Instead of fulfilling our shared mission to protect our communities, they would rather play politics with the law by enacting so-called Sanctuary City policies to the detriment of our country’s safety.
Sacramento Report: Sanctuary, Private Prisons Laws Back in the Spotlight|Maya Srikrishnan|October 9, 2020|Voice of San Diego
A world in which the vast majority of people wake up every single morning, inspired, feel safe wherever they are and end the day fulfilled by the work that they do.
Simon Sinek Says: Go Forth and Be Fantastic!|Eugene Robinson|October 9, 2020|Ozy
Despite various constraints, some “choose” to stay and fulfil the marriage as a survival strategy.
Three Women: Stories Of Indian Trafficked Brides|LGBTQ-Editor|October 5, 2020|No Straight News
Foraging, fishing, trapping, and hunting can be fulfilling activities, and give you a full belly if you’re lucky.
The 10-step guide to survival in an emergency|By Tim MacWelch/Outdoor Life|September 29, 2020|Popular Science
The fearsome trio of Embiid, Simmons and Butler ended without them playing a full season together, let alone fulfilling the championship potential Brand had envisioned just six months prior.
Can The Sixers Find A Way To Win It All With Embiid And Simmons?|James L. Jackson|September 28, 2020|FiveThirtyEight
De Blasio, meanwhile, is looking to fulfil his campaign promise.
De Blasio Whipped by Horse Lobby|Josh Robin|March 8, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Each has their individual mission, and each one seeks to fulfil it on a micro level.
What Peter Beinart Gets Wrong About Chabad|David Werdiger|July 1, 2013|DAILY BEAST
There were plenty who tried to fulfil the terms which the king proposed.
The Violet Fairy Book|Various
This plan seemed to the wild crusaders alike profitable, easy to fulfil, and pleasing to God.
History of the Jews, Vol. III (of 6)|Heinrich Graetz
Anna immediately went over to the child, to try and persuade her to fulfil her duty.
The Catholic World; Volume I, Issues 1-6|E. Rameur
In accordance with the usual custom of your Club I will explain how I have been able to fulfil my appointed duty.
The Burglars' Club|Henry A. Hering
If skilled massage cannot be obtained, gentle rubbing of the limb will fulfil the same useful purpose.
Nervous Breakdowns and How to Avoid Them|Charles David Musgrove
British Dictionary definitions for fulfil
/ (fʊlˈfɪl) /
verb-filsorUS-fills, -fillingor-filled(tr)
to bring about the completion or achievement of (a desire, promise, etc)
to carry out or execute (a request, etc)
to conform with or satisfy (regulations, demands, etc)
to finish or reach the end ofhe fulfilled his prison sentence
fulfil oneselfto achieve one's potential or desires