I asked Child whether he felt a bond with me, based on the picture for my debut novel, The Year of the Gadfly.
A Picture Says It All Or Does It? Judging an Author by Their Photo|Jennifer Miller|December 10, 2013|DAILY BEAST
But when I said that Gadfly included vicious bullying and teen suicide, he changed tack.
A Picture Says It All Or Does It? Judging an Author by Their Photo|Jennifer Miller|December 10, 2013|DAILY BEAST
If one goes by the gadfly nature of the Internet cycle these days, the Wells-Fieri fight will likely be brief.
Guy Fieri Battles Scathing New York Times Review by Pete Wells|Katie Baker|November 16, 2012|DAILY BEAST
Her debut novel, The Year of the Gadfly, will be published by Houghton-Mifflin Harcourt in May.
Great Weekend Reads: 4 New Novels, November 13, 2011|Susan Salter Reynolds, Christopher Byrd, John Wilwol, Jennifer Miller|November 13, 2011|DAILY BEAST
The lantern of the night-watchman appeared at the other end of the street, and the Gadfly turned down a narrow, crooked alley.
The Gadfly|E. L. Voynich
It was an impassioned defence of Montanelli against the Gadfly's slanderous imputations.
The Gadfly|E. L. Voynich
"Your E-eminence was always f-f-famous for truthfulness," the Gadfly put in bitterly.
The Gadfly|E. L. Voynich
The Gadfly rose and walked slowly to the other end of the terrace.
The Gadfly|E. L. Voynich
The Gadfly disclaimed all knowledge of the state of feeling in Pisa, explaining that he had been there "only on a holiday."
The Gadfly|E. L. Voynich
British Dictionary definitions for gadfly
/ (ˈɡædˌflaɪ) /
any of various large dipterous flies, esp the horsefly, that annoy livestock by sucking their blood