In the beach resorts outside the city, such as Sousse, there is more nightlife, for women as well.
Tunisia’s Dark Turn|Jamie Dettmer|March 17, 2013|DAILY BEAST
The line from Sousse to Kairouan is still open to regular traffic.
Scientific American Supplement, No. 446, July 19, 1884|Various
Monastir is a near neighbour of Sousse, twenty odd kilometres away, over as fine a roadway as one may see anywhere.
In the Land of Mosques & Minarets|Francis Miltoun
Sousse and Sfax are populous, busy maritime cities, largely Europeanized, but still retaining an imprint quite their own.
In the Land of Mosques & Minarets|Francis Miltoun
Sousse is an artists paradise, and its hotels are excellent,—if one cares for sea food and eternal mutton and lamb.
In the Land of Mosques & Minarets|Francis Miltoun
South again from Nabeul, by road or rail, for the railroad still continues another hundred kilometres, and one is at Sousse.
In the Land of Mosques & Minarets|Francis Miltoun
/ (suːs) /
a port in E Tunisia, on the Mediterranean: founded by the Phoenicians in the 9th century bc. Pop: 191 000 (2005 est)Ancient name: Hadrumetum (ˌhædrəˈmiːtəm)