But her eyes spoke in reality to the young man; who walked slowly behind her, admiring the poise of her gait.
Eastern Shame Girl|Charles Georges Souli
As a consequence, some atrophy of the muscles of the leg occurred, and a halt became habitual in the gait.
Psychotherapy|James J. Walsh
Why should we be elated that we can recognize a bluebird by his flight, and ashamed of knowing our neighbor's old bay by his gait?
The Jonathan Papers|Elisabeth Woodbridge Morris
Heavy of gait, stolid of mien, and of indomitable courage, the true Wessex man is a staunch friend and a very mild enemy.
Thomas Hardy's Dorset|Robert Thurston Hopkins
British Dictionary definitions for gait
/ (ɡeɪt) /
manner of walking or running; bearing
(used esp of horses and dogs) the pattern of footsteps at various speeds, as the walk, trot, canter, etc, each pattern being distinguished by a particular rhythm and footfall