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The company has been working on a lot of this stuff already and clearly saw an opportunity to capitalize on it in mask form.
LG is releasing a ‘wearable air purifier’|Brian Heater|August 27, 2020|TechCrunch
Inspired by the rapid development of AI tools like AlphaZero — the DeepMind program that can defeat humans at chess, Go and shogi — Szegedy’s group wants to capitalize on recent advances in language recognition to write proofs.
How Close Are Computers to Automating Mathematical Reasoning?|Stephen Ornes|August 27, 2020|Quanta Magazine
While the social network remains focused on keeping its ad revenue intact as the crisis unfolds, it is also trying to capitalize on the surge in online shopping that’s currently taking place in the midst of it.
As online shopping intensifies, e-commerce marketers are becoming increasingly reliant on Facebook’s ads|Seb Joseph|August 25, 2020|Digiday
Both countries are in deep recessions and had to try to balance the need to keep people safe with the desire to try and capitalize on a lucrative summer season.
Europe is at a turning point as COVID cases spike, and fragile governments feel the heat|Bernhard Warner|August 20, 2020|Fortune
Even though almost everybody in the league was a person whose whole life and job was to observe cultural trends and capitalize on them.
The Economics of Sports Gambling (Ep. 388 Rebroadcast)|Stephen J. Dubner|August 20, 2020|Freakonomics
Someone was sure to capitalize on the Ebola panic, and Dr. Joseph Alton is that guy.
The Sham, Scaremongering Guide to Ebola|Abby Haglage|November 20, 2014|DAILY BEAST
With the CPRIT investigation ongoing, Lehmberg got into trouble of her own - and it seemed Perry was trying to capitalize on it.
Rick Perry’s Plan to Defang State Watchdog Unit|Olivia Nuzzi|August 23, 2014|DAILY BEAST
She only likes signing controversial clients, and relishes being able to capitalize on a scandal.
Meet the PR Guru for the ‘Hot Convict,’ the Octomom, and Every Other D-List Trainwreck|Erin Cunningham|July 17, 2014|DAILY BEAST
“My job was to assess their fear and then harp on that fear, capitalize on that fear and get them to buy,” said Maddox, 33.
‘Degree Mills’ Are Exploiting Veterans and Making Millions Off the GI Bill|Aaron Glantz|June 28, 2014|DAILY BEAST
But in order to succeed, the band of ministerial mavericks needs to capitalize on their momentum.
Argentina’s Drag & Drop Democracy|Jeff Campagna|March 12, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Rare, picturesque, with great dramatic possibilities and easy to capitalize.
H. R.|Edwin Lefevre
Thou wilt say to the purchaser that it is thy wish to capitalize the whole property, or something of that sort.
Children of the Soil|Henryk Sienkiewicz
He refused to capitalize his fame, his achievements that were crowded into a few months in the army of his country.
Sergeant York And His People|Sam Cowan
The owners of cherished cars were canny enough to realize that to capitalize the accident meant jeopardy to their privileges.
Marjorie Dean, College Sophomore|Pauline Lester
He must capitalize that splendid urbanity, that jocose wit, into ticket-sales.
The Modern Railroad|Edward Hungerford
British Dictionary definitions for capitalize
/ (ˈkæpɪtəˌlaɪz) /
verb(mainly tr)
(intr foll by on) to take advantage (of); profit (by)
to write or print (text) in capital letters or with the first letter of (a word or words) in capital letters
to convert (debt or retained earnings) into capital stock
to authorize (a business enterprise) to issue a specified amount of capital stock
to provide with capital
accountingto treat (expenditures) as assets
to estimate the present value of (a periodical income)
to compute the present value of (a business) from actual or potential earnings