Like Kelley, Gatt, and Crowe, the trajectory of Cheryl Jackson's life has been shifted by Oprah's influence.
Oprah's Super Sad Superfans|Tricia Romano|May 24, 2011|DAILY BEAST
Gatt met her idol once when she was in the audience, but she was flummoxed and unable to speak.
Oprah's Super Sad Superfans|Tricia Romano|May 24, 2011|DAILY BEAST
Your Gatt must've kicked out back there in the snow; I see it was gone.
Bulldog Carney|W. A. Fraser
The Lady Erskin, (a sweatt morsall for the devillis mouth,) gatt the Bischoppis for hir part.
The Works of John Knox, Volume 2 (of 6)|John Knox
The Devill keapt fast the grippe that he gatt, yea, evin all the dayis of his governement.
The Works of John Knox, Vol. 1 (of 6)|John Knox
And so gatt the Devill fredome agane, whair that befoir he durst nott have bene sene in the day lyght upoun the commoun streatis.
The Works of John Knox, Volume 2 (of 6)|John Knox
But Ionas gatt him vnder the hatches & layed him downe and slombrede.
The prophete Ionas with an introduccion|William Tyndale
British Dictionary definitions for GATT
/ (ɡæt) /
n acronym for
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade: a multilateral international treaty signed in 1947 to promote trade, esp by means of the reduction and elimination of tariffs and import quotas; replaced in 1995 by the World Trade Organization