

单词 spinthariscope


[ spin-thar-uh-skohp ]
/ spɪnˈθær əˌskoʊp /


an instrument that detects ionizing radiation by picking up sparks of light from alpha particles.

Origin of spinthariscope

First recorded in 1900–1905; formed irregulary from Greek spintharí(s) (inflectional stem spintharíd- ) “spark” + -scope

OTHER WORDS FROM spinthariscope

spin·thar·i·scop·ic [spin-thar-uh-skop-ik], /spɪnˌθær əˈskɒp ɪk/, adjective

Words nearby spinthariscope

spinproof, spin quantum number, spin room, spin stabilization, spinster, spinthariscope, spin the bottle, spin the platter, spinto, spinule, spin vector
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020

Example sentences from the Web for spinthariscope

  • But the most striking way of showing the emanations is by the little contrivance I call a Spinthariscope.

    The Life Radiant|Lilian Whiting
  • A simple form of apparatus called the spinthariscope has been devised to show these scintillations.

    A Brief Account of Radio-activity|Francis Preston Venable
  • Sir William Crookes invented this radium light apparatus and called it a "spinthariscope," which is Greek for "spark-seer."

    Creative Chemistry|Edwin E. Slosson

British Dictionary definitions for spinthariscope

/ (spɪnˈθærɪˌskəʊp) /


a device for observing ionizing radiation, consisting of a tube with a magnifying lens at one end and a phosphorescent screen at the other. A particle hitting the screen produces a scintillation

Word Origin for spinthariscope

C20: from Greek spintharis a little spark + -scope
Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012




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