In particular, the treaty stipulates that outer space isn’t subject to “national appropriation by claim of sovereignty, by means of use or occupation, or by any other means.”
NASA wants to buy moon rocks from anyone who can fund their own space trip|Verne Kopytoff|September 10, 2020|Fortune
The goal is to achieve “technological sovereignty” so Argentina won’t have to watch from afar as others vaccinate their way out of the pandemic.
These countries aren’t waiting for a U.S., China, or U.K. COVID vaccine|Claire Zillman, reporter|August 26, 2020|Fortune
China has been joined by Russia, Iran, and other autocratic regimes in promoting cyber sovereignty—the idea that countries should set their own rules on how their citizens use the internet.
Covid-19 and the geopolitics of American decline|Katie McLean|August 19, 2020|MIT Technology Review
It’s establishing cyber sovereignty and claiming to protect user data in the US by using political action and legal means to fend off competition.
The human cost of a WeChat ban: severing a hundred million ties|Karen Hao|August 13, 2020|MIT Technology Review
The dominant and controversial narrative is that the clause could see Nigeria sign away its sovereignty in the event of a payment default.
Misinformation and politics are fueling fears of a Chinese debt trap in Nigeria|Yomi Kazeem|August 10, 2020|Quartz
“Sovereignty, I argued, cannot be conceived as the right to kill millions of innocent people,” Lemkin wrote in his notebooks.
The Man Who Invented the Word ‘Genocide’|Nina Strochlic|November 19, 2014|DAILY BEAST
It is now a so called Crown Dependency, meaning it falls under the sovereignty of the British Crown, but is not part of the U.K.
The Crazy Medieval Island of Sark|Liza Foreman|October 4, 2014|DAILY BEAST
The tagline for the Museum is “Paz, Memoria, y Sobernía”: Peace, Memory and Sovereignty.
The Never-Ending Falklands War: In Buenos Aires, A Museum's Selective History|Michael Luongo|August 30, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Despite competing claims made by the British government and nearby Antigua, the rock island maintained its sovereignty.
So You Want to Rule a Kingdom? A Wacky History of One-Man Nations|Nina Strochlic|July 17, 2014|DAILY BEAST
The framers in 1787 were wary of sovereignty, and tried to divide, distance, check and balance its exercise.
One U.S. Constitution Just Wasn’t Enough|Tom Arnold-Forster|July 4, 2014|DAILY BEAST
For these and other reasons, your petitioners pray that Congress will establish its sovereignty over said Territory.
A History of Oregon, 1792-1849|William Henry Gray
The remedy does not consist in the lessening or weakening of sovereignty by individual states.
Under Four Administrations|Oscar S. Straus
The first argument in this pamphlet is founded on the sovereignty of the powers of Congress.
Abridgement of the Debates of Congress, from 1789 to 1856 (4 of 16 vol.)|Various
The right to exclude any or all classes of aliens is an attribute of sovereignty.
Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents|Grover Cleveland
He recognised the sovereignty of Cambyses, and sent that sum of money as the first proof of his submission.
The History of Antiquity|Max Duncker
British Dictionary definitions for sovereignty
/ (ˈsɒvrəntɪ) /
supreme and unrestricted power, as of a state
the position, dominion, or authority of a sovereign
A nation or state's supreme power within its borders. A government might respond, for example, to criticism from foreign governments of its treatment of its own citizens by citing its rights of sovereignty.