

单词 gastrocnemius


[ gas-trok-nee-mee-uhs, gas-truh-nee- ]
/ ˌgæs trɒkˈni mi əs, ˌgæs trəˈni- /

noun, plural gas·troc·ne·mi·i [gas-trok-nee-mee-ahy, gas-truh-nee-]. /ˌgæs trɒkˈni miˌaɪ, ˌgæs trəˈni-/. Anatomy.

the largest muscle in the calf of the leg, the action of which extends the foot, raises the heel, and assists in bending the knee.

Origin of gastrocnemius

1670–80; <New Latin <Greek gastroknēm(ía) calf of the leg + Latin -ius noun suffix

OTHER WORDS FROM gastrocnemius

gas·troc·ne·mi·al, gas·troc·ne·mi·an, adjective

Words nearby gastrocnemius

gastritis cystica polyposa, gastro-, gastroanastomosis, gastrocardiac, gastrocele, gastrocnemius, gastrocoel, gastrocolic, gastrocolic omentum, gastrocolic reflex, gastrocolitis
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020

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Medical definitions for gastrocnemius

[ găs′trŏk-nēmē-əs, găs′trə- ]

n. pl. gas•troc•ne•mi•i (-mē-ī′)

A muscle with its origin from the lateral and medial condyles of the femur, with insertion with the soleus muscle by the Achilles tendon into the lower half of the posterior surface of the calcaneus, with nerve supply from the tibial nerve, and whose action causes plantar flexion of the foot.
The American Heritage® Stedman's Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company.




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