost soul it was his inmost aspiration to be an agent for enthroning here on earth the equity of God.
Abraham Lincoln's Cardinal Traits;|Clark S. Beardslee
The man who threatens with the shoulder is more passionate; but he is not the agent, he is passive.
Delsarte System of Oratory|Various
He was the agent of a vast and centralized authority, an authority against which there could be no opposition.
The Shadow|Arthur Stringer
They are turned over with the merchandise to the agent of the railroad at the point of destination.
Up To Date Business|Various
British Dictionary definitions for agent
/ (ˈeɪdʒənt) /
a person who acts on behalf of another person, group, business, government, etc; representative
a person or thing that acts or has the power to act
a phenomenon, substance, or organism that exerts some force or effecta chemical agent
the means by which something occurs or is achieved; instrumentwind is an agent of plant pollination
a person representing a business concern, esp a travelling salesman
British short for estate agent
short for secret agent
Derived forms of agent
agential (eɪˈdʒɛnʃəl), adjective
Word Origin for agent
C15: from Latin agent-, noun use of the present participle of agere to do